Great Voyage: Invincible Starting From The Fruit Of Words

Chapter 99 Lucifer: Sacrifice Myself To Save The Lost Girl, I Am Too Great (Please Subscribe, The Fo

Properties panel:

Host: Lucifer

Age: 23

Devil Fruit: Word Spirit Fruit

Physique: hell devil

Armament Haki: Pinnacle

Observation Haki: Pinnacle

Conqueror's Haki: Domain

Kill Points: 0

A big consumption, Lucifer directly ran out of killing points.

Now, Lucifer's killing point has been completely emptied into.

"It's time to find BIGMOM."

Lucifer closed the property panel, looked at the tea party invitation letter in his hand, and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

There are many hunting grounds in the world, and the lair of the Four Emperors pirate group is one of the biggest hunting grounds.

Now that BIGMOM has given him the ticket, Lucifer will certainly not miss this opportunity.

Sakura Flower Island, a famous tourist attraction in the New World.

The climate of this island is very peculiar, and the four regions of the island are in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

On the four areas of Sakura Hanashima, four seasons Sakura flowers bloom all year round.

The name of Sakura Flower Island also comes from this.

"Ah!!! This island is really big."

The Nether was docked at the summer port of Sakura Flower Island. Cavendish stood on the bow and looked at the Sakura Flower Island ahead, and couldn't help sighing.

Lucifer and others are going to the Sea of ​​Nations to participate in the tea party, and this time they are docking at Sakura Flower Island to supply supplies.

"Sakura Flower Island is a famous scenic island in the New World. It is said that more than 300 million tourists come here every year!"

Jack stood aside, smoking a cigarette and said.

"Three billion people? Are there so many?"

Cavendish was taken aback, somewhat disbelieving.

"Who knows? No one will actually count anyway."

"Even if it's fake, no one will care!"

Jack spread his hands and said casually.

"makes sense.

In this way, the Nether docked at the port, and Lucifer brought Cavendish, Weibull, baby5 and Guy into the flower island town of Sakura.

Enel and Jack stayed on board to watch the ship.

Sakura Flower Island was indeed as lively as the rumors said, the streets and alleys in the town were full of people, very lively.

The shops and stalls on both sides of the street are doing very well.

The whole island is full of happiness, which is completely different from the islands Lucifer usually sees.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a peaceful island in New World. It's really rare."

It has been almost a year since Lucifer came to One Piece World. He has been to many countries and seen many islands.

But those places are all filled with poverty, despair, and numbness.

No matter how prosperous the country is, beggars and poor people can be seen in the towns under the rule.

Robbery, killing, and death fights are commonplace.

Lawbreakers headed by pirates ran amok in these countries and islands, burning, killing and looting.

The life of the residents is precarious and trembling.

Everything Lucifer sees and hears tells Lucifer how cruel the world really is.

But today when he landed on Sakura Flower Island, Lucifer saw a different island.

On this island, there are no beggars and poverty, nor violence and killing.

Some vicious pirates don't dare to be presumptuous here, they obediently pay for everything they buy, and they don't dare to eat Overlord's meal when they eat.

"Whose territory is this island? It has such a great deterrent power? It can suppress these pirates!"

Lucifer felt a little curious.

But soon, Lucifer's doubts were answered.

On the central tower of the shopping street, Lucifer saw a pirate flag fluttering in the wind, with the Whitebeard logo on it.

When the residents on the island saw the flag, they had heartfelt smiles of gratitude on their faces.

When the surrounding pirates and criminals saw this flag, they showed deep fear.

"No wonder Sakura Flower Island is so peaceful, it turns out that this is Whitebeard's territory!"

Whitebeard's deterrence is the best in the world, so naturally no one dares to act wildly on his territory.

However, an island ruled by pirates is safer and happier than an island guarded by Naval Headquarters. I have to say that this is really a big irony.

Under the rule of Marine, which symbolizes justice, pirates do all kinds of evil, and the residents suffer from poverty and disease, and are oppressed by Marine and Celestial Dragons.

