“Alba is in front.”Weiwei said as she glanced at the scenery outside the window, and then she was stunned for a moment because she saw Kalu rushing over from not far away.


Why is he here?

“Chu Feng, stop the car.”

Chu Feng stopped the RV and walked out and asked curiously,”What’s wrong?”

Shouldn’t we rush into Alba now?

“Kalu came to see me.” Weiwei jumped out of the car, hugged Kalu and said,”Have you given my letter to my father?”

Seeing Kalu nodded, Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief,”That’s good.”

Since her father has received the letter, it proves that there are already measures to deal with it.

“What’s wrong?” Weiwei asked curiously when she found that Kalu’s expression was not right.

“He said the king is missing.” Chopper explained,”And the rebels are not far from Alba now, and it looks like a full-scale war is about to begin.”

Upon hearing this, Vivi’s face suddenly changed,”Father is missing?”

“What does missing mean?”

“Most likely he was captured by Crocodile.” Chu Feng sighed,”But I guess your father’s life is not in danger.”

Crocodile said before that he wanted Cobra to feel a humiliation more painful than death.

So he will not kill him before the plan is completed.

There is still a chance!

Weiwei nodded when she heard it. There was no problem with her father’s safety, but the rebels…

“Let’s do this.” Weiwei stood up and looked at the others and said,”I will go stop the rebels, and everyone please go and defeat Crocodile!”

“I can’t help with those senior officials.”


She wanted to do something within her ability.

Seeing Vivi’s determined eyes, Luffy was silent for a moment, then turned and left.”Let’s go, let’s go defeat Crocodile, bastard!”


“Vivi-chan, if you encounter an irresistible enemy, remember to run into the city.”Sanji said with a smile, and then chased after them. Vivi nodded

, and after watching the few people leave, she looked at Kalu and said,”Kalu, we have to work harder.”

Kalu immediately stood up and nodded. He also knew the seriousness of the matter.

As the captain of the Running Ducks, he must take responsibility!

On the other side, the Straw Hat Pirates soon arrived at the edge of the city, and Chu Feng used the Wild Wolf Armor to send everyone in.”Okay, let’s assign the tasks next.”

Chu Feng glanced at everyone and said,”The remaining few cadres in the Baroque Studio are also here”

“Among them, Mr. 1 is the user of the Quick Slash Fruit, an alternative swordsman. It can be said that this is Zoro’s best whetstone.”

“If Zoro can defeat him, he can buy the realm of cutting iron and become a swordsman.”

“Swordsman?” Zoro showed a hint of a sinister smile.”Okay, then leave him to me.”

He was looking forward to entering that realm.

“Yeah.” Chu Feng nodded, then glanced at Sanji and said,”Sanji, your opponent is Mr. 2, he is a master of boxing and kicking, but there is one thing he can do to restrain you.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“He can use his fruit power to transform himself into a woman….”


“Don’t hit women.”

“But he needs to return to his original form when launching the attack, and you can take advantage of this opportunity to kick him to death.”

Sanji was silent for a moment, then said firmly,”Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“That’s fine”

“As for the other cadres, I’ll leave it to fate. If I come across them, I’ll clean them up.”Chu Feng glanced at the huge palace in the distance and said,”Crocodile is probably in that direction now. Let’s go.”

“Those officers must be waiting in front of us to snipe us, so we don’t have to worry about not finding them.”

“Let’s go, brothers!”


“”Eh?” Usopp was suddenly stunned.”Are we missing someone here?”

As soon as he said this, the air suddenly became quiet.

Where did Luffy go?

“This idiot…”Nami’s mouth twitched. We are discussing the battle here, and you just run away?

“Forget it, don’t worry about him.”Chu Feng waved his hand,”It would be even better if he could find Crocodile.”

With the two surface liquid balls I gave him, defeating Crocodile should not be a problem



“What a bunch of pirates who don’t know their place.” Miss Two Fingers sat on the roof, looking at the distance with a strange expression,”Do they think they can defeat the boss?””

That’s the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

How can you stop people of that level from getting something with your power?

Mr. 1 glanced at Miss Two Fingers and said calmly,”There will always be some fearless people in this world.”

“Or maybe it’s just like a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger.”

They just arrived at the Grand Line and they may not understand what the three words”Seven Warlords of the Sea” mean.

A bounty of 80 million?


In Mr. 1’s opinion, if Crocodile’s bounty continues to increase, it will be at least several hundred million now!

Can such a being be defeated by some rubbish pirates?

It’s a joke.

