Great Voyage: Invincible Starting From The Fruit Of Words

Chapter 76 The New Move Explodes, Meteor Volcano! (Please Subscribe, The First Update)

If the ordinary pirates were rushing to run wild in Doflamingo's territory, Heavenly Yaksha would have sent someone to deal with him long ago.

It's a pity that it was the Nether Pirates who caused the commotion this time.

Facing the monster Lucifer, Doflamingo could only bear with it.

What can I do? I am also desperate!

So Doflamingo simply hung up the phone bug, neither listening nor disturbed.

It's just a slave auction house, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

Doflamingo far away in the New World is planning a big operation, as long as this operation succeeds, he can take revenge on Lucifer completely!

When it was late at night, Lucifer was sitting in the cabin of the Erebus.

There are seven Devil Fruits on the table in front of you.

These Devil Fruits are cut fruit, cheetah fruit, door door fruit, saber-toothed tiger fruit, electric eel fruit, Uzumaki fruit, and transparent fruit.

"System, recover cheetah fruit, electric eel fruit and Uzumaki fruit."

"Ding, the cheetah fruit, electric eel fruit and Uzumaki fruit were recovered successfully, and 70,000 killing points were obtained."

After getting this kill point, Lucifer's total kill point rose to 227000.

"Enough is enough."

Lucifer opens the system store and finds Conqueror's Haki there.

"System, buy Peak Conqueror's Haki."

"Ding, Peak Conqueror's Haki was purchased successfully, 200,000 kill points were deducted, and the remaining kill points were 2,700,010.

The electronic sound fell, and an extremely powerful force appeared in Lucifer's body, instantly filling his whole body.

Lucifer stared, and burst out Conqueror's Haki involuntarily.

Haki set off a strong wind and waves, rushed out of the cabin, and roared away in all directions.

In Baby5's room, baby5 was shrouded in Conqueror's shock, felt his brain go blank for a moment, and then completely lost consciousness.

At the same time, Cavendish also lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Only Enel was still barely awake, but he tried his best to barely resist.

The huge pressure brought by that momentum was like a mountain on his back, Enel bent down involuntarily, sweat rolling out.

"Hey hey, what happened?"

"What the hell is the captain doing?"

Enel naturally knew that the center of the explosive force was Lucifer's room, but he couldn't figure out what kind of power it was.

"Could it be the power of the Word Spirit Fruit again? Or Conqueror's Haki?"

Enel could only think of two possibilities.


An invisible air wave erupted, and the sea water around the Nether was stirred up by waves.

With a sound explosion, the air wave finally disappeared.

Inside the room, Lucifer retracts the Conqueror's Haki, and calm is restored again.

Just now was Conqueror's Haki's aura that was inadvertently leaked when he reached the pinnacle level.

Now, Lucifer has complete control over this power zone.

Conqueror's Haki at the peak level can only be controlled by a true overlord with both mind, skill and body.

In this state, it can be said that Conqueror's Haki is in a state of activation at any time.

Just by raising the momentum, Haki can get all-round divergence.

When Haki erupts, it can cause substantial damage to objects, and when it passes by, it can even make a battle-hardened warrior fall to the ground!

Today's Cavendish is pretty good, but he couldn't withstand the impact of Lucifer's Haki, and he lost consciousness directly.

The pinnacle Conqueror's Haki can directly destroy the opponent with coercion!

"That's right, working hard to accumulate killing points has finally paid off."

Lucifer looked at the system properties panel.

Properties panel:

Host: Lucifer

Age: 23

Devil Fruit: Word Spirit Fruit

Physique: hell devil

Armament Haki: Pinnacle

Observation Haki: Advanced

Conqueror's Haki: Pinnacle

Kill Points: 27000

"But it's time to earn small goals again."

After consumption, Lucifer only has 27,000 killing points left, and his wallet is empty.

"Time to go to the next hunting ground."

Lucifer stepped out of the cabin and looked at the Red Line in the distance, with a glint of anticipation deep in his pupils.

