“The battle plan has been confirmed.” Crocodile glanced at Nico Robin and said,”Have the personnel been arranged?”

“Well, there is no slackness at all.” Nico Robin said without turning her head,”150 billionaires are already on standby in Narohara.”

“I have also recalled Mr. 2”

“Because he seems to have not caught Mr. 3 yet, the senior agents will also gather today.”

“The location is in Spiderman Cafe”

“Ah, well done. Crocodile nodded in appreciation. Nico Robin did a good job in handling these matters.

Basically, he didn’t need to worry about anything and could solve all the problems.

“At this point in time, most of them have already arrived.” Nico Robin said after glancing at the time.

Crocodile nodded after hearing this, then thought for a moment and said,”By the way, have you found the group of people who killed the billionaire elders before?”

“Not yet.” Nico Robin shook her head.

“Really?” Crocodile looked at Nico Robin with a meaningful look and said,”I hope you don’t lie to me.”

“”Ala, we have been working together for so long, don’t you still trust me?”

Crocodile smiled. Is there anything else we need to say about our relationship?

It’s just mutual use.

Nico Robin smiled. This kind of thing is tacitly understood.

“I have sent Fat Turtle to pick them up.” Nico Robin said calmly,”Maybe it won’t be long before they arrive at this city called Rainland.”

“OK, I got it.” Crocodile stood up from the sofa and walked out slowly.”Tell them to come see me when the time comes.”

Now that the plan has reached the final step, it is time to let them know who their boss is.


Nico Robin looked at Crocodile’s departing back and narrowed her eyes. It was unknown what she was thinking.

Soon, all the senior cadres arrived and sat in a conference room, waiting for their boss to arrive.

“I wonder what the boss looks like.” Mr. 2 said expectantly.

Could she be a shemale like him?

“Just be patient, you will know in a while.”Miss·Double Fingers said,”The boss’s partner has already said that he will be back soon.”

To be honest, she also wanted to know.

Mr. 1 did not finish his words, but waited silently.

If his boss is too weak, he will kill people.

The weak are not worthy of standing above him.

“You all look energetic.” Crocodile, who appeared on the seat at some point, said calmly,”Okay, the plan is about to begin~”

Everyone was stunned when they saw Crocodile suddenly appear.

“What? Our boss is actually a pirate?!”Mr. 2 was surprised.

“Crocodile…”Mr. 1 had cold sweat on his face. If it was him, he would not be his opponent.

“It seems that everyone is very aware of the boss’s reputation outside~” Nico Robin smiled

“What do you know or not? He is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea….”

Such a person is actually their boss. What exactly is he going to do?

Crocodile was very satisfied with the performance of this group of people. Then he smiled and said,”Take a look at the task list in front of you.”

“This is the task I assign to you. When you complete it, Alabasta will be completely in our hands!”

“Then this country will become our utopia!”

“This is the biggest and final Utopian battle plan of Baroque Studio!”

Everyone looked down and found that a piece of white paper had appeared in front of them.

They opened it and took a look, and their pupils shrank.

Is the boss playing such a big game?

But it’s interesting, if they can really do it, this country will indeed fall into their hands.

At this moment, Mr. 3 walked over from a distance and said,”I hope we can suspend this Utopian plan.”

“Mr. 3? ?”Crocodile frowned.”Why are you here?”

“Boss, I know my mission failed and I deserve to be hunted down by Mr. 2, but I have important information to report.”

“About the Straw Hat Boy and Princess Vivi!” Then he talked about the fact that they were still alive.

“What?!” Crocodile’s face turned ugly. They are not dead?!……….

Looking at the old man waving a shovel in the pit, Chu Feng was somewhat moved.

Even in this situation, did the old man not give up hope?

“Ah, it’s the traveler.”Dotto looked up at the people behind him and said,”I’m so sorry, this city has run out of water.”

“But you guys should take a good rest, there are hotels everywhere”

“Those are the best places in the city.”

It’s also the only place that’s worth mentioning.

“”Well, uncle, do you know where the rebels are?” Luffy asked, picking his nose.

Doto stopped what he was doing, turned around and looked at them sharply,”What are you looking for the rebels for?!”

“You don’t want to join the rebels, do you?”

“Forehead…”Weiwei quickly waved her hands and said,”No, we don’t have that idea.”

“That’s good.” Doto snorted coldly and said,”Those idiots are no longer here.”

After saying this, the Straw Hat Pirates were a little dumbfounded,”Gone?”

