Great Voyage: Invincible Starting From The Fruit Of Words

Chapter 21 The Horror Of The Marine Executives

Of course, the most angry one is Dauberman's direct subordinate Admiral, Akainu!

When the news of Dauberman's death came back, Akainu almost came back from the New World.

In the end, it was Sengoku who came forward and suppressed him.

Soon, Kizaru came to the meeting room.

The conference room was already full of Marine executives, and when they saw Kizaru coming in, several people showed a strange look.

Especially Marshal Sengoku and Grand Staff Crane Vice Admiral.

"Oh~, the old man is late, I'm really sorry."

Kizaru smiled wretchedly, walked to his seat and sat down.

"Okay, everyone is here, the meeting officially begins."

Marshal Sengoku looked around and threw a stack of documents on the conference table.

At the same time, the adjutant behind him turned on the projection screen, and a picture of a young man appeared on the screen.

"I called you here this time because of the death of Dauberman Vice Admiral."

"The intelligence agency has found out that the murderer of Dauberman Vice Admiral is this person!"

Many Marine executives in the meeting room looked at the projection screen.

A few people also picked up the documents to check.

"This person's name is Lucifer, he is 23 years old, and he was born in the first half of the Grand Line."

"We have investigated his life clearly. He is nothing special, just an ordinary person."

"But not long ago, he suddenly emerged and suddenly possessed extremely powerful strength."

"We guess that he should have obtained the power of Devil Fruit!"

Only Devil Fruit can make an ordinary person become stronger quickly, which is not difficult to guess.

"What are his abilities?"

A Marine Vice Admiral asked a question.

"What fruit can make him so strong? In less than half a month, he can defeat Dauberman Vice Admiral and kill thousands of Marine soldiers?"

The power of Devil Fruit is very clear to everyone here, although it is terrifying, it is not so exaggerated.

They are all high-level marines, experienced in hundreds of battles, and have dealt with more than a hundred capable people.

Be confident that you can calmly face anyone with any ability.

I have never heard of any fruit that can make an ordinary person suddenly become so strong.

Devil Fruit needs to be developed.

Even if it is Logia, which can make people stronger quickly, it is impossible for an ordinary person to surpass Marine Vice Admiral overnight.

You know, Dauberman is Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral, Grandmaster two-color Haki.

Even if you meet someone with Logia ability, you won't lose easily, let alone be killed.

"That's the point of today's meeting."

Marshal Sengoku waved, and the adjutant immediately put on a new photo.

And when the new photos appeared, a series of exclamations suddenly sounded in the meeting room.

" is this possible?"

"Am I dazzled?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Many Marine executives looked at the photos on the screen, all stunned and unbelievable.

Even Admiral Aokiji's pupils widened, "Hey, hey, this is a big joke!"

At this moment, Kizaru finally understood why Sengoku and Tsuru Vice Admiral looked at him so strangely when he entered the conference room before.

"Hmm, this is really scary!"

Kizaru showed a wretched look, but a hint of shock flashed deep in his eyes.

What appeared in front of everyone was a photo of Lucifer using flash power.

Countless flashing flying swords poured down and shot at the three warships in the sea.

The Marine executives present at the scene are all familiar with this scene, and they are also familiar with this trick.

Because it is 90% similar to Admiral Kizaru's special skill Bachi Qiong Gouyu!

It can be said that except for the shape of the light, everything else is the same.

"Are you kidding? There is only one Sparkling fruit!"

"There's no way anyone else has access to the Flash."

Many Marine executives looked at Kizaru at the same time, full of doubts.

If it wasn't for the accurate photo of Lucifer's face, they would have suspected that the murderer was Kizaru himself.

"Everyone, don't look at the old man with such dangerous eyes, the old man has nothing to do with this person."

Kizaru raised the corner of his mouth and said with a lewd expression.

At this time, Marshal Sengoku spoke.

"Marine has confirmed that Lucifer is using the flash power, which is almost as powerful as Kizaru."

"However, this is not the only power Lucifer can use."

Then, the photo on the screen changed again.

3 photos appeared.

Above are the pictures of Lucifer using flying sword, sharp blade storm, and wind blade to kill all directions.

It can be judged by just looking at the photos that the power of each move is terrifying.

(There is a legend in Grand Line that newspaper reporters are the strongest spies. Even the CP organization cannot match them. No matter how secret the photos are, they can take them.)

"At present, we are still unable to determine what kind of fruit ability user Lucifer is. It should be a new fruit."

"But from these photos, we can see that Lucifer has a lot of power at his disposal."

"He can control metal, wind, and flash. These are very powerful abilities, but at this moment they are gathered on one person."

"I have to say, he's a very strong threat!"

"If it is not eradicated as soon as possible, it will definitely become a serious problem for Marine in the future."

After Sengoku finished speaking, there was a dead silence in the conference room.

Many Marine executives all looked serious, and a dangerous murderous aura permeated the conference room.

Although the information currently available is not complete, the danger of Lucifer has been revealed.

The opinions of many Marine executives unanimously reached an agreement, Lucifer must be eradicated as soon as possible!


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