After the little episode just now, a group of people have also arrived on Barati.

Opening the door, walking inside, seeing those people eating, Usopp couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"So amazing."

Even Zoro, who had no idea about these, couldn't help but nod his head.

Indeed, this sea restaurant is many times larger than their Merry, and the layout inside is also very unique.

The most important thing is that this is the world of pirates. The sea is full of dangers. If you don't pay attention, you will be buried in the sea. Therefore, unless it is necessary, many people are actually unwilling to go out to sea.

But even so, the seats here are basically full. It can be imagined that this sea restaurant is still very attractive.

"Welcome to the sea restaurant, guests, what would you like to eat."

As soon as he entered the door, someone came up to serve him.

Lin Lai picked up the menu and looked at it. He couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Wow, it's really expensive.

Nami was a little surprised by Lin Lai's reaction. She also picked up the menu and looked at it. The next moment, the same expression appeared on her face.

Good guy, the same dishes as outside, but the price here is more than twice as expensive.

I have to pay for two dishes for one dish, isn't this bullying an honest person?

There is not much money on the ship, and there is Luffy who shouts for meat every day, and there is Zoro who shouts for wine every day.

"Hiss~ It's a bit difficult."

Nami looked at the menu with entanglement, and then looked at Luffy who was staring at the menu and drooling, and finally reluctantly ordered a few of the cheapest dishes.

At this time, Bufendi, who was soaked all over, also came in, and next to him, there was a blonde woman who was also soaked.

Thinking back to the scene just now, Bufendi looked terrified, but fortunately he was lucky, and he suddenly fell down when the sword energy flew over and saved his life.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he would have sunk to the bottom of the sea with the warship.

Thinking of this, Bufendi couldn't help but feel scared. How could such a powerful person appear in the East China Sea? Shouldn't a person with his strength appear on the Grand Line?

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of the terrifying figure again from the corner of his eyes. He shuddered and quickly found a corner to sit down while the other party didn't notice him.

In fact, Lin Lai had already noticed him, but he didn't take it to heart.

Instead of paying attention to him, it's better to pay attention to the woman next to him.

"Well, wet temptation, it seems pretty good."

Lin Lai touched his chin and affirmed the other party's figure.

"Que Shi is not bad, sir, you really have a good eye."

A voice next to him nodded in agreement, and the words sounded like he had found a soulmate.

Lin Lai turned and looked at the person next to him. He had noticed when the other party just approached. This person was Sanji.

Sanji saw Lin Lai's gaze, bowed slightly, and introduced himself like a gentleman.

"Hello, guest. My name is Sanji, and I'm the sous chef of this restaurant."

"Oh, young man, you have a bright future. You have such a good vision at such a young age."

Lin Lai gave a thumbs up.

"Hahaha, no, no, your vision is much worse than yours."

Sanji came here because he saw Nami, but he didn't expect to meet such an insightful fellow chef as soon as he came.

The two of them talked about business, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became, and they wanted to become sworn brothers on the spot.

At this moment, suddenly, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and a navy soldier covered in seawater hurried in and spoke loudly to Buffendi on the side.

"Captain, it's bad, the pirate we caught ran away because of the reason just now."

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind him, and just as he finished speaking, he shot the navy soldier with a shot.

"That's Ajin! The captain of the battle under the Creek Pirates."

"Oh my god, didn't the Creek Pirates go to the Grand Line? How come they are here?"

Everyone in the restaurant was in a panic. After all, a person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

The Creek Pirates are also known as the largest pirate group in the East China Sea. Its captain, Creek, is a pirate with a bounty of 10 million, and he has a large number of pirate members under his command.

He is also very treacherous and cruel. How can he not be afraid when he suddenly sees the captain of his battle?

Ajin staggered to the dining table and sat down. He looked very hungry. He picked up a gun and threatened a chef next to him, saying that he wanted to eat a free meal.

Then, the chef who was pointed at by the gun was immediately unhappy. He raised his hand and fired a million-ton bullet.A heavy punch knocked Jin to the ground.

Then there was another round of trampling attacks, instantly completing a single kill, giving the diners in the restaurant a full sense of security while throwing Jin out of the door, hiding his merits and fame.

The restaurant on the sea pretended to be cool, and the users enjoyed the food, so a world where only Jin was injured appeared.

However, what no one noticed was that Sanji, who was just bragging about business, walked back to the kitchen, brought out a plate of fried rice and walked out the door.

Jin fell outside the door and curled up his body, when suddenly, a plate of fried rice appeared in front of him.

He looked at Sanji. Isn't this the chef inside? Why would he help him?

But at this moment, he was so hungry that he didn't think about anything else. He just grabbed the bowl and stuffed rice into his mouth.

After finishing the meal, Jin seemed to be alive. He first thanked him, and then asked his doubts.


Sanji just took a puff of cigarette, exhaled slowly, and then spoke.

"Although I don't know what you've been through, as long as someone is hungry, I will cook for him and keep him alive. This is also my principle."

Some of his previous experiences made him not want to see anyone hungry again. He had deeply imprinted that feeling in his mind.

Just when Jin was moved and wanted to repay him with his body, a man suddenly appeared above their heads.

"Hey, Sanji, join my pirate group."

Luffy's head just popped out and he said something that surprised the two of them.

The reason was that he saw the scene just now, and he immediately felt that Sanji was a good person and could get along with him.

Sanji was just stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses, rejected Luffy, and said that he had reasons to stay here.

Luffy nodded.

"Oh, then when are you going to get on the ship? I'm still waiting for you to go to the Grand Line with us."

Sanji looked at Luffy in shock. What's wrong with this guy? Didn't he just say the word "reject"?

But Akin, who was standing next to him, had a face full of fear. After hearing the words "Grand Line", he seemed to have heard the most terrifying thing in the world.

After looking at Luffy, he kindly gave him some advice, but how could this shake Luffy's faith?

Akin didn't care. He was just giving some advice out of emotion.

Afterwards, after taking a deep look at Sanji, Akin got on the boat, knelt down in front of Sanji, expressed his gratitude again, and left.

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