"Andre Ares, I feel more and more pity……"

Looking at the huge figure in front of him who had just walked out of the ruins in embarrassment, Rocks twisted his neck and kept approaching:"If men like you and Roger are willing to join forces with me, it's no problem to defeat the navy and conquer the world!

" That's what he said.

But his hands were merciless.

His body was as electric as lightning, and he once again disappeared from the place at that ghostly speed, appearing directly in front of Andre Ares.

The huge fist struck hard.


Andreas gritted his teeth and waved his huge fist in a wretched figure.

One big and one small, two fists.

Colliding with Rocks there

"Instant form!"The next moment, Rocks, whose expression remained unchanged, disappeared like lightning.

In an instant, he appeared on the right side of Andre Ares, with fists entwined with armed and overlord colors, and blasted towards Andre Ares. head


A loud roar broke through the air.

A huge fist seal.

Rubbing the air, it smashed up.

In the midst of lightning and flint, he blocked Rocks' attack.

Andreas, who was covered in blood, looked directly at Rocks, with a scarlet light flashing in his eyes:"Just now, I saw……"

"Um? Did you predict it again?" Rocks' eyes flashed.

He disappeared like lightning.

When he reappeared,

Andre Ares' huge fist mark hit him directly.

But Rocks seemed to have been prepared and narrowly avoided it.

"Sure enough I saw it……

Rocks stormed out.

He looked at the embarrassed Andre Ares in front of him with some surprise, full of gloom:"Although I'm not very skilled, I can predict it."……"

There's no question that Andres takes advantage of the pressure he brings.

In a desperate situation, the domineering power of seeing and hearing really broke through the limit, almost reaching the level of foreseeing the future.

"Ahem...yes, thanks to you, although it's still far from enough……"

Andre Ares staggers

"Wei ha ha ha~, did you really break through in a desperate situation? What a surprising guy……"

Rocks, who was a little annoyed, laughed angrily.

The next moment, his face turned cold and he looked directly at Andre Ares indifferently:"So what if you can see the future? After all, you don't have the strength to change it!"

"Your future is nothing but despair!"

With that said,

Locks threw away the pirate cloak and even tore his shirt to pieces, revealing an upper body with exaggerated muscles and a sense of power.

Shocking scars of different sizes, making people's scalp numb.

"Today, I’ll let you, a brat from the giant race, look at me, Rocks·D·Jibek, the real hero who has been crossing the sea for decadesforce!"

"Don't be careless, Ares.……"

Outside the battlefield.

Rayleigh's expression changed, and he reminded loudly:"That man, he is going to really go all out!"

He had fought against the Rocks Pirates many times, and he knew the strength of Rocks himself very well.

Rocks who is totally serious and going all out.

It will be terrifying to the point of trembling.

Just imagine, Rocks from before.

It was already so difficult for Roger that he almost couldn't stop it.

One can imagine how terrifying his strength would be if he really tried his best.

"A hundredfold increase!"

Rocks roared.

His muscles were bulging, and his veins were popping out.

Faintly, there was a green light shining.

His joints kept making"crackling" sounds.

His body was not particularly tall to begin with. At this moment, the size of life has more than doubled.


Even the skin was abnormally rosy.

His whole body became extremely red, and he could not help but feel hot and steamy. chilling


His heart was beating continuously, beyond the limits of the human body.

Like an engine that keeps running, it echoes in the hearts of others.

People can't help but feel terrified

"bang——"The ground suddenly cracked.

Rocks disappeared directly from the spot.

Andreas's eyes flashed red, and he vaguely foresaw a certain scene.

"What! ?"There was a look of shock on his face.

But before his body had time to react, the whole person had already flown out, followed by a wave ofUnimaginable pain came over me.

His face was distorted and he vomited blood.

"That monster is so fast……"His domineering ability to predict the future could barely keep up with him, but he was blown away before he could react.


A terrifying scene appeared there.

Andre Ares' whole body was like a giant sandbag, being bombarded continuously.

It is impossible to fall down in mid-air.

A figure as fast as lightning kept flashing.

The naked eye can't keep up with it at all. Even with the help of seeing and hearing Haki, he can only judge the"afterimage" he left behind."

"Bang bang... boom boom……"That extremely violent power, carrying armed domineering and overlord domineering energy, poured out continuously.

Make Andre Arres vomit blood.

The scales, skin, and flesh all over his body seemed to be torn apart... indescribable pain! this moment.

Andre Ares's arrogance of knowledge and color, which could barely predict the future and sometimes failed to work well, completely failed.

There was no way he could keep up with Rox's teleporting speed and stormy offensive.

He was covered in bruises by the extremely ferocious attack, which was entangled with overlord-colored domineering and armed-colored domineering.


This legendary pirate.

Fully demonstrating his terrifying true strength to the world.

What an overlord!

What strength!

What a powerful thing!

"Chi——" at this time.

A dazzling cold light struck across like lightning.

After narrowly repelling the violent attack, Rocks was about to continue kicking Andre Ares down.


Just when Rayleigh couldn't help but rushed forward and intervened directly

"With a bang, Andre Ares, who had completely turned into a bloody man, fell directly there.

He almost lost consciousness.

But after a brief dizziness, with the help of the fish fruit, fantasy beast species, and blue dragon form, With powerful abilities, Andre Ares still managed to maintain a glimmer of consciousness and gradually woke up.



He couldn't help coughing up blood, and his whole body was shining with electric light.

"Thump, thump……"The subconscious mind is there, constantly giving electric shocks and stimulating my heart.

"Ares, are you okay?"

Pluto Rayleigh held the sword in his hand.

He stared at the terrifying Rocks in front of him without looking back, full of vigilance:"I'm sorry, I have to intervene, but I think you want to use Rocks to hone your goals. , it should have almost reached……"

"But unfortunately, now is not the time to congratulate!"

There was no time to congratulate Andre Ares for breaking through the limit of his domineering power in such a desperate situation. His face was unprecedentedly solemn and solemn, and he did not dare to be careless. He was ready for battle.

Just because this man is Zongheng The pirate overlord of an era——Rocks·D·Gibek

"Ahem, I still can’t die.……"

Andreas, covered in blood, staggered to his feet.

A terrifying scene flashed through his red eyes:"This monster... Rayleigh, be careful!"

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