Great Voyage: Invincible Starting From The Fruit Of Words

Chapter 87 The Power Of Ancient Weapon Pluton! (Please Subscribe, The Fourth Update)

"Take refuge in you?"

Guy rolled his eyes and suddenly felt that this was not bad.

Although Lucifer is a rookie, his strength is terrifying, stronger than Marine Admiral, enough to protect him.

And now that Lucifer has rushed into the New World, he will soon establish his own huge power.

At that time, he, who is attached to this force, will naturally be able to get support and continue his own research.

Guysa's dream is very simple, he wants to surpass Vegapunk and become the world's number one scientist.

With Lucifer's protection, he has a great possibility to realize this dream.


Guy glanced at the scimitar on his neck, and the few people around who were staring at him, and swallowed again.

Although Lucifer invited him, he didn't give him the right to refuse at all.

If he dared to say no, he would be decapitated in the next second.

"Okay, I agree."

"I am willing to be your subordinate."

Guy nodded again and again.

"Sure enough, it's a pleasure to talk to smart people."

Lucifer waved his hand, and baby5 immediately removed the scimitar.

Guy breathed a sigh of relief, the killing intent that made his scalp numb finally subsided.

"Let's get to know each other, this is Marine's scientist, Guy Sa Courant."

Lucifer pointed to Guy and introduced his identity, "Don't look at him like this, he is a Logia Gas Fruit capable person, and his strength is not bad.

"Sure enough, he's also Logia!"

When he shot just now, Enel had already seen Caesar's ability.

"Hey, goat, do you want to have a fight and see which is stronger, lightning or gas?"

Thunder and lightning rose from Enel's body, full of fighting spirit.

" need, I admit defeat.

"Besides, I'm a scientist, not a combatant."

Guy's head is still hurting from being hit by Enel just now, how dare he fight him?

Although Guysa is a Logia capable user, his main focus is on scientific experiments.

Usually, he didn't pay attention to training his own strength. Once the fruit ability was restrained, or he faced the Armament Haki user, he would immediately be useless.

Guysa is the type who relies too much on Logia's abilities.

Let’s talk about Armed Color and Observation Haki, Guysa’s level is not very high, barely comparable to Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

But when he met the Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral of Grandmaster Armament Haki, Guy lost more than he won.

After entering the New World, Haki's power is the key.

Of course, when Guy meets Lucifer, things will change very quickly.

With Lucifer's devilish training, Guy's strength will soon be reborn.

And just like that, Lucifer gets another Logia crew.

The Nere continued on, heading for Dressrosa.

A week later, the Erebus entered the Dressrosa waters.

Dressrosa is a tropical island with a resort style, known as "the country of love, passion and toys".

There are a large number of mushroom rocks on the nearby coast, and the island is full of the fragrance of flowers and is famous all over the world for its delicacies.

Dressrosa's fame in the New World has been even greater since Doflamingo ruled the country.

Countless people come here to travel every year.

However, the beauty of Dressrosa is only on the surface, hidden under the beauty and passion is endless darkness.

Six years ago, Doflamingo took the country with his pirates.

From that day on, the darkness began, and Dressrosa gradually became a land of toys.

In fact, those toys are all changed by human beings.

Dressrosa is full of laughter and laughter every day, I don't know how many silent cries and despair are hidden.

"It's really wicked, as expected of Celestial Dragons."

Lucifer boarded Dressrosa, looked at the toys all over the street, and shook his head slightly.

This is exactly the same as what he saw in the holy place of Mariejois, and the scene in Dressrosa is a replica of Mariejois.

The same superficial beauty, deep filth and evil.


Suddenly, Lucifer frowned, and his eyes instantly locked on the direction of the distant palace.

Just now he felt a sense of spying, which was not the feeling of being probed by Observation Haki.

"Is it Violet?"

Lucifer quickly thought of the woman.

Violet was originally the princess of Dressrosa and the one with the ability of Paramecia.

She can see pictures from far away places, and she can also see through people's hearts.

Simply put, it is an enhanced version of clairvoyance.

Thinking about the feeling of spying just now, it was because she was spying in the dark.

"Captain, do you feel it too?"

Enel looked at Lucifer.

Among the crowd, only Enel's Observation Haki is comparable to Lucifer, and he also felt the spy just now.

"It's okay, it's just a small role, it doesn't matter."

"What matters is Doflamingo, as long as he doesn't run away."

So what if it's discovered "Lucifer didn't intend to hide his tracks in the first place.

It is so arrogant to open the door openly.

"Let's go, go directly to the palace!"

"Doflamingo should wait anxiously."

The moment you land on the island, Lucifer's Observation Haki has already covered the entire island.

In the depths of the palace, Lucifer sensed a very powerful aura, only slightly weaker than Marine Admiral.

Only Doflamingo can possess such strength.

In this way, Lucifer and others swaggered towards the high ground of the Dressrosa palace.

At the same time, Doflamingo, who was in the palace, also received the news that Lucifer had landed in Dressrosa.

"Damn bastard, did you really find him?"

In the palace, Doflamingo's expression was distorted with anger, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and blood could be seen surging.

When he squeezed hard, he crushed the phone bug in his hand into a pulp.

The life of a phone bug snail is indeed very dangerous.

"What now, Dover?"

"With our strength alone, we are no match for Lucifer."

Torrebol next to him had a runny nose and looked a little flustered.

The rest of the Donquixote Family all gathered in the palace, waiting for Doflamingo's order.

Is it a war? Or a retreat?

Pass my order, all the staff retreat from the underground port!"

Doflamingo finally gave the order to retreat.

He was very unwilling, very angry, but also very disrespectful.

Doflamingo is a hero and decisive.

He knew that he was no match for Lucifer.

Forcibly recklessly, can only die in vain.

It is better to retreat as soon as possible to preserve the vitality.

Although Dressrosa, which has been in business for many years, has been abandoned, as long as the person is still there, it is not over.

As long as they escape from birth, it won't be long before they can rebuild their power and make a comeback.

The underground port passage is connected to the palace, so the retreat route for Doflamingo and his party is very smooth.

After the order was issued, all the Donquixote Family fled towards the underground port immediately.

"Ah, I'm going to run away now? Isn't it too spineless?"

Lucifer who was advancing suddenly showed a playful smile.

His Observation Haki has been covering the palace, so he can naturally detect their escape.

"Let me come, it's time for them to experience the power of God!"

Enel twisted his neck, and the surface of his body flashed with lightning.

"No, let the maid do it."

Lucifer stopped Enel, looked at baby5 (good Zhao), "baby5, you can do it, use the new power I gave you."

"Leave it to me, Captain Lucifer."

Baby5 spit out the cigarette he was biting, and jumped to the roof of the tall building next to him.

She bent down, and her upper body softened into a huge cannon barrel, aiming at the palace in the distance.

There are many complex lines on the surface of the gun barrel. As the muzzle rotates, energy accumulates rapidly, and the muzzle emits a dazzling blue light.

"Pluton Cannon!"


Finally, after the energy accumulation was completed, a blue energy beam shot out from the muzzle, flew thousands of meters in an instant, and hit the distant palace.


There was a big explosion in the highland palace, and it instantly turned into a huge fireball.

The flames soared into the sky, directly forming a huge mushroom cloud.

The highland palace was crushed by a cannonball, and even the ground collapsed and sunken.

Wherever the energy beams went, rocks were melted into magma, and even steel was melted into molten iron.

The shock wave from the explosion swept across, and the storm spread across half of Dressrosa.

When the people on the island saw the explosion in the palace, they all fell into panic, screamed and ran away in all directions. .

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