“This is what he is talking about.” Usopp looked at the waterfall in front of him with a puzzled look and said,”Can we go up to the so-called White Sea here?”

“There is a door in front!”

“Let me see what’s written on it.” Usopp took off the goggles on his head and carefully examined the words on it.

“Heaven’s Gate?!”

“It’s really unlucky, it’s as if we are dead.”

Usopp showed a look of disgust on his face, what’s wrong with these people, they actually gave them such a name?

“You never know, maybe we have already died~” Zoro showed a horrified expression and looked at Usopp, which scared Usopp so much.

Sanji nodded in agreement,”If that’s the case, it’s not surprising that this world is so strange.”

Of course, the two were just joking.

But it still scared Chopper,”Hey!”

“Are we really dead?!”

Nami’s eyelids twitched, she rolled up her sleeves and walked over.

With a few punches, she beat these guys up so hard that their heads were covered with bruises.”Really? Are you trying to scare me by saying this at a time like this?!”

Nami hugged Chopper in her arms and turned to leave.

“for…Why do you hit me too?…”Usopp, who was lying on the ground, said weakly.

He was the one who was afraid just now.

“Ah, it’s easy.”

“”It’s just a convenience!” Usopp roared with a shark mouth,”How can it be like this!””

How can you just beat someone up just by convenience!”

“Huh?” Chu Feng noticed the changes in the distance.”Hey, someone is coming out.”

“It’s an old man.”

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was lying on the bow looking into the distance when they heard this. They were suddenly shocked.

“Look, she has wings behind her!”

“It’s an angel, do all angels look like this?!”Luffy looked at the mother-in-law who suddenly appeared with a surprised face and said,”She looks like a sour plum.” Do all angels in this world look like this?

Nami’s mouth twitched, how can you talk like this?

“So what…”She was interrupted before she could finish her words.”I am the supervisor of the Gate of Heaven – Amazon”

“Are you here for sightseeing or for fighting?”

“Sightseeing and fighting?”Nami’s eyes showed a trace of doubt. Could it be that there are 28 people on the 28 sides of the Sky Island who are starting a war?

Sure enough, no matter where people are, they will have such ambitions.

“What’s the difference?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Amazon said calmly,”But if you want to reach the upper level, you need to pay the fee to enter the kingdom of heaven, 10 billion Iq per person.”

“It’s the law”

“One billion?!”Nami’s voice suddenly rose,”Why don’t you go and rob them!”

One person is one billion, how much is eight people?

That’s eight billion!

“Hey, hey, hey, didn’t Chu Feng just say that the conversion rate between Ike and Bailey is 10,000:1?”

“The eight of us only need 800,000 Baileys.”

“Eight hundred thousand is not a small amount, right?” Nami said unhappily,”You don’t care about money, you don’t know how hard it is to make money.”


How hard is it?…

And why did he feel like something was wrong?

Was it Nami who made the money?

Wasn’t it Chu Feng?

The source of their money had always been Chu Feng.

Just as Usopp was thinking, Nami looked at Amazon with a smile and said,”Suppose, what would happen if there was no money?”

“You can go in too.” Amazon said calmly.

Usopp was stunned.”You can go in too?!”

Then what’s the use of what you said for so long!

“I’m neither a gatekeeper nor a guard. I just want to ask what you think.”

“Let’s go, let’s go to Sky Island!”

“Let us in, mother-in-law~” Nami said with a smile,”We have no money.”

“OK, I got it.”

Amazon clapped his hands, summoned an express shrimp, grabbed the Golden Merry and rushed out.

“what is this?!”

“What a big shrimp!”Looking at the rapidly receding scenery, Nami grabbed Chu Feng and shouted,”Everyone hold on tight, don’t get thrown out!”

Then she glanced at the very calm Chu Feng and shouted,”Chu Feng, do you know something?”

“No, it’s not.”Chu Feng said with an unchanged smile,”I know nothing.”

There is really no need to pay this money, because they came here to take the gold and kill Enelu!

Chu Feng is determined to get the Thunder Fruit!

On the other side, after watching the Golden Merry disappear, Amazon immediately said,”This is the Heaven’s Gate Supervisor-Amazon”

“Report to the Almighty God and the priests”

“Eight illegal immigrants have invaded the Kingdom of God!!”

“Please punish them with divine punishment!”

At the highest point of the distant sky island, a man slowly opened his eyes and showed a playful smile,”Are you from Qinghai?””


It just so happens that his golden ship is almost finished, so let’s have some fun with these guys before that~

Thinking of this, Enelu disappeared instantly.