Pirates, which symbolize evil, bring safety and happiness to civilians instead.

Who is justice? Who is evil?

Lucifer couldn't think of an answer, and no one could answer the question.

There are moths in the righteous Marine, and most of them are evil.

Justice and evil are intertwined and cannot be completely separated.

Maybe Doflamingo's answer is the best, only the winner is justice!

Lucifer led people to buy supplies in the shopping street. Sakura Flower Island is very large, rich in products, and the unique food makes people linger.

There is also a flower street, which is a holy place for many pirates.

"Captain, let's go shopping in Flower Street."

"Flower Street is very interesting, guaranteed to make you linger."


Guy looked at Huajie, his expression had changed to Brother Zhu's.

That look is so obscene "Lucifer wants to beat him up.

"What nonsense are you talking about? That's not you, captain, bastard!"

Baby5 was furious and kicked Guy to the ground.

Guy Savas immediately had a big bump on his head.

"Hey, what are you doing? Baby5."

"You, a woman, don't understand the romance of men at all!"

"What did you say? Well|Sevas?"

"Who is a lecherous gas, you hot-tempered woman, no man will want you.

Guysa and baby5 got into a quarrel.

Lucifer ignored the two of them.

He glanced at the flower street in front of him, and there were many smiling young ladies standing in front of the izakaya of every pink shop.

The ladies also noticed the existence of Lucifer, a handsome guy, and all winked at him.


"What's good? Captain?"

0 looking for flowers......

Cavendish asked quietly.

Lucifer said with a serious face: "I mean these beauties have very good hearts, they are all kind, and they are willing to give everything to comfort those travelers who are hurting their hearts.

"These beauties are so selfless and earn so little money, it's so unfair to them."


Cavendish stared at Lucifer with a pair of dead fish eyes, waiting for his next words.

"So I think it is necessary for me to save them once."

"Oh, it's so rare to see someone as kind, generous and self-sacrificing as I am."

After finishing speaking, Lucifer walked directly towards Flower Street, and at the same time there was a voice, "Guy Sarah, Cavendish, come with me to save the girls who have lost their way."

"They need our unselfish love!"

"Yes, Captain."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Cavendish and Guy quickly followed behind Lucifer, and the three of them walked towards the depths of Flower Street together.

"Captain, this is Flower Street, you..."


Baby5 turned pale with shock, as if he saw a ghost.

Is this the same demon captain she knew?

"Baby5, you don't understand, this is also the cultivation of sailing travel."

Lucifer turned his head and said to baby5 seriously: "In order to maintain a firm belief and hone the will, this kind of practice is essential."

"You take Weibull to buy supplies first, I won't be coming back tonight, I want to concentrate on cultivation."

After speaking, he took Cavendish and Guy directly into a pink izakaya.

Baby5 looked at the back of the three of Lucifer who disappeared, and was stunned, "I haven't recovered for a while.

Cultivation? Hone the will?

Is there such a practice method?

It's the first time I've heard of it.

As expected of the captain.

I'm so impressed...what the hell!

He obviously wanted to go shopping in Huajie, but he still talked about cultivation and tempering his will.

Too deceiving?

Baby5 feels that today's Lucifer is different from usual, it is completely two people as usual.

This is not the resolute and decisive bloodthirsty demon she knew.

"baby5[What is Captain Lucifer going to do? Why don't you take me?"

Weibble asked with a runny nose.

He's out of his mind, he can't understand what Lucifer said just now, and he can't understand his behavior.

He only felt that Captain Lucifer's behavior was very meaningful and hidden, and it was worth his experience and learning.

"You don't need to know, and don't learn from the three of them."

"Men are all the same."

Baby5 cursed a few words, and left Huajie with Weibull.

Although dissatisfied that the three of Lucifer left them to have fun on their own, baby5 still has to follow Lucifer's order to buy supplies.

The position of the fighting maid, baby5 is very clear.

Entering the izakaya, countless young ladies immediately surrounded me.

Looking at Lucifer and Cavendish, there are little love spoons in their eyes. .

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