At this time, on the sea outside the Kingdom of Daughters, Vice Admiral Weasel was looking at the island with an unhappy look on his face.

“It’s been so long and she hasn’t come out yet, what does that mean?”

Just now the people on the island did say that the Pirate Queen had returned to this country.

Is he going to refuse the call of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

At this moment, a huge sea beast rushed out from underwater and roared at the warship.

“What a huge sea king! The navy was a little dumbfounded.”It looks even bigger than our warships!”

“Damn it, is he going to swallow the warship?!”

“You can’t just sit there and wait to die, hurry up…Fire quickly!”

If it hits the ship, it will be torn into pieces!

Everyone will die here!

” Vice Admiral Weasel snorted coldly and jumped into the air.”I didn’t expect that the first one to come out to greet us would be a monster like you!”

“One-sword style – Cross flash!”

The whole person turned into a beam of light and slashed directly at the head of the sea king, and an X-shaped sign appeared!

“Hum.”The weasel jumped back to the warship.���The general looked at the corpse of the sea king coldly and said,”If the entire warship becomes food for the sea king, it will be a shame for the name of justice!”

As expected of Vice Admiral Weasel, even among the vice admirals, he is a top figure!

At this time, Boa Hancock and a group of people walked out of the woods on the island, stood on the coastline and looked indifferently at the distant

“Sea King?” Boa Hancock’s eyes flickered for a second, then returned to normal.

If a vice admiral doesn’t even have this ability, he doesn’t deserve to be called a vice admiral.

“I am getting impatient waiting.” Vice Admiral Weasel glanced at Boa Hancock and the others and said,”You are finally out, the Nine Snakes Pirates!”

“I am Vice Admiral Weasel of the Marine Headquarters!”

“The Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Pirate Queen – Boa Hancock!”

“I’m here to pick you up!”

“This time, World Conquest plans to publicly execute the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ second division, Ace the Fire Fist.”

“The location and time have been confirmed. This time the compulsory recruitment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is a strict order to conquer the world!”

“If you refuse, the agreement will cease to exist.”

“That means your title of Shichibukai will be revoked, Boa Hancock!” Vice Admiral Weasel stared at Boa Hancock and said,”Think carefully about what this means.”

“You who have been doing whatever you want under the umbrella of world conquest will become ordinary pirates!”

“At that time, you will face the encirclement and suppression of the navy and world conquest!”

Seeing that Boa Hancock’s expression did not change at all, Vice Admiral Weasel frowned,”Did you hear that, Boa Hancock?!”

Boa Hancock did not speak, but slowly stepped forward and stood on the head of a giant sea king snake with a highly poisonous poison, and her two sisters also jumped onto the snake’s head, and then asked it to send the three of them to the vicinity of the warship.

Vice Admiral Weasel saw this and immediately felt like he was facing a great enemy. He said to his subordinates with a nervous face,”Listen, don’t take it lightly!”

It is not clear what this woman’s attitude is now. If a fight breaks out, his subordinates will easily be affected by the woman’s devil fruit ability and turn into stone statues!

This is not what he wants!

However, Vice Admiral Weasel’s idea is good, but it turns out that ordinary people can’t resist the charm of Boa Hancock.

The moment they saw her again, they all showed pig-like

“Is that the Pirate Queen?…”

“I heard that she is a peerless beauty, and it turned out to be true.”

She is so beautiful!

If they can get such a woman, they would be willing to die immediately!

Boa Hancock looked at the look in the eyes of this group of people and immediately showed a look of disgust.

It was really disgusting that other men showed such expressions to her.

As expected, only Chu Feng was special.

“Boa Hancock, you…”Before Admiral Weasel could finish his words, he was interrupted by Boa Hancock,”Shut up, you rude fellow!”

As he spoke, he made a contemptuous gesture,”Is this how you talk to me?!”

However, this gesture not only did not scare the navy, but made them even more excited.

Sure enough, the Empress’s strength was unmatched!

Admiral Weasel gritted his teeth and said,”Don’t say those useless things, I’m here to ask you if you want to join the war!”

“Think carefully, what I just said was not to scare you!”

“If you refuse, World Conquest will never let you go after the war!” They may even launch a Demon Killing Order!

After all, if Boa Hancock did that, it would be like slapping them in the face again.

This is not allowed by World Conquest.

Hearing this, Boa Hancock stood up straight, glanced at Vice Admiral Weasel and said,”Go back, we will not participate in this war.”


“I also don’t want you to deprive me of my title of Shichibukai.”


“I want all the goods on your ship~”

Seeing Boa Hancock’s appearance and the tone of her voice, all the navy members were excited.