He came up with an interesting idea.~…..

The Straw Hat Pirates riding on the Shrimp Express soon arrived at the real Sky Island area, the White Sea!

“There is actually a forest!”Looking at the scene on the beach in the distance, Nami said in surprise,”I thought there would be nothing here except Yunyi.”

“Of course, this is Sky Island.” Chu Feng said nonchalantly, and then jumped off the boat.

“Hey, Chu Feng, there are clouds below!”

“I know~” Chu Feng, who landed on the clouds and water, waved his hand calmly,”Don’t worry, the clouds here are different from the ones we encountered before.”

“You see, I can hold my”

“You can just think of it as a beach.”

After saying that, he walked towards the shore.

Seeing that there was no problem, the others also jumped in together,”Hurry up, let’s go on an adventure too!”


Soon, only Zoro and Nico Robin were left on the ship.

“Aren’t you going?” Nico Robin asked, looking at Zoro with a smile.

“I will go down after I drop the anchor.”Zoro waved his hand,”Don’t worry about me.”

Nico Robin smiled and didn’t care about Zoro’s attitude.

She turned and walked towards the cloud beach.

She had never dared to think about this feeling of unknown adventure before.


It’s hard to say whether the Straw Hat Pirates is really her destiny.

“What are you doing?” Nami came to Chu Feng and asked curiously,”Did you do this?”

“Ah, how is it, not bad~” Chu Feng gave Nami a thumbs up.”The plasticity of the clouds here is very high, try the cloud bed I made.”

Nami nodded, went up to try it and found it was really comfortable.”Chu Feng, can I take this back to the ship?!”

“You want this?”


“Um…”Chu Feng touched his chin, thought for a while and said,”Okay, leave this to me.”

Then he walked to the side and started to work. After collecting a large amount of plastic cloud, he protected it with a special method.

In this way, even if he returned to the Grand Line, it would not affect the use of these things.

After doing all this, Chu Feng heard a sound of piano, turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. He was stunned for a moment,”Isn’t this that?…”

“Ah~” Sanji twisted his body and shouted,”What a nice voice, hello, beautiful lady~”

After seeing that everyone noticed her, Conis put away the Yunqin and said with a smile,”Heiso~ (Japanese homonym)”

“Black Sox?” Usopp was stunned for a moment, then he poked Luffy beside him and said,”Did she say belly button just now?”

“have no idea”

“I am a native of Sky Island.” Conis smiled and said,”Are you from Qinghai?”

“Welcome to Angel Beach in God’s Kingdom”

“The Kingdom of God?” Luffy tilted his head and looked at Conis curiously. Aren’t they coming to Sky Island?

Why the Kingdom of God?

Conis smiled and did not answer the question. Instead, she looked at Luffy and said,”Do you want to drink this?” She pointed at the coconut in Luffy’s hand.

“I’ll open it for you~”

After taking the coconut from Luffy, Conis easily opened the coconut that Luffy couldn’t open even after biting a tooth.”The shell of this kind of coconut is very hard. It can’t be opened without special methods.”

She returned the coconut to Luffy, who took a sip and was so excited that he almost swallowed his tongue.

“Is it so delicious?”

“Drink more if you like.” Conis smiled, then looked at the others and said,”My name is Conis, and this is my pet cloud fox – Sisi”

“If you have any questions, I will try my best to help you.”

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Connie deeply.

���There’s something wrong with this girl. Is she too hospitable


It was as if he had come to them with a mission.

Conis noticed Chu Feng’s gaze and was immediately startled. Did this man discover something?


“Beautiful lady, your eyes healed the burning pain in my heart~” Before Sanji could finish his words, he was punched aside by Nami,”Get out of here!”

There are so many important things to ask now, why are you making trouble here, you bastard!

Kicking Sanji aside, Nami walked towards Conis with a smile on her face and said,”Great, we just happen to have a lot of questions.~”

“Anyway, this place is too incredible for us!”

Conis hesitated for a moment, looked at Sanji lying on the ground twitching, and then looked at Nami, sighing in her heart at the toughness of Qinghai women.

“No problem, just ask me anything you want to ask”

“Hmm?” Zoro, who was observing the surroundings, suddenly noticed the situation on the sea and said,”Hey, it seems someone is coming.”

“Ah, it’s my father!” Conis waved her hands and shouted,”Father, Blacksole!”

Conis, Blacklock!…

“”What are you talking about?” Luffy looked at Conis with disgust. Why do you say belly button when you greet each other?