Lucifer and others stayed in the Sabaody Archipelago for seven days to replenish the nautical supplies and also to rest.

While a sailing adventure is fun, it also requires a break.

Before entering the New World, you must nourish your energy and maintain your road condition at its peak.

At the same time, during these seven days, Lucifer also hunted and killed a group of pirates with a bounty of less than 100 million on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Mosquitoes are small but they are also meat. Lucifer got a total of 53,000 killing points for hunting these pirates.

Lucifer raised the total number of killing points to 80,000, and finally set sail one night seven days later.

Under the control of Lucifer, Nether drove to the foot of the Red Line, then took off vertically, and slowly flew up to the Red Line that pierced into the sky.

Mastering the ability to fly means having strong mobility.

Lucifer doesn't need to venture into the New World from the bottom of the sea like other pirates.

Crossing the Red Line from the sky is the safest way.

Soon, the Nether flew onto the Red Line, which was tens of thousands of meters high.

Under the cover of night, only the outline of the Red Earth Continent can be seen.

In the darkness "there are ten small luminous dots that are particularly eye-catching.

There is the holy place of Mariejois.

"Captain Lucifer, is that Mariejois over there?"

Cavendish stood at the bow, looking curiously at the light spots in the distance.

"Legend has it that Celestial Dragons live in Mariejois, where the gods dwell."

"Unfortunately, I haven't even been there."

Although Baby5 is Doflamingo's subordinate, he has never been to the Holy Land.

There are very few pirates who have set foot in the holy land, and there are no more than 20 in total.

Of course, except for the pirates who were captured as slaves.


When God is mentioned, Enel becomes interested

"Are there gods in Qinghai?"

"Are they strong?"

"I really want to fight with them to see which god is stronger?"

Enel's body flashed with lightning, and he was eager to try.

"No, they can't beat you."

Lucifer shook his head.

"Celestial Dragons are not only not strong, but very weak, most Celestial Dragons are pitifully weak.

Lucifer shook his head.

"They are weaker than you imagined. For example, the weakest pirate soldiers who died in your hands, weakened by a hundred times, are almost the strength of Celestial Dragons.

"Hey, hey, can such a miscellaneous fish become the god of the world?"

Enel's eyes widened instantly.

Can such a guy become a god? Just kidding.

There are so many strong people in Qinghai, he knows it.

How could it not be the turn of these miscellaneous fish to be gods.

In Enel's view, as a god, the most basic thing is to have strong strength.

At the beginning of 983, he used his absolutely invincible strength to defeat the previous god of Sky Island, and only then did he grab the god position.

"It can only be said that Celestial Dragons have a few good ancestors."

"You can fight your father, your grandpa, your grandfather, your ancestors when you are born.

"Reincarnation is also a skill."

The Celestial Dragons are weak, omnipotent, and disgusting, but you can't deny their power and status.

Hands are stretched out for clothes, mouths are opened for food, and slaves are piled up. You don't have to do anything to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Everyone envies such a life, and everyone dreams of it.

Human nature is inherently evil. Although Celestial Dragons are the representatives of extremely evil human nature, there is no denying that they are the pursuit of countless human beings.

"Let's go first, I'll go to the Holy Land."

"Since you've come, of course you can't leave empty-handed.

After speaking, Lucifer waved his hand, and the Nether crossed the Red Line and fell towards the endless sea.

But he himself turned into a black shadow and flew towards the Holy Land Mariejois.

Soon, Lucifer was over Mariejois.

The Observation Haki was turned on, and countless breaths of despair poured into Lucifer's perception instantly.

At first glance, Mariejois looks magnificent and majestic, like a paradise on earth.

But in fact, here is the largest concentration of slaves in the world.

In the underground of the castles, countless slaves were imprisoned.

They were tortured day and night, howling miserably until they became numb and became like walking dead.

This is the "absolute justice" act of the self-proclaimed righteous world government.

I have to say that this is the greatest irony in the world.

"Better to die than to live, let me give you a ride!"

Lucifer flew into the sky and waved his hand, "Meteor Volcano!".

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