The return of Zorin, warmly welcomed by the entire population of the Capez franc.

Zhuo Lin also did not have a high shelf, happily greeted everyone, and saw that acquaintances were still shaking hands cordially or shushing and asking for warmth, which made everyone excited and moved.

And after knowing that Robin is Zhuo Lin’s girlfriend, everyone is so enthusiastic that Robin is a little overwhelmed.

As for Tiger, although everyone is relatively new to fish people, and they are actually a little afraid in their hearts, when they see Tiger and Zhuo Lin together, they habitually shield their fears.

Anyone who can walk with the leader is good, no matter what race.

Discrimination or something, then it is even more impossible.

Tiger was very sensitive, but he really felt everyone’s welcome, and immediately showed a friendly smile, and his heart was greatly relieved.

In fact, Tiger is mentally prepared.

Since you choose to cooperate with humans, you naturally have to take into account various possibilities, such as various emotions such as fear, discrimination and even contempt that human beings will have when encountering other humans, which is inevitable.

But when faced with this situation, the thing to do is not to be angry, but to stay calm.

As long as I believe that after further mutual understanding 210, I will definitely be respected and recognized, and I can get along with each other.

If the other party still does not change his attitude, it can only mean that the other party is narrow-minded, and it is not worth interacting with.

But I didn’t expect that Zhuo Lin’s personality was too attractive, just because he came back with Zhuo Lin, even if he was a fish man, he was directly welcomed by this country.

This made Tiger more determined to cooperate with Zhuolin.

Zhuo Lin first exchanged pleasantries with Burr and Roman, and then formally met Yixiao to shake hands.

“Mr. Smile, I’ve wanted to see you for a long time. Thank you for helping me when I am not in the Capetian franc, you are the benefactor of the Capetian franc! Zhuo Lin said sincerely.

“Your Excellency Zhuo Lin is not welcome, I also rubbed a lot of food here, especially the soba noodles here are particularly delicious.” He said with a smile, but he kept looking at Zhuo Lin.

“Hahaha! Mr. Yixiao likes to eat, it is our pleasure! ”

Zhuo Lin still remembered the purpose of Yixiao, so he went straight to the topic, “Since Mr. Yixiao wants to discuss some issues with me face-to-face, then without further ado, let’s talk while eating, and talk freely while holding the bowl and chopsticks!” ”

After that, Roman and Burr quickly asked the citizens to go back to work.

Then I brought the fat big sister again and made my favorite soba noodles.

Zorine asked Bonnis to take Robin and Kerra around, and he went to the beach with a smile, and Tiger was called over.

The three of them each found a place to sit down.

Zhuo Lin was the first to speak, “Mr. Yixiao, let me introduce you, this is the adventurer Fisher Tiger of Fishman Island. ”

With a smile, he was stunned, “Your Excellency is Mr. Tiger, the hero who once made a big fuss about Mary Joa and released a large number of slaves?” ”

Tiger hurriedly waved his hand, “The hero is too prestigious, I just did it out of selfishness, and I was just a pirate not long ago.” ”

He smiled but shook his head, “Mr. Tiger is modest, in fact, many people, including me, have long hated the exclusive slavery of the Draco, but no one dares to really stand up against it. Mr. Tiger not only dared to resist, but also saved so many innocent slaves, if you are not a hero, then there is no hope in this world! ”

When Tiger heard this, he couldn’t help but be moved in his heart.

The senses for smiling are also surprisingly good.

He just fidgeted every time he thought of the days when he became a slave, and the hatred in his heart could not be resolved, so he struggled to climb the Red Earth Continent and break into Mary Joa.

The fire was set to vent anger and create chaos. (cfcb)

As for saving people, it is just seeking liberation in one’s own heart.

It was difficult for him to get out of his hatred of human beings, until he gradually calmed down after talking with Dorag and Zhuolin, and Kerra helped him wash off the slave mark that really made him completely abandon hatred and want to devote himself to the cause of revolution.

Now called a hero, but I am a little embarrassed.

And Zhuo Lin immediately answered, “What Mr. Yixiao said is extremely true, it seems that Mr. Yixiao also knows what evil in this world is.” ”

He turned to Zhuo Lin with a smile, “Mr. Zhuo Lin, this is exactly what I want to ask.” What do you think is evil? ”

Zhuo Lin would not dodge this question, and said righteously, “This world is the world of the people of all races, and everything that harms the rights and interests of the people can be called evil!” Those pirates who burned and looted damaged the rights and interests of the people to survive and live, and the Draco and nobles carried out endless exploitation, oppression and even enslavement of the people, and damaged the rights and interests of the people to survive, live, freedom and dignity, they are all evil! ”

As soon as these words came out, Yixiao and Tiger were unusually serious.

Zhuo Lin’s words are too bold!

It is natural that pirates are recognized as evil, but Draco and nobles are the ruling class of this world, but they are also beaten by Zhuolin as the evil side.

In fact, in the traditional perception, this world should be the world of rulers.

However, Zhuo Lin now believes that the world should be the world of the people of all races, and the rights and interests of the people should not be harmed, and harming the rights and interests of the people is evil!

This is simply subverting conventional thinking!

A smile couldn’t help but tremble, he thought that he was speaking for the commoners, but he didn’t expect that this Zhuolin was more thorough, he completely stood on the side of the common people, and then stood on the opposite side of the Draco and the nobles!

Yes, the society of this world is really composed of people of all races, but the people are the weaker side, but a minority class rules the largest number of people.

Those rulers set a series of rules that bound the people like chains.

The people are not even guaranteed their basic rights and interests of survival, life, freedom and dignity, but are subject to exploitation and oppression by the rulers, and provide for the rulers’ food, clothing, shelter and even fun.

It is unreasonable to think!

At this moment, Yixiao understood Zhuo Lin’s thoughts.

Zhuolin wants to break this traditional thinking, resist the exploitation and oppression of the rulers, and build a world where the rights and interests of the people such as survival, life, freedom and dignity can be guaranteed!

Capefranc is just an experimental point!

The royal aristocracy, exploitation and oppression have long been eliminated here, and the people themselves have developed and governed the country.

From here, plant such thoughts, let the people awaken, let the people learn to resist for their own sake!

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