“Let me tell them what despair is.”Mr. 1 stood up slowly, with some blades appearing in his hands.

Kill two first, and then find others!

The two people in front of him were Nami and Chu Feng!

“I say, why did things turn out like this? ?”Chu Feng, who was standing next to Nami, was speechless,”Weren’t we acting together just now?”

The originally large army, now there are only two of them left.

No one knows when Zoro went into the alley and disappeared.

Sanji said that he heard a woman crying, and then ran away in a cloud of smoke.

Usopp and Chopper are more interesting. Did they feel the call of manliness?

But in Chopper’s words, he smelled the scent of two enemies, and he wanted to prove himself with Usopp.

“Are you not used to it yet?”Nami said, as if I didn’t care anymore,”It’s good to see one or two people every time we fight.”

They fought separately every time, but they always defeated all the high-level combat forces of the opponent.

I can only say that they are really lucky.

“Oh, then you are really unlucky.”

“Who?” Chu Feng suddenly became alert, turned his head and looked at the corner in the distance. After seeing who it was, he narrowed his eyes and said,”Mr. 1?”

“”Oh?” Mr. 1 said with some surprise,”You actually know me?”

“Haha, a famous killer, how could I not know him?”

“It’s really an honor, scientist Chu Feng.” Mr. 1 said calmly,”It just so happens that your head is worth 30 million, you can exchange it for a bounty.”

30 million is not a small amount.

He will not let it go!

“It depends on whether you have the ability to do it.” Chu Feng sneered and took out the Wild Wolf Armor and put it on.”Nami, you hide first, I will take care of him.”

“Is that ok?”

“Of course, I’m just one person.”

“We are not alone~” Miss walked out with her fingers twisted in a cat walk, looking at Nami with a smile on her face,”Little girl, how about I play with you?”

“”Tsk.” Chu Feng spat. There were actually two people?

“You don’t have to worry about me.” Nami took out the weather stick from the dimensional pocket in front of her with a serious face.”I am a pirate after all, I can’t always hide behind you.”

“I want to fight too!”

“This is why you gave it to me, isn’t it?”

Looking at Nami’s serious expression, Chu Feng was silent for a moment, then smiled and said,”Okay, be careful.”


“Wow, it’s really touching~” Miss·put her hands on her mouth with two fingers and said exaggeratedly,”I’m moved, little boy, why don’t you give up them and follow me.~”

“Sister will take good care of you~”

“”Shut up, vixen.” Nami said coldly,”How can you interfere with my Chu Feng?”

“Vixen?” Miss Shuangzhi was silent for a moment, then said coldly,”Just take it as a compliment.”

“But I hope you can still be so stubborn when I poke you like a hedgehog later”

“You don’t need to worry about that.” Nami nodded to Chu Feng and ran in another direction.

She is no longer the weak woman she used to be. With the equipment Chu Feng gave her, she can also defeat the enemy!

She can do it!

“I’m going, be careful.”

“”Okay.” Mr. 1 nodded, looked at Chu Feng calmly and said,”Now there are only two of us left.”

“What a pity, I was going to give you to Zoro.”Chu Feng said with some regret,”Forget it, since you met me, you are unlucky.”

Zoro’s opponent, at worst, I can find him another one next time. They looked at each other silently, and then rushed towards each other!



At this time, Weiwei and Kalu had already arrived at the road that the rebels had to pass. Weiwei gritted her teeth, suppressed her inner fear and shouted,”Everyone!”

“Please stop, this incident was planned by someone with ulterior motives”

“You are walking into the enemy’s trap by doing this!”

Vivi shouted with all her might, but the effect was minimal.

There were so many camels running in the distance that their voices were covered up.

Gaka on the city wall looked at the rebels getting closer and closer, and his face turned ugly.”Don’t fire without my order!”

As long as there is a possibility of stopping the war, he is willing to take a gamble.

After all, these are all the people of Alabasta!

Unfortunately, the undercover agent of Baroque Studio hidden in the King’s Army didn’t think so.

While Gaka was observing the situation in the distance, he quietly ignited the cannon!


The ferocious cannon roared suddenly, and a huge shell fell far away from Weiwei. Although it did not hurt her, it completely cut off the possibility of explanation.

Because the yellow sand in the sky had blocked all vision!

“How…How could this happen?”Weiwei was desperate. She thought she could stop the rebels by her own strength, but she didn’t expect…

Why are you firing?

Seeing the large army approaching, Kalu immediately protected Weiwei under his body, while he silently endured the heavy trampling………..

It lasted for ten minutes before the entire army rushed in………..