The Pirate Queen – Boa Hancock is so beautiful!!

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Vice Admiral Weasel said angrily,”I’m not a willful child!”

“Do you think we will agree to such an unreasonable request?!”

After all, Vice Admiral Weasel is also a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and his willpower is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

So in front of Boa Hancock, he can still remain rational.

Just when Vice Admiral Weasel was about to say something else, he found that Boa Hancock actually laughed.

He didn’t agree, why did she laugh?

However, the next moment, he knew why the other party laughed.

Because his subordinates actually took out the supplies in the ship!

“Hurry up~” The Marine looked at Boa Hancock with hearts in his eyes and said,”What a beautiful person!”

“It’s so beautiful!”

“I’d give her anything!”

“Bastard!” Vice Admiral Weasel was immediately angry.”How come you guys took out the goods? Wake up!” He was actually bewitched by a Boa Hancock.

If she was an enemy, you wouldn’t even know how you died, bastard!

Maybe Vice Admiral Weasel’s words played a role, and the navy reacted.”Oh no, we listened to her carelessly.”

“A bunch of idiots.”Lieutenant General Weasel looked unhappy, but he also knew how charming Boa Hancock was, so he didn’t blame them too much.

“Boa Hancock!”

“Our navy is about to publicly execute the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Love Thieves Group, Fire Fist Ace, at the Marine Headquarters, Marineford!”

“In other words, before that, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely take some action to rescue Ace the Fire Fist!!”

“At that time, our Navy Headquarters, led by three admirals, will send all our forces to deal with them, and fight the Whitebeard Pirates to the death!”

“Should he be stripped of his title as Shichibukai or accept the call-up?”

“Make a choice here, time is running out!”

He must return to the Navy Headquarters before the public execution!

This is true even if this woman does not accept the call-up.

At that time, he will not take action directly, but will leave here.

After the war is over, someone will naturally deal with her!

Of course, the best thing is that Boa Hancock, this woman, accepts the call-up, which is also good for their navy.

At least there will be one more Shichibukai-level combat power, right?

Boa Hancock smiled when she heard this, and slowly sat on the snake behind her.”I like the title of Shichibukai very much.~”

“Don’t want it to be taken away”

“But I also hate World Conquest and don’t want to follow their orders.”

“How about this?”

“The navy soldiers who came to greet me encountered an incredible incident at sea, their bodies turned into stone, and they were completely wiped out~”

As soon as these words came out, the navy was dumbfounded

“What is she going to do?!”

“Don’t reveal any flaws!”

“etc….”A navy officer’s face suddenly turned ugly.”I once heard of a ship that was attacked by the Nine Snakes Pirates.”

“When they were discovered, there was no one on the ship, but there were strange stone statues on it!”

Maybe it was because of something this woman did!

What a scary creature.

Vice Admiral Weasel’s face darkened. This woman actually wanted to wipe them out?! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What a nasty creature!

“I’ve already said it!” Lieutenant General Weasel said sullenly,”Don’t try to act like a child.”

“So accept it or reject it!”

“There are only these two choices!”

Why are you acting like a child here? Are you kidding me?! []

Boya Sanda Sonia laughed and said,”Sister has a very bad temper.~”

“But no matter what she did, she would be forgiven.”

“That’s right.” Boa Marigold nodded in agreement,”Because there is a reason to be forgiven~”

Boa Hancock raised her lips when she heard that, and jumped onto the warship with a light jump.

She glanced at the navy around her who were looking at her with red faces and said lightly,”Do you want to know the reason?”

“No matter what I do, whether it’s destroying the pirate ship or removing your ears”

“The whole world will forgive me!”

“If you want to know the reason~”

“Yes, because I am too beautiful!”

As soon as these words came out, all the navy officers in the audience screamed in excitement.

Even the order of Vice Admiral Weasel was useless.

“Forgive you, forgive you!”

“Because you are so beautiful!”

Looking at this group of navy men, especially their eyes, Boya Hancock showed a very disgusted expression.

“The guilt of being obsessed with my body will harden your bodies!”

“”Sweet and sweet breeze!”

Without any hesitation, Boa Hancock decisively activated her fruit ability!

She turned all the navy members except Vice Admiral Weasel into stone statues!

That’s right, except Vice Admiral Weasel!

At the last moment, the man stabbed his palm with a dagger, using the severe pain to force himself to stay awake!

Because he himself was not absolutely sure that he would not be turned into a stone statue in this situation!

Boa Hancock looked at Vice Admiral Weasel and said,”You are worthy of being the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters. You can actually think of using pain to dispel evil thoughts?”

