“Is this the colorful fog?”Chu Feng calmly pushed his eyes and looked around. He could feel the abnormality of the magnetic field here.

Even his glasses had a problem, which was enough to show how terrible it was.

“There are so many pirate ships here!”Luffy looked around with surprise and said,”It’s so interesting!”

“Is there any treasure here?”

“There are so many shipwrecks, maybe there are treasures or something.”Chu Feng said lightly,”It’s just that the time here is a little bit wrong, it’s hard for the treasures to be preserved.”

“Of course, gold is fine.

After all, pure gold will not rust.

“Let’s go.” Usopp walked over to Izuku and grabbed his arm and said,”What if a ghost ship or something shows up?…”

It’s scary just to think about it!

However, Luffy became even more excited when he heard Usopp’s words,”Where are you, Captain Ghost? Come out!”

“shut up!”


Looking at the two people playing around, Nico Robin smiled, then took out a book and said,”Beyond the colorful mist is the eternal kingdom, the last paradise on earth.”

“There are gold and silver treasures everywhere, people are immortal, never hungry, and gain eternal life!”After closing the book, Nico Robin glanced at Chu Feng and smiled,”This is what the book says”

“Book?” Henzo was a little helpless.”I’ve said it before, it’s just a rumor.”

In fact, it’s not that exaggerated, it’s just that the time here is weird.

The rest is just nonsense.

Zoro squinted his eyes and looked around and said,”I don’t think so.”

This place gave him a weird feeling, maybe it’s all true.

Nico Robin looked at Henzo in confusion when he heard it.”Did the doctor know from the beginning that this was the grave of the ship?”

“Yes.” Henzo said calmly,”I once had a glimpse of this place 50 years ago.”

“Now that you know why…”

“I should have said that I persisted in studying the colorful fog in order to rescue my friends who had entered the fog.”

“It doesn’t matter if people call him Witton’s dog.” Henzo clenched his fists.”As long as I can rescue my friends, it’s fine.”

As long as he can succeed, it doesn’t matter if he carries all the infamy! Anyway, this is how we have been living for decades, isn’t it?!

“Well, Usopp~” Luffy looked into the distance and said,”Let’s go find the treasure!”

“Didn’t Robin say that there is gold, silver and treasures everywhere here!”

“Um…”Usopp hesitated for a moment, looked around, and found nothing that looked like a ghost. He then mustered up the courage to say,”Okay, let’s go!”

Soon, the two found a large number of boxes on the wreckage around them, which were full of gold and silver treasures!

Usopp said in disbelief,”There really is?!”

“Well, Luffy, let’s carry him back to the ship.”


Chu Feng, who was observing the surroundings, saw the two people carrying back a box with great effort, and was stunned for a moment,”Could there be treasure in it?”

“Yes!” Luffy lost his balance and fell down. The treasure chest in his hand was opened and the gold, silver and jewels inside were scattered all over the floor.

“It’s amazing, there are still many in there, I will go explore it again!”

Didn’t Nami always say that he ate too much and didn’t have enough money to spend?

This time he got so many good things, let’s see what Nami says about him!

Luffy, with a strong momentum, rushed out again, pulling Usopp.

Chu Feng touched his chin and looked at the jewels on the ground, then glanced into the distance and squinted his eyes.”Interesting”

“It seems that the gold, silver and jewelry everywhere are not fake.”

At this time, a strange voice came from the surroundings,”People who disturbed the dead, unload the goods and leave immediately!”

“Otherwise the curse of the dead will befall you!”

“Humph, playing tricks.” Chu Feng calmly glanced at the children in the high place and said,”You are so young and you have learned to lie. Does your family know about it?”

Then he disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, he was holding a few children in his hands.

“What? It’s a child?!” Usopp stopped trembling when he saw this and walked over with an unhappy look on his face,”Why are you scaring us?”

“This has nothing to do with you!” Longo struggled to break free from Chu Feng’s hand,”Let me go!”

“Who are you?” Rabbani looked calm and didn’t panic at all because he was caught.

“Just a traveler passing by.” Chu Feng said calmly,”Little devil, you are actually planning to shoot us with bows and arrows?”

“Do you know who you are facing?”

“We are pirates!”

“ocean…Pirates?!”Isoka, the only girl in the team, was stunned. How did they encounter pirates?

Are they going to die?!