Then why did they come all the way here?!

“Since it stopped raining three years ago, the environment here has begun to deteriorate, and the former oasis has disappeared, becoming what it is now.”

“Without the circulation of supplies, the rebels could not sustain their operations for a long time, so they moved their base to Cattleya.”

“Cattleya?!”Weiwei was a little dumbfounded, why was she there?!

“Where is that, Weiwei?”

“Is Cattleya close to here?”

“No.” Vivi sighed,”It’s the oasis near Narohara.”

Straw Hat Pirates:???

“Then why did we run here?” Zoro scratched his head and felt a little annoyed. It was a waste of running so far!

Chu Feng touched his chin and thought, ‘Is that the case?’

Forget it, anyway, their ultimate goal is to kill that guy Crocodile. The rebels are just a bunch of poor people after all.

There is no point in killing them.

Toto, who was digging a hole, stopped his action after hearing this, walked up tremblingly, looked at Vivi with an unbelievable face and said,”Vivi, you called her Vivi just now?!”

Is it really you?!

Luffy rushed to Vivi anxiously and yelled,”Hey, uncle, Vivi is not a princess!”

Zoro punched Luffy on the head and yelled,”Don’t talk, idiot!” Aren’t you trying to cover your ears and steal the bell!

Toto ignored the others, walked to Vivi, grabbed her shoulders and asked,”You are Vivi, I didn’t expect you are still alive”

“That’s great.” Tears welled up in Duoto’s eyes.”It’s me, don’t you recognize me?”

“It’s no wonder, because I’ve lost some weight.”

Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and then a figure of a fat person appeared in her mind.

“Uncle Duotuo?!” Weiwei’s face was full of disbelief. Uncle Duotuo’s weight now looked like it was not even half of what it used to be!

“it’s me”

“Weiwei, I always believe that the king would never do such a thing”

“I know him well. He would never betray his country, right?”

Looking at the old man crying in front of her, Weiwei felt extremely painful, but at the same time she was also very fortunate.

Because there are still people in this country who are willing to believe in her father!

“Rebellion is so stupid!”Todo said with a look of disappointment,”Those fools, it’s just that there has been no rain for three years, so what?!”

“I believe in His Majesty, and so do most of the people.”

They always believed that the king would not use dancing powder, and that it must be a frame-up by someone with ulterior motives!

But there was no way, things had come to this point….

“I tried to organize them, but they didn’t listen to me.”

“Now their physical strength has probably reached its limit, and the next battle will probably be a decisive one.”

“Weiwei. Duotuo raised his head and said with tears on his face,”Please, go and stop those stupid guys.”

Don’t make any more useless sacrifices.

After a moment of silence, he grabbed Duotuo’s hand and said,”Don’t worry, Uncle Duotuo, I will definitely stop them!”

“”Okay.” Duotuo wiped his tears and nodded with satisfaction.”You guys go and rest first, I’ll be busy for a while.”

Patting Weiwei’s shoulder, the old man walked into the tunnel again and dug the ground with the shovel in his hand, trying to dig out the underground water.

Seeing his trembling back, everyone felt distressed.

Then everyone turned their eyes to Chu Feng, and the meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

‘You should have a way.’

“Chu Feng, please help him….”Nami reached out and held Chu Feng’s hand, with a layer of mist in her eyes.

This hardworking old man reminded her of her former adoptive mother, who also tried so hard to keep them alive.

“I understand.”Chu Feng sighed, then waved to the others,”You guys go to the RV to rest first, I’ll take care of the rest.”

Looking at the tireless figure in the distance, Chu Feng admired him.

He knew that the chances of finding water were slim, but he still didn’t give up.


“Maybe I am the gift from God to this old man~” Chu Feng smiled and then walked aside to study his invention………..

The night passed quickly, and Nami walked out of the RV happily.


“Comfortable~” Nami stretched lazily, showing off her perfect figure. Chu Feng, who was not far away, twitched his eyelids.”This little devil.”

Perhaps she noticed Chu Feng’s gaze, so Nami turned her head and looked in Chu Feng’s direction.

It would have been better if she hadn’t looked at it. After looking at it, she was stunned in place.”What is this?”

A huge mechanical body was lying not far from Chu Feng. It looked like it was at least ten meters long. It looked like…

A giant python?

“Ah, this is the baby I made after staying up all night……….”Chu Feng sent a mechanical body to the side and said,”This thing is called a mechanical python………..”

