Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 113 The Demon Zhongsu Shows His Strength, Destroying The World Thunderbolt! (First Update, P

Marine's shouts are carried throughout the Marine Base via the speakerphone bug.

Countless Marines looked at the demon Zhongsu floating above their heads, and felt a little bit of fear.

The constantly wandering lightning, the ferocious and terrifying appearance, and the terrifying evil murderous aura made countless Marine soldiers tremble.

"Don't be afraid, Marine is invincible, justice will prevail!"

A Marine Vice Admiral stood high in the building, screaming angrily.

"That's right, Marine is invincible, and justice must prevail!"

"If you dare to invade the G1 branch, it will be completely wiped out!"

Another Marine Vice Admiral also roared.

"Shoot, all together!"

"Bombardment! Blast the invaders to pieces!"

The Vice Admirals ordered at the same time that all the field soldiers were fired.

For a moment, bullets and shells shot towards Zhongsu in the sky like a torrential rain.

Zhongsu did not dodge or dodge, letting bullets and shells hit his body.

Although his defensive power is not as good as Dikui and Bogang, it is not something that can be injured by mere bullets and shells.

The bullet hit Zhongsu's body, and all of them were bounced off.

The cannonball exploded on Zhongsu's body, without hurting a single hair on him.

"Bullets and shells won't work on him!"

"Damn, where did this monster come from?"

"Don't stop, keep firing!"

Marine Vice Admiral gritted his teeth angrily with an ugly face.

Although the artillery bombardment was useless, Marine's attack never stopped.

The only attacks that the soldiers at the bottom can make at this time are guns. If they don’t shoot, is it possible to just sit there and watch?

Facing the intensive artillery fire, the devil Zhongsu rushed into the Marine Base.

The lightning on his body erupted and hit every corner of the base.

Thunder and lightning swept past, triggering a series of big explosions.

Countless Marine soldiers were blown away.

Remnants of limbs and broken arms flew in all directions, and the ground was soon covered with corpses.

"Damn it, I'll deal with you!"

A Marine Vice Admiral flew up with a knife, and slashed a huge flying slash towards the demon Zhongsu.

Zhongsu raised his hand to grab it, and the palm of his palm flashed with lightning, crushing the vacuum slash into pieces.

"Weak human beings have a little courage. 11

"Unfortunately, the strength is too poor!"


Zhongsu clasped his hands together and aimed at the Marine Vice Admiral and shot a thick thunderbolt.

The lightning strike was extremely fast, and with a flash of lightning, it had already hit Marine Vice Admiral's chest.

Vice Admiral screamed, his whole body bent back into a bow, his whole body twitched, his hair stood on end, and he was instantly scorched black.

In the end, the thunder and lightning broke through the flesh and blood of Vice Admiral's chest, pierced through his back, and shot through a tower behind Vice Admiral.


The tower exploded in a huge fireball.

Vice Admiral also completely cut off his breath, and his body fell from the sky feebly!


A Vice Admiral below saw his comrades killed, his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

"Shave! Moonwalk!!!"

This Vice Admiral disappeared in a teleportation, and then stepped into the void, quickly approaching the demon Zhongsu.

With a flash of the knife, Vice Admiral teleported to the back of Zhongsu, and the slash was completed.

"How? Should it have some effect?"

Vice Admiral turned his head and looked back, but the imaginary scene of bloodshed did not appear.

Zhongsu patted the armor on his chest lightly, and his voice roared, "A mere human being can hit me with a knife, and he is quite capable."

"I just want to hurt the great lightning demon Zhongsu, you are still too far away!"

Zhongsu raised his arms, palms facing up, and condensed into a huge electric ball.

The electric ball is formed by the fusion of the purest thunder and lightning, and contains an incomparably huge energy zone.

"go to hell!"

Zhongsu threw the electric ball, which turned into a flash of light and hit Marine Vice Admiral.

The moment Zhongsu launched the attack, Marine Vice Admiral had already made an evasive action, and his Observation Haki also captured the flight path of the electric ball.

Unfortunately, the flying speed of the electric ball is too fast.

Even if Vice Admiral sensed it in advance with Observation Haki, he couldn't avoid it.


The electric ball hit the Marine Vice Admiral, exploded instantly, and a huge fireball appeared in the sky.

Marine Vice Admiral was blown to pieces by the electric ball, and his body was completely burned by the flames, leaving only fly ash that dissipated with the wind.