“They are all extremely ferocious pirates~” Zoro showed a horrified expression and said,”Are you scared?” Rabbani was stunned for a moment, then took out a bomb from his pocket and said viciously,”Let me go, otherwise, we will all die together!”

“I’m so scared~” Chu Feng curled his lips in disdain, but still let go and threw them to the ground.

Bullying children is not good.

“you…You guys!” Henzo stretched out his hand tremblingly and said,”Rabani, it’s you guys!”

“Hmm?” Rabbani glanced at Henzo, his face full of confusion. Did he know this old man?

“It’s me, Henzo!”

“Impossible!” Rabbani looked at Henzo with a vigilant look on his face.”How could an old man like you be Henzo?!”

Henzo is about the same age as them, just a few years older at most.

There should be a limit to lying!

“It’s really me.” Henzo’s eyes were filled with tears, and he immediately thought of a way to prove himself, and walked towards Rabbani step by step.

“Stop right there!” Rabbani raised his hand nervously and said,”If you come any closer, I will detonate the bomb!”

“It’s fine”

“It’s okay.” Henzo reached out and held Rabbani’s hand and said,”This thing is not a bomb at all, it’s just a prop used to scare people.”

“This is my invention, how could I not know it?!”

Then they opened it and found that it was indeed a prop for a prank!

“What? You’re just scaring me.”Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at these naughty kids in a strange way.

Why did he see his own shadow in these people?

Rabbani looked at Henzo with a dull face. Could this old man really be……

No, it’s impossible!

How could Henzo be an old man!

Thinking of this, Rabbani immediately threw a smoke bomb to block his sight and quickly fled outside.”Go!”

He needs to calm down now.

Chu Feng watched this scene calmly and did not stop it.

After all, his goal is just the colorful mist here.

Oh, now there are these gold and silver jewels.


I can make a good humanoid mecha.

This time I’ll make a set of armor.

The combination of armor, just thinking about it is exciting.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng waved to a few people and said,”You guys chat first, I’ll go take care of something first.”

Then, without waiting for them to speak, the whole person quickly disappeared on the spot

“What was he doing?”

“have no idea”

“Never mind him, let’s move on.~”


On the other side, Chu Feng had already come underwater and carefully looked at the situation under the water.

‘It is indeed a place where a lot of treasures are buried. Chu Feng said with emotion. He felt that the gold reserves in the underground were almost catching up with the Sky Island.

Maybe it was because of hundreds or thousands of years of accumulation?

While thinking, he searched for gold, silver and jewelry below.

‘Well, with these and Enel’s golden ship, it is enough to make a kryptonian warrior-level Gundam.

It took a long time for Chu Feng to put all the things underground into his pocket, and then he took the Golden Merry

“Huh?” Looking at the four extra little ghosts on the boat, Chu Feng was a little surprised.”Why did you come back by yourselves?”

“Aren’t you afraid of us?”

Or did Luffy catch it?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng looked at Luffy with a strange expression. He shouldn’t be so idle, right?

“Hey, Chu Feng, you’re back~” Usopp greeted Chu Feng”Come here, let’s eat together.”

Usopp put a pile of food on the ground and said,”I’m a little hungry too.”

“Did you make this?” Chu Feng walked over, picked it up and tasted it.”Wow, it’s not bad.~”

“That’s right!” Usopp said proudly,”I also lived alone for a long time!”

“Where did you come from?”Isoka asked innocently.

“Twin Gorge~” Usopp said proudly”��We encountered whales as big as mountains there.~”

“Really?”Little stars appeared in Akibi’s eyes.”Are there whales this big?!”

I really want to see it!

“Humph, that’s nothing.” Usopp waved his hand and said with disdain,”Later, I encountered a sea monster that could eat an entire island!”

“But in the end he was defeated by Captain Usopp, hahahahaha!”

As soon as these words came out, he gained several little fans.

Chu Feng glanced at Usopp speechlessly, this guy really likes to lie to children.

At this moment, Henzo threw down the things in his hands, knelt down in front of Labani and said,”Labani, forgive me, I, a useless thing, have been researching for 50 years to save you from the colorful fog.”

“Now I finally got in, but due to my negligence I can’t leave”

“I am not qualified to be called Dr. Pirate!”

“I’m not ashamed to ask you now, if you know, please tell me how to leave here”

“Then let’s go back to our hometown together!”

Seeing Henzo’s tearful face, Rabbani finally softened his heart and said,”Although I am sad to see you like this, I can tell you clearly that there is no way to leave here.”

