A few minutes later, everyone fell to the ground in darkness, and Zoro lay on the deck with tears in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything, and I didn't say anything."

This group of bastards, the captain is unreliable, the vice-captain is also infected by the captain, the sniper is a fool, the chef is still an LSP, and he is the only normal person in the whole ship. Can this pirate group be saved?

The answer is, there is no hope, wait for death, Zoro is already planning when to kill Luffy and support Lin Lai to take the position.

Although none of them are reliable, the vice-captain is still a little better in comparison.

At this time, Lin Lai quietly rolled back and forth to Zoro's side.

"Zoro, I suspect Nami is still angry, how about I treat you first, and then you go to resist Nami's anger, don't worry, my healing magic is awesome, and I can definitely keep you alive."

As he said, Lin Lai also raised his thumbs and showed a mouthful of white teeth.

The white fangs were extremely eye-catching against the dark body.

Zoro turned around expressionlessly and silently grabbed his Wado Ichimonji.

Tired, destroy it, just kill both captains and take the position yourself.

"Wait, Zoro, what are you going to do, calm down, I'm your vice-captain."

Lin Lai felt Zoro's murderous aura and his eyes turned.

"Zoro, look, Sanji is about to die."


As expected, when Zoro heard this, his attention was drawn back, and he raised his head again and looked at the simulation interface.

In the simulation, I don't know how many days have passed. After the Kaira crocodile, Sanji found a way to evolve the gourmet cells.

That is the legendary treasure of ancient ingredients, the crystal clear gem meat like a gem.

And Sanji also spent many days to find the trace of gem meat there.

That is, deep in the Ligaru Plateau, someone spread the news that there was traces of gem meat there, in the body of a Ligaru mammoth.

Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, Sanji decided to take a look for the best ingredients and to improve his own strength.

So, after a while, he arrived at his destination.

And here, it was also very dangerous, and there were dozens of capture levels everywhere.

Fortunately, he was quite strong, and he was safe all the way.

However, when he saw his target, an adult Ligaru mammoth, he became Spartan.

"My goodness, this is too exaggerated."

Sanji looked up, this is not an elephant, this is clearly a mountain.

From this point of view, the capture level is at least three digits.

It seems that forcing it won't work, so the question is, how to get into the body of this giant elephant?

Emmm, looking at the tail of the giant elephant, Sanji's thoughts flew and he suddenly shuddered.

He shook his head quickly, no, no, if he really had to do that, he would rather die.

Or break the skin and enter directly? Forget it, it is estimated that it will not be able to break the surface.

Just as he was thinking about how to get in, suddenly, the giant elephant began to eat, swinging out its long nose and sucking.

Whoosh whoosh!!

A storm came, and before Sanji could react, he was sucked into the giant elephant's mouth and swallowed into the stomach.

And what Lin Lai said was exactly this scene.

Sanji was so confused at the moment, what's the matter, I can't find a way to get in, so you just force me in, right? Are you so hospitable?

But thinking about it, he also knew his current situation, and hurriedly avoided the giant elephant's teeth chewing, and went directly into the body through its esophagus.

A burst of darkness covered Sanji, and when he saw the light again, he had fallen into a passage.

Moreover, at this time, an inexplicable attraction came from not far away, and the gourmet cells in his body were conveying a desire to him.

"Where is this place? And what is this attraction?"

Sanji scratched his head. Although he didn't understand what happened, he decided to follow his cells and move in the direction of the attraction.

Just like that, after a few minutes, Sanji looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked face and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Is this, gem meat? It really lives up to its reputation."

Although I have read the introduction of gem meat a long time ago, it is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.

At the moment of seeing the gem meat, the desire of the gourmet cells in his body became stronger.

And the result was that Sanji became hungry instantly.

Without thinking too much, he took out the table knife and cut off a piece directly without any treatment.He started to eat it with relish.

While eating, he shed tears of emotion. What is this? It's so delicious. It smells so good.

After eating a large piece of gem meat, Sanji burped with satisfaction. However, more than that, his body was also undergoing inexplicable changes.

The gourmet cells were cheering, jumping for joy, and sending a joyful emotion to him.

The next moment, Sanji's aura surged involuntarily, and a strong energy gathered behind him, forming an orange-red ghost phantom that seemed to be wrapped in flames.

"This feeling."

Sanji clenched his fists, feeling the power that was more than twice as strong as before, and was happy in his heart.

In addition to the awakened demon, if this was against his previous self, it would probably be able to knock out his previous self with one move.

Sanji was happy. When the simulation was over, he would definitely be famous.

By then, there would definitely be a lot of beauties chasing him for autographs.

Hahaha, where should I sign, on my chest? Or...

Alas, my damn charm that has nowhere to go.

At this moment, when he was most relaxed, a cold light suddenly hit him.

Sanji was shocked, damn, you old fool, he just wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Looking at the blade that had arrived in front of him, Sanji's expression became fierce, gritted his teeth, and stretched out his right arm directly to block the blade.

Then the shadow of the demon appeared behind him, with flames on his feet, and kicked the old bastard heavily.

With a click, the sharpness of the blade exceeded Sanji's imagination, and his right arm was cut off in an instant, and it continued to slash towards his abdomen.

Without time to think about it, Sanji's right foot had already kicked the enemy.


In an instant, a violent explosion came, shaking the distance between the two a little.

"Huff, huff~"

Sanji was breathing heavily, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead. It was because of the pain.

It was a close call. He was just a little bit away from being cut in half.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and used the recoil of the kick to pull away a little, he would probably be dead now.

PS: Yesterday's

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