Nami thought about it and thought it was probably a special way of greeting here.

For example, everyone has to show their belly button to each other.


“What is that he is sitting on?”

“It’s Weiba!” Conis said with a smile,”This is a special means of transportation in the Kingdom of God.”

“Only we have it here.~”

“”He can’t stop?” Usopp pointed at the man rushing over from a distance and said,”He really can’t stop!”

“”I’m sorry, I’m going to stop!” Although he said this, Connie’s father, Paigeya, had no intention of stopping until he hit a coconut tree in the distance, which made Chu Feng dumbfounded.

What are you doing, uncle?

“Everyone, are you okay?…”

Listening to Pagya’s words, Zoro opened his shark mouth and roared,”Take care of yourself first!”

Why can’t you understand how to use this means of transportation that you made yourself!

Pagya scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly,”Conis, are they your friends?”

“Yes, I just met them. Connie smiled and said,”They seem to be from Qinghai.”

“Is that so~” Paigeya said gently,”Everyone must be confused about many things when they come here.”

“Baibaihai, I’m really sorry for scaring you all.”

“Forehead…It’s okay.”Looking at this polite uncle, everyone has a good impression of him. He is a good person.

“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Pagaya.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He waved his hand and then came to Paigeya and said,”I want to ask, this thing has no sails and does not need to be paddled, why can it sail on the sea?”

What is the power source?

Conis was a little confused when she heard this.���Nami said,”Don’t you know DLAL?”

“DLAL?”Luffy tilted his head and walked to Weiba’s side and said,”Uncle, can you lend me this to play with?”

“Yes, sure.”

So everyone witnessed the whole process of Luffy getting on the car, jumping out, overturning the car, and falling into the sea.

“Um…”Sanji hesitated for a moment and said,”This thing is not so easy to operate.”

“By the way, this is not an ordinary 850 sea. Will 850 have an effect on the devil fruit ability?”

“I don’t know, how about giving it a try?” Zoro was eager to try, so the two of them just watched Luffy sink.

“Well, it really doesn’t work.”

“Are you devils?” Chu Feng opened his shark mouth and roared,”And, Chopper, what are you going to do!”

“”You are also a landlubber, stop right there!”

Really, every one of them is an idiot. He moved his feet and rushed out in an instant, dived into the seabed, grabbed Luffy and swam back.

After returning to the shore, Chu Feng pressed Luffy to the ground and beat him up,”You bastard, do you know how dangerous it was just now!”

“You almost fell out of the White Sea. It would be hard for me to save you, you know that!”

Really, do you think you are Nami? You just learned how to use transportation so easily?

“right…I’m sorry.” Luffy, with a bruised face, said sincerely,”I won’t do it again.”

With a snort, Chu Feng looked at Pagaya and said,”I’m sorry, uncle, I made you laugh.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Paigeya waved his hand nonchalantly,”Everyone, do you want to go to my house?”

I just happened to catch a lot of fish, so I could make a sumptuous local meal….

“Is it really possible?” Luffy said with shining eyes,”I want to go, I want to go!”

There are delicious things to eat, he likes this the most!

“It just so happens that I also want to try the cuisine of Sky Island~” Sanji grinned and said,”I can help you later.”


“Thank you very much.~”

“Well, uncle.” Nami came over and said,”Can I try this thing?”

Paigea hesitated for a moment and said,”You…”

“Don’t worry, I’m much better than some idiot”

“All right.” Paigeya handed Viba to Nami and said,”If it doesn’t work, don’t try to be brave, or you’ll get hurt.”

“Don’t worry~” Nami smiled and then skillfully operated the Viba, sailing freely on the sea of clouds!

Luffy was so envious

“Is this thing so easy to learn?”Usopp was surprised.

“No, no, it takes at least ten years to master this thing, but…”Pagya looked at Nami’s skillful operation of Viba and hesitated again,”I have never seen such a person.” She was able to operate Viba so skillfully the first time she came into contact with it. Is she a genius?

“”Why!” Luffy shouted in dissatisfaction,”Why can she learn it so easily!”

“This requires special skills, you can’t learn it, Luffy~” Nami said proudly on the sea, and Luffy jumped up and shouted angrily,”Damn Nami, we are going to uncle’s house, come down quickly!”

“Stupid Nami!”

“You guys go first, uncle, please lend me this for a while!”

“Hey, be careful!”

Seeing this, Chu Feng pushed his glasses and said,”You guys go to uncle’s house first.”

“I will come to you with Nami in a while.” He wants to see if he can kill Enel!

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