And Kalu, who was protecting Weiwei, was already dying.

“Are you okay?”Vivi looked at Karu with a distressed look on her face, tears welling up in her eyes.

If it weren’t for Karu, she might have been trampled to death by the camels.

Karu rolled his eyes and was unable to speak.

At this moment, Usopp rode over from a distance and said,”Vivi, how are you?”

“How did this fast running duck get injured like this?”

“Usopp?!” Vivi looked at Usopp with surprise and said,”Why are you here?”

“Ah, I was worried about you so I came to check on you. Are you okay?”

“I do not…”Vivi was about to say that she was fine, but then she was stunned.

What did Usopp call Karu just now?

Run away?

Didn’t he know Karu’s name?

Thinking of this, Vivi immediately looked at Usopp’s arm and saw that there was indeed a bracelet….

No, they are different!

The bracelets Chu Feng gave them all had their names printed on them, and the styles were also different.

“You are not Usopp, who are you!” Weiwei took out her weapon with a vigilant look on her face, and at the same time gently kicked Kalu with her foot, signaling him to get up quickly.

“Oh?” Mr. 2 changed his face back to its original appearance with some surprise and said,”I was exposed?””

“How did you know?”

“Mr. 0 gave me information that you are both wearing the same bracelet, so I shouldn’t have worn the wrong one.”

He looked at Weiwei’s bracelet and then at his own, and found that the difference was not particularly big. You can only see the problem if you look closely.

“Oh, Usopp knows Karu’s name.” Weiwei said coldly,”Besides, Chu Feng’s technology is not something you can copy!”

Chu Feng is indeed the one who thought of this a long time ago.

“Tsk, it doesn’t matter.” Mr. 2 jumped down from the horse and kicked him hard.”Anyway, you have to die here today!”

“Eat my ballet boxing!”


He kicked the ground and almost hit Weiwei.

Weiwei rolled to the side and shouted”Kalu, go!”

Hearing this, Kalu immediately got up from the ground, rushed to Weiwei, dragged her up and ran away

“That’s right, why not just accept death obediently?” Mr. 2 chased after him,”Why should I endure the fear of being chased?”

“Don’t worry, I can send you to hell with one kick.”

“Not painful at all”

“How do you know it won’t hurt?!” Weiwei yelled angrily,”Why don’t you try it yourself!”

“Humph, after all, the person I kicked to death didn’t say he was in pain.”

After hearing her words, Weiwei immediately gave up the idea of communicating. This is a psychopath.

“Hey, Kalu, you’re in the wrong place!”Looking at Kalu running towards the rock wall, Weiwei was a little dumbfounded.

“”Gah!” Karu shouted, and did not change direction, but ran at full speed, and finally jumped to the top of the rock wall.

This was the most correct route in Karu’s opinion. He might not be able to outrun that person normally, but it was different here, he would definitely be able to get rid of him!

Mr. 2 was a little dumbfounded,”How can it be like this?”

But when he noticed that Karu, who had climbed to the top, missed a step, he laughed,”Hahahaha, what an idiot”

“Come on, drop down, I’ll send you both to hell with my ballet punch!”

“Carew…”Weiwei looked at Kalu with some worry. Now they have no way to escape.

Hearing this, Kalu gritted his teeth and thought of what the king had told him before he disappeared, as well as the time he spent with Weiwei.

Unimaginable power suddenly burst out of his body, and he flapped his wings and rushed forward!

“Kalu!”Weiwei’s face was full of surprise. She didn’t expect that Kalu could have such a skill!

“Don’t even think about escaping!”Mr. 2 immediately rushed up from the rock wall when he saw this. A mere 90-degree angle was enough to stop him?!



Kalu gritted his teeth and quickly shuttled through the battlefield in front.

Countless people were shouting and fighting, and from time to time there would be stray bullets flying by.

Passing through this battlefield, Kalu was hit at least five or six times!

But he still managed to send Weiwei out of the battlefield in one breath, and then he fell to the ground.

“Hey, Kalu, stand up!” Weiwei couldn’t stop crying as she watched Kalu fall down.”Don’t scare me.”

Kalu responded weakly, but he couldn’t stand up anymore.

“Hahaha, you can’t escape now!” Mr. 2 rushed up with a big laugh, then jumped up and gave a flying kick.”Go to hell!”

At this critical moment, a long black leg stretched out from the side and kicked Mr. 2 hard in the face, sending him flying!

“What are you going to do to my princess?!”.: Ťїếʉ кɦʉүŋɦ էɦàŋɦツ

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