“We have been here for a long time and have been looking for a way to leave here.”

“But he didn’t find any way.”Rabbani sighed. He wanted to leave here.

He had been here long enough!

“Eh?” Chu Feng, who was eating, looked up at them and said,”You want to leave?”

“You should have said it earlier.”

Isn’t it a simple matter to leave here?


“You have a solution?!” Henzo looked at Chu Feng in shock. Oh, this guy’s friend said before that he is also a scientist!

Is there really a solution?

Chu Feng curled his lips and said,”This is just a special magnetic field. Although I can’t explain the principle, as long as one of the places is destroyed, the space-time channel at this time can be opened.”

“Okay, let’s eat first.”

“Do you really have a solution?”Luffy, who was stuffing something into his mouth, looked at Chu Feng curiously. Although he didn’t know what was going on here, he did feel uncomfortable.

“Of course.”

After eating and drinking, Chu Feng took out the smoke-absorbing bead, walked aside and activated it.

A magical scene appeared. The fog around him suddenly moved, turning into colorful light and rushing towards the smoke-absorbing bead in Chu Feng’s hand.

More and more, more and more!

Finally, a huge space crack was torn out in the distance!

Looking at the large amount of colorful fog in the smoke-absorbing bead in his hand, Chu Feng pushed his eyes and said,”Let’s go, head towards this crack.”

There is the exit of this world, and it is also the location of their timeline!……………

“You said a pirate ship with straw hats on entered the fog?” Nami froze in her tracks.”What are these idiots thinking?!”

Didn’t that guy say, what if they can’t get out?!

“What should I do…”Chopper said anxiously,”Should we rush in to find them?”

Nami thought for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and said,”I’ll go in to find them, but I need to tie a rope.”

This way, even if she couldn’t find the way back, she could rush out along the rope.

At this moment, a strange roar suddenly came from the distance, and then everyone saw that the colorful fog in the distance collapsed!

That’s right, it collapsed!

One of the pieces exploded directly, and from the outside you could see an abnormally strange light inside, but you couldn’t see the specific appearance clearly.

“”Yes, Chu Feng and the others!” Chopper raised his head in surprise and shouted,”Chu Feng and the others are back!”

As expected, the Golden Merry soon appeared in everyone’s sight.

Luffy standing on the bow could be clearly seen.

“That’s good…”Nami breathed a sigh of relief,”Chu Feng is indeed reliable.”

It was the right decision not to take him shopping with her just now.

“Why?!”Henzo knelt on the ground with a dazed look on his face.”Why did they disappear?!”

The moment they rushed out of the colorful fog, they all disappeared. They had clearly come out!

Did they die after leaving here?

Did I harm them?!

Thinking of this, Henzo’s face was filled with tears of pain.

“I think it should be a timeline issue.”Chu Feng thought for a while and said,”They should not be dead, they just returned to their own timeline.”

After all, there should not be two identical individuals in one world. In order to avoid the childhood and adulthood from meeting each other, the children were sent back directly.

The time machine also needs to start from this aspect, mainly the timeline issue!

“Is that so?” Hope reignited in Henzo’s heart.”If that’s the case, can I still see them again?”

“That’s natural.” Chu Feng touched his chin and said,”I guess they are about the same age as you.”

“As for where they are, you have to find them yourself.”

If I remember correctly, these kids seem to have survived, and some of them even joined the navy?

I don’t remember clearly, but that should be the case.

“Is that so?”Henzo nodded,”I see, thank you.”

Chu Feng waved his hand. He also got what he wanted, didn’t he?

However, looking back at the colorful mist that was gradually disappearing, Chu Feng said with some emotion,”Maybe this thing won’t appear again in the future.”

I destroyed his balance, and it might disappear~

But it doesn’t matter, I have already got enough colorful mist, that’s enough.

At this moment, there was a commotion from the direction of the coastline,”Why did the colorful mist disappear?!”

“Is it because of the pirate ship on the sea?���!”

“Damn it! They ruined my plan!” Captain Witton looked at the Golden Merry fiercely and shouted,”Capture them!”

“They were able to get out of there, so they must have brought countless treasures on the ship!”

These should all belong to him!

“Roar?” Zoro smiled as he heard the shouting in the distance.”It’s time to fight.”


“Others have come to our door, we can’t just sit there and wait for death~” Chu Feng laughed and said,”Get them!”

As for the time machine? We can study it after we defeat these guys!

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