Great Voyage: My God Identity Was Exposed By The Gold List

92. Sengoku is shocked: damn it! Garp, your relationship is so hard? Anyone from Akatsuki can invite

Naval Headquarters.

Looking at the two figures in the air, many people's eyes shrank.

Red cloud windbreaker on black.

It contrasts sharply with Haori, the white captain of Shirei Tei.

No doubt, this is Akatsuki.

Looking at the two figures, Bista smiled.

"That group of guys has also come to participate in the war. 35

Saying that, he couldn't help but glance at the direction of the execution platform.

He almost forgot, there is also a person who knows Xiao there.

Namikaze Minato looked at him and returned a reassuring look.

Bista understood and smiled lightly.

Zoro, who carried Zanpakutō on his shoulders, also raised his head and looked at the two of Na Xiao.

After seeing one person first, Zoro frowned with disgust in his eyes.

And after seeing the other person, Zoro's eyes also showed a hint of interest.

"Is that guy here too?"

"This battle is getting more and more interesting."

Except for Zoro et al.

on the execution stand.

Sengoku watched Akatsuki's two come, and his eyes could not help shrinking.

"What are the people of Xiao doing here??"

Sengoku's heart was horrified.

Now the situation is very dire for Marine.

If Akatsuki also joins the pirates.

In this battle, how will Marine "Four Five Seven" fight?

While others don't know Xiao, they may think that there is a big gap between this third force and Jingling Court.

But in Sengoku's mind.

Although the Jingling Court of the second force is strong.

But Akatsuki, the third force, has never been underestimated.

After all, the Xuanwu of Xiao Zhi had severely injured Garp.

And according to Garp.

The Eight Inner Gates used by the Xuanwu of Dawn should have a total of Eight Gates.

But he only used the Seventh Gate that day, and Garp was no match.

And what about the Eighth Gate?

Sengoku couldn't help frowning.

Is the arrival of this dawn a blessing or a curse for Marine??

When Sengoku's heart was dignified.

On the other hand, the pirate side was a little unconcerned about the two who came.

Especially Big Mom and Kaido.

They were not impressed with Akatsuki because they had never fought.

So far, Akatsuki's only official shot has been the fight with Garp.

Although Garp was seriously injured, the results were surprising.

But Big Mom and Kaido have now awakened for the second time.

The two are confident in their strength.

They don't even pay attention to some people in Jingling Court now.


Knowing people, they even look down on them.

The two were not nervous at all.

Instead, Kaido frowned.


"These days, what kind of cat and dog can claim to be gods?"

Kaido said disdainfully.

When one of them heard Kaido's words in midair, the shield was furious.

An electric light came in an instant.

Enel came to Kaido and looked at Kaido with anger in his eyes.

"Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts.""

"You mean, do you despise this god?"

As Enel said, dark clouds hung over Naval Headquarters.

Lightning flashes and thunders in that dark cloud, bred with extremely powerful thunder power.

But Kaido didn't care when he saw this.

Because he also controls lightning.

Besides, this kind of ordinary thunder is like a tickling for him now.

Kaido smiled disdainfully.

Seeing this scene, Enel became more and more angry.

The thunder light was dazzling and condensed in the air.

Enel was full of anger.

"Accept God's punishment!!

Enel waved his hand.

A thick thunderbolt from the mouth of the bowl smashed down and hit Kaido directly.

Bathed in lightning, Kaido laughed, his heart full of disdain.

"With this little power, you still call yourself a god??

Kaido smiled disdainfully.

Then, a punch hit.

Enel didn't let up, and threw the same punch.

Above that fist, a thick Armament Haki was covered.

The two collided in mid-air.

But when the two have not yet decided the winner.

Another figure in a red cloud windbreaker with a black background descended.

Come to the two of them.

The figure first punched Kaido, then kicked Enel away.


Two figures fell to the ground.

Kaido was furious and got up in an instant.

Enel was also full of anger.

The two rushed towards the figure in the middle.

The figure was helpless.

"Enel, we haven't agreed on which side to join.

"You just do it. 35

The figure said, and kicked Enel away again.

Then, he looked calmly at Kaido who was rushing towards him.

"Eight Inner Gates, Sixth Gate, King Gate, open!

Ah Jin's body is still erupting with surging green energy.

Facing the rushing Kaido, Ah Jin punched again.


The void trembled faintly.

A Jin punched Kaido's whole body again.

"Now, can you calm down?"

