"Bang bang……"

"Come on everyone, destroy the Sand Crocodile Pirates……"

"Damn Crocodile……"

"It’s unforgivable that you dare to destroy the flag planted here by the Giant Soldier Pirates.……"

"Never let him go!"

"Guys, don't embarrass our Salier Island, otherwise we will be laughed at by other towns!"

"To protect our homeland, we must not let these guys do whatever they want!"

"Security team, all come to me!"

"clang... clang……"



Far away in the waters of Creel. The port of Salier Island under the Giant Soldier Pirates was filled with smoke and thick smoke.

The sound of gunfire, shouts of killing, and screams were endless.

A large number of extremely fierce local security personnel trained by the Giant Pirates, armed with guns, swords and other weapons, rushed up one after another.

Fearlessly rushing towards the menacing Sand Crocodile Pirates ahead.

Fighting with the members of the Sand Crocodile Pirates.

A fierce melee broke out

"Gee, does even the local security corps have such combat effectiveness?"

The tall figure wearing a big cloak and chewing a cigar stood there and watched coldly, with no intention of intervening.


"Bang bang……"

A large number of bullets came through the air.

Rockets were bombarded from time to time, causing violent explosions.

But these have no effect on"Sand Crocodile" Crocodile, who is a natural ability user.

There were a lot of bullet holes in his body, his body was scattered by the shells, and his clothes turned into sand.

They are all recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The sand crocodile frowned and looked at the murderous security group in front of them, but they didn't just blindly charge forward to die. Instead, they advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, building positions to counterattack.

It always felt like I was facing those well-trained naval elites.

Instead of facing a group of militia groups that look like they have a large number of people, but are actually just a mob, a completely scattered militia organization.

"Damn it, aren't guns effective against him?"

"He is a natural-type person with the ability of the Shasha Fruit. Ordinary attacks cannot hurt him.……"

"Use the sea stone weapons issued by the Giant Soldier Pirates to deal with him!"

"Sand crocodile bastard, our Salier Island is not a place where cats and dogs can bully you.……"


Headed by the head of the security team.

There, he directly commanded and ordered people to move the weapons out of the warehouse.

"Mortar Team, Shanghai Loushi.com!"

"Musketeers, retreat and use seastone bullets!"

A sea-floor stone net gun was aimed directly at the sand crocodile.

Immediately afterwards, a row of well-trained musketeers knelt there.

They quickly withdrew ordinary bullets and sent them up. The sea-floor stone bullets were loaded.

One by one, the black muzzle of the gun was pointed at the sand crocodile in front.

The movements were uniform.

"Sea floor stone weapon?"

Krokdal's eyelids twitched, and he felt an inexplicable chill.

Such weapons and military qualities are not a civilian group at all.

As long as these guys put on neat military uniforms, they are completely a well-trained army!

It is conceivable that if the entire area ruled by the Giant Soldier Pirates is like this.

Then how amazing is the hidden strength of the Giant Soldier Pirates?

Just those security groups that are not taken seriously by the people, I am afraid that they can instantly become numerous. Tens of thousands of elite troops.

Moreover, Andre Ares actually distributed to these militia organizations seastone weapons that were not even equipped by the navy and were specially used to deal with ability users. It was simply extravagant and exaggerated.


"Bang bang……"

"Whoosh, whoosh……"

A sea-floor stone net and a large number of sea-floor stone bullets.

One after another, the sky breaks through.

Make Crocodile's heart skip a beat

"Endless……"A small sandstorm surged out of his palm.

He swung out fiercely:"Sha Lan!"

"Woo ho ho……"A small sandstorm turned into a huge sandstorm in an instant.

The incoming sea-floor stone nets and sea-floor stone bullets were violently swept away.

However, several Hailoushi bullets still penetrated the storm.

It struck through the air like lightning.

Sand Crocodile felt a chill in his heart and subconsciously evaded it.

"bang bang bang……"

Immediately afterwards, the second row of musketeers was ready.

Start shooting again

"Boo hoo hoo……"

A large number of sea-floor stone bullets came intensively


Continuously dodging those hard-to-prevent sea-floor stone bullets that come from the air.

""Sand Crocodile" Crocodile gathered a large amount of sand in his palm and rolled it violently.

"Woo ho ho——"Without hesitation, another small sandstorm was thrown out.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge sandstorm, crushing the seastone bullets and seastone nets, flying them away, and even bombarded the security team members in front without losing force.


"Desert sword!"

The sand crocodile with stern eyes.

His whole arm turned into a sand blade and suddenly slashed forward.

The earth was torn apart, and the huge sand blade continued unabated, drowning the security team.

"Damn it, don’t even think about hurting everyone.……"


A blazing sword energy rushed out.

Colliding with the incoming sand blade.

A large amount of air waves, carrying sand and gravel, ripples.

It makes people unable to open their eyes.

A young man with red broken hair and a resolute face rushed out holding a blade.

Stopped there

"Bastard, Shanks……"

A young man with a red nose and two swords in his hands cursed in a panic:"We agreed to keep a low profile and hide in the melee and fight with the pirates. Reinforcements have already started arriving anyway." coming……"

But he still bit the bullet and ran over.

Standing with Shanks.

Confronting Crocodile.

The Giant Soldier Pirates have strict rules.

Anyone who dares to fight without fear will be severely punished.

Especially since Lord Ares had already warned him and gave him a special and profound"ideological education class"."

"Are you the 'red-haired' Shanks, a newcomer who has become famous among the Giant Soldier Pirates in recent years, with a bounty of 88 million beli on his head?"

Clicking his cigar and staring at the two ridiculously young figures in front of him,"Sand Crocodile" Crocodile sneered and said:"And the guy with the red nose, is he the clown Bucky who has a bounty of 50 million Baileys, right?"

"Bastard, who do you think is the red nose?"

Bucky, who originally looked panicked, raised his ears.

His face suddenly turned ferocious, and he glared fiercely at Crocodile in front of him.

"shave!" He stamped his feet fiercely, his figure was like lightning.

He charged forward with two knives in hand.

The blades were wrapped with domineering energy, and he struck hard at the sand crocodile with shrinking pupils.

It was unbelievably fierce. It was completely different from his previous performance.

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