Great Voyage: My God Identity Was Exposed By The Gold List

68. Zoro is coming to Impel down! Magellan: I can't hold it anymore!!

Sengoku murmured.

Garp nodded in agreement.

"This, really should be Admiral...

Ace kneeling on the side also shocked Ultimate.

Who would have thought that the case of Kebi, an ordinary sailor, would have such a terrifying combat power.

This is almost equivalent to the second Aokiji right??

Thinking of this, the face of Ace kneeling on the execution platform became more and more sad.

The Whitebeard Pirates came to rescue him, how many people did it cost?

Ace had tears in his eyes and clenched his teeth.

And the Shichibukai at the forefront of the lineup.

Empress Boa Hancock didn't care much about the scene in front of her.

She is here for only one purpose.

But others are different.

At this moment, even Hawkeye shrank his eyes and stared at Kebi, who was standing not far in front of them.

Moria's spirit trembled.

Te Bie was daring to be exposed to the bone-chilling coldness that Zi Kebi was still showing.

Moria was dying.

He was still going to touch the fish before, and this war is over.

But now it seems...

He's still playing hard.

Marine silently held back Marine Admiral's arrival.

Now give him an Admiral-level combat power.

Moria really didn't feel that there was anything wrong, let alone having the slightest idea of ​​her own.

And at the same time as a shocking article in Naval Headquarters.

The World Palace, inside the office of the Five Elders.

Five people, you look at me, I look at you, a silence.

"This, this is just Marine recruit??

Five Elders looked shocked.

"I propose that this Marine be immediately promoted to Marine Admiral."

"Now the situation in the sea is turbulent, this is a good opportunity to win over Jingling Court.

Several people listened and nodded.


"Second!" 20

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku on the execution stand picks up the phone bug from the Five Elders.

Then, Sengoku's face changed.

"Yes, Lord Five Elders, rest assured."

Garp's eyes came over suspiciously.

There was a hint of joy between Sengoku's eyebrows.

He actually heard it just now.

The Five Elders who have always suppressed Marine's development.

He even proposed to promote Kebi directly to Admiral.

But Sengoku can roughly guess what the Five Elders are thinking.

After all, the situation in the sea is too severe now.

Maybe they can only do this, to win over Jinglingting, Xiao, and the most mysterious Xuye Palace.

Whenever there is a chance, they should not let it go.

Slightly calmed down and shocked.

Sengoku picked up the megaphone again, looked straight, and said.

"Marines, as Marshal, I read the Order of the Five Elders.""

The Marine soldiers in the audience all looked over.

Even pirates are no exception.

Doubt appeared in everyone's eyes.

The four Admiral looked different.

Aokiji was a little surprised.

Kizaru is a lifelong silent.

He was afraid of being slapped in the face again.

Akainu, on the other hand, has a livid face.

He can probably guess what the order from the Five Elders is, it must be an exceptional promotion of this Kirby.

Most likely, it was promoted to Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

Thinking of this, Akainu's face became more and more ugly.

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, this is how many qualifications it takes to be promoted.

Thinking of his Akainu, he also trained for five or six years before becoming the Vice Admiral of the headquarters.

As for Admiral, it was even longer.

However, now a sailor can be directly promoted to the Vice Admiral of the Ministry.

Just when Akainu looked unhappy and everyone on the scene looked puzzled.

Sengoku's voice fell steadily.

"Five Elders order, recruit Kebi is exceptionally promoted to Marine's fifth Admiral, the order will take effect immediately!!99

Sengoku's voice fell.

Everyone in the audience looked surprised.

Akainu's eyes were staring straight at the first time.

He never thought of it.

The order of the Five Elders turned out to be to directly promote Kirby to Admiral of Headquarters.

That's Admiral!

How many years did he take Akainu to take the seat??

But now, Kirby just showed his strength and became an Admiral??

Is Marine Admiral kidding?

Akainu stood up in anger, lava gushing out.

Seeing this, Kizaru couldn't help holding Akainu down.

"Sakazuki, this is the order of the Five Elders."5

"The pirates are still watching, don't do stupid things.

Kizaru was surprised but understandable that Kirby was directly promoted to Admiral.

After all, Marine and the world's official government are very powerful now.

Kirby shows shocking strength, then he will definitely be valued, there is no doubt.

Akainu's face was blue and purple, and in the end he couldn't hold back.

Namikaze Minato was previously promoted to Admiral in an exceptional manner, which has already made him unhappy.


Kirby can also be promoted to Admiral by a new recruit.

This made Akainu completely unbearable and broke out directly.


On the execution platform, Sengoku's eyes came to him.

"Sakazuki, you are fighting against pirates now, what are you doing!! 99

"What's the matter, wait until after this battle, don't let the world see our Marine's jokes!! 35

Watching Akainu stand up.

