“Allah, it’s not enough to hand over the stolen money.”

The tap dancer was a tall man over three meters tall, covered in white skin, wearing a black top hat and round earrings, a cane in his left hand, and a local security officer’s uniform.

Coming closer, Lafayette, with a strange smile, looked down at the punk kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, but he kicked the other party’s head mercilessly as he spoke.


In the muffled crash, the punks flew out without even a chance to scream, knocking over a stall on the side of the street.

Various fruits on the stall tumbled to the ground, burying most of the punk’s body.

It’s just that even so, you can still clearly see that the little gangster’s head has sunken, as if it has turned into a corpse.

“Death… He’s dead? ”

“It’s Lafayette again, he killed that punk.”

“This is also too much, the other party just stole something, this crime is not to death, how can you kill it directly.”


The streets are not only Lafayette and punks, but also many vendors and residents who come to shop.

When they saw Lafayette kicking the gangster to death, the people nearby suddenly showed a look of horror, or hurriedly retreated, or pointed angrily at Lafayette.

Hurried footsteps came.

A group of men, also wearing the uniforms of security officers, ran over.

“Lafayette, you are too much, this is already the third person you killed this week, not to mention that the other party’s crime does not lead to death, even if you really need to be executed, you do not have this right!”

The security officers who came, the leader of which first checked the situation of the gangsters, and when they found that the other party was dead, this person suddenly shouted at Lafayette with an ugly face.

“That’s right, Lafayette, you’re too violent.”

“Even if we as security officers have the duty to maintain order, we can’t fool around like you.”

“Lafayette, a violent person like you is not qualified to continue as a security officer.”


The other security officers were equally angry and accused Lafayette.

“Not only is he no longer qualified to be a security officer, but he is no longer a member of our San Lorenzo Kingdom!”

Just as everyone was accusing, another group of people arrived with great momentum.

This time there were more people coming, and they were all wearing armor and carrying sabers and guns.

“It’s someone from the Kingdom Guard, why did someone from the Kingdom Guard come?”

“Isn’t this Lord Clifford, what does he mean by what he just said?”

“It seems that something is wrong, is something happening?”


The second wave of people came to the surprise of nearby onlookers.

Because this group of people is the members of the Kingdom Guard in San Lorenzo, and the leader of it is the captain of the Kingdom Guard.

Clifford, the captain of the kingdom’s guard, pointed directly at Lafayette with a sneer after leading a group of subordinates forward.

“Lord Clifford, what do you mean….,” the lead security officer said hesitantly.

“Quite simply, the king has ordered Lafayette to be expelled from our country.” Clifford said loudly.


At this point, not to mention the security officials, even the people in the vicinity were stunned.

“If the expulsion is good, the bastard Lafayette should be thrown out.”

“That’s right, this man is too violent, and we who live in a country with him are too insecure.”

“It should have been so long ago, Lord Collifer, to drive Lafayette out of our country!”


After a brief stunned, the crowd of onlookers quickly became noisy, and the words were quite excited and excited, and even no longer concealed to Lafayette’s disgusted and hostile gaze.

“It’s really surprising when the king also began to care about me, a little security officer.”

In the face of the accusations and anger of the masses, Lafayette acted as if nothing had happened, still smiling, and even turned his cane with interest.

“Oh, I remembered that the man I killed two days ago seems to have said that his sister was favored by the king and was going to become a princess… So this man’s sister is successful, and now he wants to avenge his brother! ”

Lafayette once again provoked tap dancing at his feet, and amid the rhythmic footsteps, he looked at Clifford on the opposite side with a smile.

His words made the faces of the other security officers change.

As security officers, they naturally knew the situation of the person killed by Lafayette two days ago.

The other party is a gang leader here in the royal capital, and he will be killed by Lafayette because he molested women on the street, no, to be precise, he should have raped a young girl.

“Nonsense, Lafayette, don’t try to cover up your crimes with such words, the king will expel you because you have seriously affected the reputation of the kingdom because of your excessive violence!” Coolford said loudly.

“Come on, take this guy into custody, Lafayette, I also warn you that it is better not to resist, if you dare to resist, then it will not only be as simple as expelling you, but will issue a bounty to define you as a criminal.”

When letting the subordinates behind him step forward, Clifford did not forget to warn, and the eyes that looked at Lafayette were obviously wary and jealous.

“Criminals, it’s really scary, it’s just… I don’t seem to care! ”

Lafayette stared at each other, and the weird smile on his face widened.


The right leg swept out abruptly, and Lafayette kicked a member of the escort who stepped forward and flew out fiercely.

“Shoot, kill him!”

Lafayette’s resistance startled the other guards and security officers, while Clifford’s face changed and he hurriedly retreated shouting orders to shoot.

Bang bang bang –

The escort who received the order did not hesitate, and quickly raised their guns to Rafayette and pulled the trigger.

In the dense gunfire, bullets rained out.

Just as the guards were aiming, Lafayette moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye he had already left, successfully letting the bullets miss.

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