"Dead, Cattelan Vice Admiral is dead!"

"Even Patric Vice Admiral is dead!"

"Demon, this guy is a demon!"

"Damn it, why does such a strong enemy appear here?"

"We are no match for him!"

Two Marine Vice Admirals were killed in a row, and all the Marine soldiers in the base fell into despair.

There was a fault in the dense gunfire and artillery bombardment.

The confident soldiers began to panic, and some even started to retreat.

Facing an enemy stronger than oneself, it is human nature to fear.

Before Vice Admiral suppressed morale, they were able to fight tenaciously.

But at this moment, even Vice Admiral was easily slaughtered, and the Marine soldiers at the bottom will naturally collapse.

"Run, run!"

"This is not an enemy we can deal with!"

A Marine screamed in terror, dropped his flintlock and ran away.

Where there is the first, there is the second.

Panic spread instantly in the base, and deserters kept appearing.

"Come back, come back to me.

"As a Marine, running away is a capital offense, so bring them all back to me!"

The remaining Marine Vice Admiral beheaded more than a dozen fleeing sailors in a row, roaring angrily.

This bloody suppression method really worked, and the fleeing Marines stopped in their tracks.

Vice Admiral roared: "There is only one enemy, as long as we fight side by side, we will surely win!"

"I have asked for help from the Holy Land, General Zhi Yuan will be here soon!"

"Justice shall prevail!"

The words of Marine Vice Admiral re-inspired the courage and fighting spirit of the soldiers, and finally stabilized the situation.

However, under the terrorist attacks of China and the Soviet Union, the number of Marine soldiers continued to decrease.

Thick lightning fell like a torrential rain, pouring into the Marine Base.

Explosions one after another [Screams filled the entire G1 branch.

The Marine Vice Admiral looked palely at the G1 branch engulfed by the sea of ​​flames, with stumps and broken arms all over the place, feeling extremely hopeless.

Actually he lied.

He did ask for help from the Holy Land, but the Holy Land has no extra troops to rescue them now.

Even if Admiral Kizaru is willing to come to the rescue, they will not last until then.

There are only 3 Marine Vice Admirals guarding the G1 branch.

Two had died before.

If he is killed again, the G1 branch will really have no leader.

*`~Damn, hate!"

Marine Vice Admiral was in tears, with snot running down her nose and trembling with anger.

The demon Zhongsu hovered over the G1 branch and let out an incomparably hearty laugh.

"It's your honor for mere human beings to die at the hands of the demon Zhongsu!"

Zhongsu put his hands together in front of his chest, and the palms of his palms shone with lightning, condensing an incomparably huge thunderbolt.


The lightning flashed, and the thunder and lightning formed an airtight net and covered the Marine Base below.

Wherever the power grid went, violent explosions occurred one after another, destroying everything.

The last Marine Vice Admiral leaped into the air in an attempt to destroy the grid.

It's a pity that at the moment he shot, a lightning spear fell from the sky and pierced his chest.

Vice Admiral vomited blood, his eyes were fixedly waiting for the demon Zhongsu in the sky, his eyes filled with endless hatred.

Suddenly, Marine Vice Admiral's pupils shrank.

His eyes saw a figure in the sky behind China and the Soviet Union. That person will never be forgotten in his life. It is Shinigami Carl who destroyed Naval Headquarters.

"It turned out to be him, this thunder and lightning demon was brought by him!"

Before dying, the Marine Vice Admiral finally knew who wanted to destroy the G1 branch.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Lightning explodes inside Vice Admiral, shattering him to pieces, leaving no bones left!

The last Marine Vice Admiral was killed, and all the Marines in the base fell into despair.

Some ran away, others begged for mercy.

The shrill screams, desperate wailing, and crying sounded one after another, spreading to every corner of the G1 branch.

"Fall under the thunder and lightning."

"Thunderstorm Assault!"

The demon Zhongsu let out a roar, moving the high-altitude clouds.

I saw the dark cloud spinning rapidly, and within the dark cloud Uzumaki, it shot towards an extremely thick thunderbolt.

The diameter of the thunderbolt is more than 100 meters, like a pillar of thunder that connects to the ground.


The thunder column hit the G1 branch, destroying all buildings and marines, and finally penetrated the ground, going deep into the earth's crust.

Afterwards, the pillar of thunder spread, completely engulfing the entire G1 branch. .

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