Sengoku doesn't have to think about it to know what this Akainu is thinking.

So he spoke mercilessly.

What else could Akainu say.

However, Akainu was also calmed down by Sengoku's words.

After all, the most important thing in front of you is to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.

Kebi, who was at the forefront of Marine's lineup, was also taken aback when he heard the order.

His dream was to join Marine and become an Admiral.

Unexpectedly, this dream came true so easily.

Kirby smiled.

Although he couldn't stay in the Marine for long.

But in this battle, he will use the identity of Marine Admiral to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Marines were stunned for a few seconds after listening to Sengoku's order.


Inside Marine, a shocking sensation broke out.

Marine used to have only three Admirals.

Available today.

Two new Admirals!

Then in this battle, they Marine will definitely win!

Countless Marine soldiers raised their arms and shouted Kirby's name.

Te Bie is the comrades in Kirby's recruit camp.

One by one they looked excited and shouted Kirby's name.

On the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard's face sank again at this scene.

The situation in front of them was simply too unfavorable for them.

Marco and others also know that they can't delay any longer.

Several people raised their arms and ordered to attack!

The battle of the top, a complete outbreak!!

At the same time when the top station is on the field.

Impel down, Impelton.

Blackbeard and others have been in for a long time.

And Magellan's eyes were still wide open, trying to see the two white figures in the sky.

At this time, the two white figures seemed to have a direction, and then came towards this side.

After a while.

Two figures descended on Impel down and smashed in front of Magellan.

It was two figures in white captain Yuori with long swords on their waists.

One of them, the hand clock, holds a serrated handle of Zanpakutō.

With his left eye closed, a green algae head dazzled in the sun.

The other has a big red nose, like a clown.

However, there is also a long sword attached to his waist.

Behind the two is one with eleven written and the other written with twelve.

Looking at these two figures, Magellan's eyes suddenly tightened.

Although he was in the dark Impel down.

But Magellan is the director.

As for the two major forces that caused the turbulent sea, Jing Lingting and Akatsuki.

Magellan has also heard about it.

Akatsuki's members are wearing red cloud trench coats with black background.

The Jingling Court strong man is wearing a long white coat.


Magellan contrasts the two guys.

Magellan's eyes narrowed again when he saw Zoro.


Magellan thought about the cake island not long ago.


Magellan's brain roared.

Formerly the Blackbeard Pirates.

Then there is this lunatic who cut off the arm of Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin!!

Magellan was shocked and didn't know what to do.

Besides, this time, I didn't know that green algae-headed lunatic.

There was another person he didn't know.

But just by looking at it, he must also be the captain of the thirteenth division of the Guardian.


Magellan looked shocked, stunned in place for a long time.

The people from the thirteenth division of Gotei, what are you doing here at Impel down???

Just when Magellan was upset.

Zoro turned to look at him.


"Do you know how Naval Headquarters goes?

He and Buggy were going to Naval Headquarters.

But after reaching this point, there is no 403 direction at all.

When the two saw a building, they came down and asked for directions.

But Magellan didn't answer.

Buggy looked at Magellan's figure, and then looked at the surrounding buildings.

His expression was taken aback.

"This Lee is? Impel down!

Buggy's face changed.

He was also a pirate captain before stumbled upon "Hueco Mundo".

However, his pirate group was besieged by Marine, and in the end he was the only one who escaped.

After that, he accidentally entered "Hueco Mundo" and joined Jingling Court.

Buggy was moved when he saw Impel down and his face shielded.

All the crew members he used to be in this Impel down?

Thinking of this, Buggy looked at Zoro.

"You wait for me for a while."

"This is Impel down, and I'm going to rescue my former partner. 39

"Although I can no longer be their captain, I can count as my captain to do the last thing for them.

Hearing Buggy's words, Zoro raised an eyebrow.

"Red nose, is there any strong person under this?"

He is only interested in the strong.

Zoro has no interest in saving people or anything.

When Buggy heard Zoro's words, he hurriedly shook his head.

Eternal Hell certainly has strong men in custody.

However, he didn't feel like making Zoro any more trouble.

"No, there is absolutely no strong person under Impel down."

"You are waiting for me here, I will come back after saving my former partner."

Zoro nodded, his face full of impatience.

"Come on, red nose.

"Give you ten minutes. If you don't come here for the first time, I'll leave first."

Buggy nodded, turned quickly and entered Impel down.

But just when he rescued his former partner.

Impel down outside.

Zoro's expression froze.

It seemed that he dared to receive, this Impel down, there seemed to be some kind of sensation.

"Is someone fighting?"

Zoro raised his brows with interest in his eyes.


Zoro completely forgot about Buggy's words and went into Impel down with his jagged Zanpakutō.

Watching the figure disappear in front of him.

Magellan dared to exhale.


Magellan's expression changed drastically again, and he called the phone bug to Naval Headquarters.

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