“Damn it, I failed.” Mr. 5 gritted his teeth and said,”It will be even harder to succeed next time.”

Mr. 5 even felt that as long as the man named Chu Feng was still there, they would not have a chance to succeed.

“What should we do then?”Mr. Valentine said in a panic,”If we can’t complete the task…”

The boss will definitely kill them!

When faced with employees who failed in their missions, they will definitely kill them.

After all, many of the missions they carried out included killing their own colleagues.

Mr. 5 was silent after hearing this. To be honest, he didn’t know what to do.

Should he attack by force?

But when he thought of the horrific scene just now, Mr. 5 felt a little weak in the legs.

If it weren’t for their good luck, the two of them would have been dead.

“Humph, what a waste.”Mr. 3’s voice appeared in the ears of the two people, and their faces changed.

Could it be that Mr. 3 was going to attack them?

After all, their mission failed again….

Seeing the slightly wary look in the two people’s eyes, Mr. 3 said disdainfully,”Don’t worry, I have no intention of doing anything to you.”

“You are not worth much either.”

Doing so would only be a waste of energy, and in a sense, Mr. 5’s fruit ability has some restraint on his own fruit ability.

So Mr. 3 would not attack them unless it was absolutely necessary.

Mr. 3’s words made the two of them feel relieved, but also a little confused.

Why would Mr. 3 let them go?

“I can choose not to attack you, but you must help me take them down.”Mr. 3 pushed his glasses and said calmly,”As long as you take them down, I don’t have to report your mission to the boss.” There are orders from above, but they can also have countermeasures below~

There is no need to be so rigid.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

This is already the best result.

“How would you like us to assist you?”

“Don’t worry~” Mr. 3 narrowed his eyes and said,”I will tell you when the time comes.”

Mr. 3 didn’t expect these two rubbish to play a big role. They just wanted to hold back the Straw Hat Pirates.

As for whether they died or not?

Mr. 3 didn’t care.

After all, countless colleagues died every year, so there was no need to care.

“Okay, we got it.”

Mr. 5 and Mr. Valentine nodded as if they had agreed.

As long as they didn’t die, everything would be fine.

But Mr. Valentine’s expression was a little strange. She couldn’t help but recall what the bastard had said just now.

Damn it, he must be killed.

Let’s use his life to wash away this shame!………..

Looking at Broki squatting on the ground handling his weapon, Usopp said to Broki with admiration,”Well, uncle,”

“You guys are so handsome. One day I will become a brave sea warrior!”

There is no way, these two uncles are just too handsome.

At least in Usopp’s eyes.

“Brave sea warrior?” Broki looked at Usopp in confusion and said,”What the hell is that?”

How come he has never heard of this term before?

“I’m referring to you!”

“I also want to be like you one day!”

Usopp looked at Broki with longing, expecting to become like them in the future.

Just now Chu Feng said that he could become a brave man, so he must be able to do it.

Broki had a question mark on his head when he heard it, and then he understood.

“Ah, become a giant?”

“I’m afraid that’s unlikely.”

He was born into the Titan family. I’ve never heard of anyone growing from a human to a Titan.

Unless they eat a special devil fruit.

But then they wouldn’t be pure Titans.

Usopp almost got a stitch in the side when he heard Broki’s words. What the hell is going on?

“is not what it means!”

“I mean, I want to live like the warriors of Elbaf, with noble honor.”

This is the life a man should live!

Broki was stunned for a moment, then laughed heartily.

He didn’t expect that the living habits that his tribe was accustomed to could actually gain the admiration of others.

“I see.” Broki looked at Usopp and smiled,”We, because we live longer than you, think more about how to die.”

“After all, property and life are things that will disappear one day.”

“However, if I die with the glory of an Elbaf warrior, it will be a glorious death!”

“This glory will be passed on in Elbaf, it is an eternal treasure!”

After saying this, Broki laughed heartily.

Chu Feng nodded thoughtfully.

He felt that this made sense.

The death of a person is not a physical death, but being completely forgotten!

This is the same as why people in history want to be remembered forever, because people can remember them forever!

Money and life will always disappear, but glory will not.

Similarly, the achievements they have made will not disappear, as long as human civilization continues, they will always live in people’s hearts!

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn’t help but think of those legendary gods.

They have always wanted others to worship them. Are they afraid of being forgotten?

Usopp listened to Broki’s words, his eyes full of little stars,”Glory is a treasure….”

“so good!”

“I have decided, from now on, please let me call you Master!”

Usopp felt extremely honored to be able to worship such a being as a master!

“Huh?”Brocki was a little dumbfounded. Master or something?…

Why did he suddenly accept an apprentice?

Never mind.

Broki didn’t care too much about this matter. Anyway, these little guys would leave after staying here for a year.

Thinking of this, Broki laughed again.”It’s up to you, Kabababa.””………..

Please give me flowers and votes~

Please give me all kinds of gifts~

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