The news of the duel between the two generals still leaked out, and people with a little intelligence ability heard the news.

Charlotte Lingling was the first to hear the news, and when she heard that the two admirals were going to fight a life-and-death duel, her first reaction was to be stunned, and then she burst out laughing.

"The navy is going to abolish its martial arts, and let the two generals decide the marshal by force." Charlotte Lingling laughed as she spoke.

Jinping also learned about the news through Cake Island, and he was very shocked, he never thought that the internal problems of the navy were so huge.

"Did the world government ask them to fight themselves?" Jinping asked.

"No, the world government wants Akainu to be the marshal, and the navy wants the pheasant to become the marshal, and under the pressure of the world government, the admiral will definitely be the Akainu. However, the pheasant was resolutely opposed, even if the red dog became the marshal, he estimated that it would not be easy to order the green pheasant, and he could not convince the internal generals of the navy, so the red dog took the initiative to speak with strength in the form of a duel. Perospero said.

"I see, once the battle starts, the navy will inevitably lose its vitality, which..."

Although he is a pirate, he thinks from the standpoint of ordinary people, the weakening of the navy will inevitably increase the power of the pirates, which is not a good thing for the whole world, and Jinping is very worried about the future.

"Well, well, well, it's none of our business, it doesn't matter to us whether they want to fight or kill, it's best to lose both and both die." Charlotte Lingling said.

"Mom, what do you mean?" Jinhei suddenly thought of a possibility.

"If you can, find a way to kill one of them or even two of them without even knowing it..."A terrifying smile appeared on Charlotte Lingling's face, Zeus behind her turned into a black thundercloud, and Prometheus turned into a hideous ball of flames, at this moment she was really no different from the old witch in the world of calling.

The aura of terror was spreading, and Jinping was surprised by Charlotte Lingling's thoughts, and at the same time he felt that if he was a person like Charlotte Lingling, he would want to do the same.

Kill two admirals, and the strength of the navy will be directly regressed by thirty years, and there will be only one admiral.

It is estimated that a certain salted fish will wake up laughing in a dream, and he will lie down and become a marshal.

It's interesting to think about.

Jinping's thought flashed, he felt that it was impossible to achieve, the two generals were going to fight, whether it was secrecy, or the venue should not be approachable, besides, if someone went to make trouble, the strength of the two generals was over there, unless Charlotte Lingling and Kaido teamed up to go over and take the opportunity to kill the two when they were weak.

One of the Four Emperors may have been counter-killed in the past, and two have the most likely in the past.

Charlotte's eerie smile soon stopped, and she returned to sunlight, as did Zeus and Prometheus, as well as white clouds and egg yolks.

"Well, well, well, it's impossible for the navy to be defenseless, once you go, you may still meet those guys from Sengoku Karp, I don't want to be besieged, I hope they can kill each other." Charlotte Lingling smiled.


Jinping and Perospero breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, looked at each other, and immediately knew that the other party also had this idea, and couldn't help but feel sorry for each other.

Roy was also dumbfounded when he got the news, he didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, the two were going to fight, he naturally knew that it was Akainu who won in the end, but he didn't expect that he could actually experience this scene in person.

"What's wrong with you?" Monet saw Roy sitting with his head covered, he had been like this since he received a call from Bucky, and he was very excited just now, it couldn't be an overdraft.

"I'm very entangled now, Kaido should be coming soon, but the two admirals on the navy side are fighting, I really want to go and see the battle between the admirals." Roy Road.

"Are you crazy? You dare to watch the battle between the generals, don't say whether it will be shown to you when the time comes, there is even danger if you go to see it, there is a group of navy guarding outside at that time, how do you want to get in, is the navy willing to show you? Who knows if you'll get your hands dirty. Monet said.

"Alas, too, it's a pity not to see it, it's a peak showdown." Roy Road. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"You still have to care about yourself, you have to fight Kaido, it's more terrible than the battle between generals, okay, I can't sleep at all for the past two days." Monet said.

"Are you worried about me?" Roy Road.

"I'm worried about myself, if you die, there may be only one way to die for our show in the future." Monet said.

"It's okay, I'll arrange it for you, don't worry." Roy rubbed Monet's hair, Monet's face turned red again, and Roy saw her like this and turned over again.

The next day, Roy asked his men to take Monet and them to Dressrosa's side, the tile island is not far from Dressrosa, go there to be safer, and he is here to wait for Kaido's arrival.

According to his intelligence information, Kaido is almost here now, and he doesn't know whether he will fight first or the navy first.

What Roy didn't know was that the battle had already started on the navy's side, and he saw the dark clouds appearing in the sky, and the looming light. 833

Roy stood up and looked up, "It's finally here." "

When the Pheasant Red Dog decided to fight, he had already chosen a venue and it was held in Cyberpunk Hazard in New World.

Because Caesar's experiment failed, which led to the destruction of the island by poison gas, it was only fitting that the two chose this familiar island to fight.

Ten warships were guarded outside, and Admiral Yellow Ape and Karp, who had returned from a vacation in the East China Sea, were in charge.

Karp went back to the East China Sea and was not beaten, after all, Ace didn't die, but he didn't feel good either, after all, he chose to release the water in the top war, which led to Ace being rescued by Luffy, and Karp is now in a semi-retired state.

The relationship between the yellow ape and the red dog is better, the two are classmates, and Karp is the former chief of the pheasant, and there is no problem at all with the two of them.

In addition to them, there are four lieutenant generals, namely Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, and Fire Mountain.

One general plus five lieutenant generals, ten warships, this is the highest specification of the demon slaying order, especially when the vice admiral is still Karp.

"Report to Lieutenant General Karp, the Yellow Ape General, the headquarters emergency intelligence." A soldier came to report the situation.

"What's wrong?" Karp and Yellow Ape asked, looking at the constant onslaught of the sky.

"The Four Emperors Kaido and the Seven Martial Sea Roy have gone to war on the tile island."

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