“Its only function is to find groundwater and to open up underground passages to bring water in.”

“Of course, it is also equipped with weapons and equipment to kill unknown creatures that may be encountered.”

After all, no one knows whether there will be desert worms or something like that under the desert.

The size of that thing is not small.

Usopp, who just got off the car, also heard Chu Feng’s words. He walked to Chu Feng’s side, knocked on the mechanical python and said,”Can this thing go underwater?”

“Isn’t this a machine?”

“How can I go into the water? What if there is a short circuit?”

“You underestimate me too much.” Chu Feng said unhappily,”How could something I invented be destroyed by mere groundwater?”

“Don’t you want to see this old man continue to work so hard?” Chu Feng smiled faintly and said,”Now that we have this, we can completely solve the problem of water sources.”

Then he clapped his hands and said,”Mechanical python, start your work.”

“First, open up the underground water in Yuba and send it up, then open up underground passages across Alabasta and wait for my next instructions.”

“Buzz~” The eyes of the mechanical python suddenly lit up, and the azure eyes looked particularly smart.

“Got it!”

The huge body suddenly moved, turning into a huge electric drill and stabbing the ground fiercely, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Straw Hat Pirates were stunned.”Is it so fast?”

“What do you think?” Chu Feng snorted,”In a week at most, the mechanical python can open up the entire underground passage of the Alabasta Kingdom!”

“If that’s the case, can we bring in seawater?!”Weiwei said with surprise,”That’s great!”

“It’s not that simple.”Chu Feng waved his hand.”This is just the first step.”

“You know, seawater cannot be used directly, so I plan to solve the problem of seawater after defeating Crocodile and convert it into edible fresh water.”

“This will completely solve the problem of water shortage in Alabasta.”

Otherwise, there is no way to use the seawater directly. It can neither be drunk nor used for planting.

What’s the point of that?

“Purify seawater?”Weiwei was a little dumbfounded.”Is this even possible?”

Her previous idea was to bring in seawater. Although it cannot be drunk directly, at least with water on the ground, the rainfall will become more frequent.

“Little girl, there are so many things you don’t know.”Chu Feng groaned and said,”Okay, the matter has been resolved. I’m going to take a nap.”

“You guys are welcome to do whatever you want.”

Looking at Chu Feng’s back as he left, Nami said with some distress,”Thank you for your hard work.”

Chu Feng waved his hand and did not finish his words. After returning to the cab and moving the car to a higher place, he ate something and fell into a deep sleep.

It didn’t take long, a few hours was enough.

“Thanks…”Weiwei murmured to herself. If it wasn’t for Chu Feng, she really didn’t know what to do.

Nami smiled and patted Weiwei’s shoulder, then looked at the RV and shouted,”Sanji, it’s time to eat.”

“Here they come!” Sanji came out of the RV carrying a large plate.”Here, here are the best butter sandwiches.”

“Best eaten in the morning~”

“Hey, uncle, you should have some too!”Sanji shouted at Toto who was walking out of the house in the distance.

Toto nodded and walked over with a shovel.

“Huh?” Doto took the sandwich and took a bite, then noticed the big hole on the side and asked in confusion,”What is this?”

“Could it be that there was a sandstorm yesterday?”

A large pit with a diameter of two or three meters could not have been caused by humans.

After hearing this, Weiwei explained the situation to Duotuo, who was a little dumbfounded,”Is this possible?!””

Is there such a magical invention in the world?

But the huge deep hole in front of him made him speechless to refute.

After a while, Duotuo sighed,”What a good kid.”

The location of the deep hole was exactly where he dug yesterday. Was the child telling him not to give up hope?

It seems that Weiwei’s friends are all good kids.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook, as if some giant beast was about to come out of the ground.

A moment later~


A large amount of water gushed out from the deep hole not far away, like a fountain!

It really sprayed for more than ten seconds before slowing down, but the tunnel in the distance had turned into a small river!

Duotuo’s legs softened and he sat on the ground, looking at the small river in front of him with tears in his eyes and said,”Water!…”

“There is water at last, Youba is saved, Youba is saved!”

“That’s great!”

Looking at this crying and laughing uncle, the Straw Hat Pirates had very complicated expressions on their faces.

Among these people, the only one who could understand his feelings the most was probably Vivi.

Uncle Doto, we still have hope.”Weiwei squatted down and helped Doto up.”There is still hope for the Kingdom of Alabasta!”: Ťїếʉ кɦʉүŋɦ էɦàŋɦツ

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