“Really experienced.”


“Your soldiers are in such a pity, and you are the only one left~”

Boa Hancock’s tone was full of playfulness, as if she was mocking Vice Admiral Weasel.

Vice Admiral Weasel glanced at his subordinates, his eyes full of annoyance,”These idiots…”

I told you not to take it lightly, but now you are still petrified.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about these things.

Thinking of this, Vice Admiral Weasel sullenly took out the dagger in his hand, looked up at Boa Hancock and said,”1 and 0 are different!”

Even if he is alone, he will not show fear!

He represents the face of the navy!

Boa Hancock glanced at Vice Admiral Weasel unexpectedly. She didn’t expect that this guy still had some backbone.

Well, Chu Feng said that this time it was just a refusal, and not all people could be killed.

Otherwise, the plan would fail.

Thinking of this, Boa Hancock waved her hand calmly, signaling her subordinates to take away all the goods here, and she stood in front of Vice Admiral Weasel and stared at him to prevent him from attacking his subordinates. Vice Admiral Weasel watched this scene with gritted teeth, but for the safety of his subordinates and his mission, he did not do anything, but watched the other party move the things away.

“Let’s go back.” Boa Hancock flicked her hair, calmly returned to the giant venomous snake’s head, and walked towards the coastline.

“”Boya Hancock!” Vice Admiral Weasel looked at Boa Hancock’s back and shouted,”I will wait for you here for two days!”

“I will not return empty-handed. If you do not show up in two days, the agreement will be invalid!”

He was willing to make a final effort for the lives of his men, but…

If things really come to that, he will not lose the face of the navy for this group of people!

He will leave here directly and go back to the headquarters of the navy!

After that, just wait for the army to arrive!

Boa Hancock turned her head and glanced at Vice Admiral Weasel lightly, and said after a moment,”It’s up to you.”

Anyway, she has achieved her goal now.

Use the ability of petrification to turn all the enemy soldiers into stone statues. In this way, whether for the lives of his subordinates or because it is troublesome for him to leave here alone.

He will wait for a day or two, then maybe she will change her mind.

After all, she does need the title of Shichibukai.

This just fits Chu Feng’s idea.

Thinking of this, Boa Hancock smiled even more happily,”Let’s go to the inner city!”

“Yes, Your Majesty~” The subordinates looked at Boa Hancock excitedly, as if this was their god!

“cut…”Looking at Boa Hancock who left without hesitation, Admiral Weasel spat.

Turning his head to look at his petrified subordinates, he said with regret,”I usually let you exercise your willpower more.”

“Now it’s all right, you’re all petrified!”

Even if he could have stabbed himself at the last moment, it would be fine!

But Vice Admiral Weasel didn’t know, and it couldn’t be entirely blamed on his subordinates.

After all, at that moment just now, if he hadn’t pierced his palm with a knife, he might have been hit. This woman’s charm is really terrifying. I’m afraid only the admiral can fight her without changing his expression.

What kind of devil fruit does this woman have!

Vice Admiral Weasel was full of doubts,”It would be great if I had seen the devil fruit icon.”

At least that way I could find the opponent’s weaknesses in a targeted manner.

But unfortunately, he had never thought about this before.

I’ll make up for it when I go back!

Intelligence is really important.

With a sigh, Vice Admiral Weasel took out the Den Den Mushi and contacted Marshal Sengoku,”Marshal, it’s me, Vice Admiral Weasel”

“It’s you.” Zhan Guo nodded and said,”I remember you went to find Boa Hancock, right?”

“How is it going? Is everything going well?”

As he spoke, he handed the newspaper in his hand to the sheep beside him, signaling him to continue eating.

“Sorry, Marshal Warring States…”Vice Admiral Weasel said with a guilty look on his face,”The other party did not agree, and turned all my subordinates into stone statues.”

Sengoku fell silent after hearing this, and veins popped up on his forehead,”She is so daring.”

Doesn’t she know that this is a provocation to World Conquest?

Doesn’t she want the position of Shichibukai anymore? Does she really think that because she is beautiful, the whole world will make way for her?

If she angers the navy, she will directly launch the Demon Slayer Order to destroy her country!

“I told her that I would wait for her here for two days. Lieutenant General Weasel looked at the wound on his hand and said,”If she doesn’t come, I will leave here.””

“After that, her status as a Shichibukai will be taken away!”

“OK, I understand. Zhan Guo nodded.”If she doesn’t come out in two days, leave immediately.”

“When the war is over, I will send people to destroy them!”

It’s two!”.

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