Akin looked at Kaido and Enel with a headache.

This Enel is so special that it can be installed.

It was a hassle to come with him.

Kaido's figure collided with a large boat, which was directly smashed by Kaido's figure.


The whole place was silent.

They looked at Ah Jin who was standing in the middle, each and everyone was dumbfounded.

This appearance is too high, isn't it??

Twice blasted Kaido, and twice blasted his teammates.

Is this what people do??

Countless people around the world watching the live broadcast were also stunned.

"My God, isn't this guy too tall?

"Fuck, hold back that sentence!!"

"Eight Inner Gates, Sixth Gate, King Gate, open!!"

"Fuck, this is so handsome!!"9

"Hahaha, that guy still claims to be a god, and a god is only so powerful?? 35

"It's really fun.

"However, two more people came to the top of the station, and they were still Xiao's people.

"The situation at this station is confusing again."

"Yeah, are they here to help Marine, or are they here to help Pirates?"5

Many people looked suspicious.

on the execution stand.

Sengoku looked at Jin and Enel, his brows furrowed.

This Enel should be the Thunder Fruit capable person.

It can transform into a thunder light, and has a speed that is almost on par with Kizaru.

At this point, Sengoku turned his eyes to Kizaru.

Kizaru nodded silently.

Obviously, he also saw the details of Enel, this is the Thunder Fruit ability, the brother fruit of his Sparkling fruit.

After being confirmed, Sengoku turned to look at Akin again.

As for this one, he is no stranger to it.

Because Garp, who was beside Sengoku, had long been silent.

"That is, Ah Jin, who defeated the old man..0"

Sengoku frowned.

Under the current situation, Xiao's people came to stand on the top of the field, what is this for??

What are they going to do??

Just as Sengoku pondered.

Enel returned to Akin's side.

"You and I are here to fight, do you still need to think about it??

"Some people look down on us already, just Kaido of the Beasts!

"I have to teach him a lesson today, look down on us Xiao?"

"Think we are not as good as those guys in Jingling Court?? 39

Enel said, looking at Kaido with an angry face.

And Kaido didn't give in at all.

"Lightning boy, there is something coming!"

"I'm afraid of you?"

"You know that your ranking is the third in the power list, under the Jingling Court, do you have any problems with looking down on you? 35

Enel was even more furious, and his whole body was already shrouded in lightning.

Looking at this scene, Akin couldn't help but look at Bista.

"Bista, I can't handle this idiot.


He and Bista have a pretty good relationship on weekdays.

But today, they might be on Marine's side.

Just because of the idiot Enel.

Bista nodded, not caring.

After learning that Ace is safe.

The rest is a fierce battle.

It doesn't matter which side Ah Jin and Enel are on.

Arkin nodded, then turned to look at Garp on the execution platform.

"Garp Vice Admiral, meet again.

Garp nodded.

"Yes, Akin."

"I don't know if this time, the old man will be able to see your Eighth Gate."

Garp's eyes flashed fierce fighting intent.

It was Garp's long-term regret that he didn't get to see Akin's Eighth Gate.

If he could see him today, he would surely die without regrets.

But Akin shook his head.

"Garp Vice Admiral, in that battle, I felt a little guilty, and it was a bit heavy.

"Then today, Enel and I, take your Marine's side.""

Listening to Ah Jin's words, Sengoku's eyes lit up on the execution platform.

Garp also froze in place.

Feeling Sengoku's gaze at him, Garp had no idea why.

Just because of his own words, he brought in two more powerful foreign aids for Marine?

Sengoku's eyes became more and more admirable, and more and more shocked.

His heart was full of satisfaction with Garp.

This Garp relationship is too hard!

And Akin finished that sentence.

Between Kaido and Enel over there, it's about to explode.

The two walked forward step by step, their bodies still colliding with imposing manners.

Kaido looked at Enel with disdain on his face.

"Little devil, I don't care which faction you belong to, I will look down on you today."

"Be patient, you will defeat Lao Tzu.

Enel's face was full of anger.

"Kaido right?"

"Look down on us Xiao, I'll show you how good I am today.

"Accept the punishment of God! 33

Enel said, the whole body electric light soared.

Enel rose to the ground.

Healthy, he was shrouded in infinite thunder and turned into the body of a god of thunder.

The Thor's body was as tall as Kaido's body of more than nine meters.

Both of them exuded an aura of annihilation.

This scene saw many people stunned.

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