Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 126 Shinigami Comes, The Fear Of Beasts Pirates! (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

"Go, everyone retreat!"

BIGMOM's sharp voice sounded, and Thundercloud Zeus took the lead to fly into the distance.

Although the whole pirate fleet was wiped out, BIGMOM didn't take it seriously at all.

It's just a group of Common pirates, you can find them after you die.

Even if her children died, she wouldn't care, let alone a group of Common pirates?

With the escape of BIGMOM and others, the war finally came to an end.

BIGMOM is almost wiped out except for the top management!

The strength shown by Demon Bogang made BIGMOM extremely desperate!

Just when the demon Bogang was making trouble with the BIGMOM Pirates, Carl had already joined Enel Marko and others, and they came to Wanokuni together.

"Is this Wanokuni? Sure enough, there is a situation where one man is in charge and one man is in charge!"

Carl stood on top of the dragon's head, looking down at the huge waterfall below.

Every corner of the waterfall is covered with reefs, which have been transformed into war forts by Beasts Pirates, filled with countless heavy artillery.

Anyone who enters Wanokuni by climbing the "980" waterfall will face countless heavy artillery attacks.

It will be blown to pieces in no time!

Even if you can break through these battle forts, you must climb the waterfall to reach the big Wanokuni.

And when the pirate ship climbs the waterfall, it will reveal its fatal weakness.

As long as someone stands in the way above the waterfall, the pirate ship can be easily knocked down the waterfall, causing the ship to be destroyed and people killed.

Diamond Qiaozi said with emotion: "Without the ability to fly, trying to enter Wanokuni through layers of guards is simply harder than reaching the sky!"

"It's a pity that Kaido's opponent is us."

Enel grinned and said, "For us, such defensive power is nothing more than child's play.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

While everyone was talking, the pirates in the war fortress below had discovered the existence of Carl and others.

The war fortresses fired at the sky at the same time, and the shells hit everyone like a torrential rain.

"Small tricks!"

Enel sneered, and a brontosaurus shot out from his hand, flying towards the shell.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wherever the thunder dragon went, all the shells exploded in the air.

After destroying the shells, the thunder dragon remained unabated and flew towards a war fortress below.

With a loud bang, the war fortress exploded suddenly and was completely destroyed by the brontosaurus.

"Yeah ha ha ha, that's all!"

With the rise of Enel, the electric light on his body reappeared.

"One hundred million volts God's punishment!"

Enel pointed his fingers at the sky and fell suddenly.

Lightning bolts fell from the sky, hitting the battle fortresses below.

Accompanied by a series of loud roars, dozens of war fortresses were all destroyed by Enel in an instant.

There is no need for other people to take action. Enel alone has solved the trouble at the entrance.

"It's Thor...the invader is Thor!"

"Not only Thor, but also Tyrannosaurus Badgers, Phoenix Marco, Diamond Jozzy, Foil Vesta, and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are all here."

"And... that person is..."

In the secret monitoring point hidden on the cliff of the waterfall, a pirate holding a telescope fell into a shocked and dazed minister.

Through the binoculars he saw a man beyond all horror.

" a Shinigami, the invader is a Shinigami Carl!!!"

The panicked shouts came from the pirates' sky, and the expressions of the surrounding pirates instantly changed wildly in fright.

"No, Shinigami Carl invaded Wanokuni, this is the rhythm of war."

"Notify Captain Kaido!"

A pirate quickly took out his phone and dialed Kaido's number on Onijima.

The rest of the pirates pointed the video phone snails at the sky, and transmitted the video images here to the headquarters of Onijima in real time.

Soon, Kaido, who was on Onishima, learned that Shinigami Carl had invaded Wanokuni.

"Damn kid, did you actually come in person?"

Kaido slammed the wine jug into pieces, stood up abruptly, bursting out with an extremely terrifying murderous aura.

"Come here, where are all the people dead?"

"Everyone gather, let's go to war!"

Kaido put the mace on his shoulders and roared in a low voice, "This time we must get rid of that brat!"


Kaido's roar erupted completely and spread throughout Onijima.

Ember of the Three Plagues, Quinn the Plague, and Jack the Drough rushed to the Palace of Ghost Island immediately.

The three of them looked at the ruins in the image with extremely dignified expressions.

At this time, there is no trace of Carl and others in the video screen.

All that remains is ruins.

Apparently, the defense force at the entrance of Wanokuni has been wiped out.

"Arrogant bastard, dare to invade Wanokuni so recklessly, do you think we don't exist?"

Jack the Drough gritted his teeth angrily.

"Shinigami personally brought people here, and it looks like he wants to kill us all!"

Jhin's face was wrapped in a mask, and his expression could not be seen.

But his voice was deep and deep, and Song knew how vigilant Yan was by listening to his voice.

Facing Shinigami Carl, no one can guarantee that they will win.

Even Kaido is no exception.

Because Kaido has already lost once.

Jhin still remembers how miserable Kaido was when he fled back.

One hand was cut off, the whole body was bloody, and the number of bones were broken, and he was arrested for being dirty.

The flesh and blood of the whole body was swallowed by the strange nuclear radiation, and the cells continued to decline.

If he hadn't been able to perceive Kaido's breath of life, he would have thought it was a corpse.

Moreover, the nuclear radiation that Carl left on Kaido has left Jhin with lingering fears.

Those pirates who came forward to rescue Kaido would be killed by the terrifying nuclear radiation as soon as they approached.

The flesh and blood festered all over the body, and finally the body exploded, leaving no bones left.

If the Beasts Pirates had Quinn, a scientist, Kaido would have died at that time....

But even with Quinn, it took a lot of effort to keep Kaido alive.

Beside Jhin, Plague Quinn's fat cheeks twitched constantly, and there was a deep look of fear in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously, he also recalled the miserable appearance of Kaido back then.

If Shinigami can beat Kaido once, he can beat him a second time.

Even if Kaido has the special weapon he made, the odds are not great.

In this battle, the odds of the Beasts Pirates winning are slim.

Kaido obviously also sensed the nervousness of Quinn and others, and his face sank immediately.

"Laozi is not dead yet, what are you afraid of?"

"It's just a brat, Laozi will definitely be able to beat him this time!"

"My ugly words are up front. If anyone dares to run away, I will be the first to tear him apart!"

"Those who want to betray me can stand up now!"

Kaido's eyes full of killing intent swept across the many pirates present, and he smiled bloodthirstyly, "Although the pirates are full of betrayal, I will not allow anyone to dare to betray me."

"No matter who he is, as long as he dares to betray, the end will be death!"

Many pirates shrank their necks, their scalps felt numb, and their hearts were beating wildly, as if they were about to jump out of their throats.

"Go, go meet that arrogant brat!"

Kaido walked up to the ghost island with a mace in his hand.

This place is full of stone forests, almost no grass grows, it is the most perfect battlefield.

Kaido found a stone and sat down, took out another wine gourd from nowhere, and poured down the wine.

Behind him, the three disasters stand side by side, Black Maria, Runti, Peggy Wan and others are also impressively on the line.

The Volley Six (Flying Six) is already full, except that one of them is not De Rake two years later.

I think it was a miscellaneous fish that was defeated and replaced in 2.6 later.

All the pirates looked at the distant sky, not daring to make a sound.

The surrounding air was dead silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Countless pirates were apprehensive, full of fear of the impending all-out war.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up.

The gray and deep clouds over Ghost Island were blown away by the strong wind.

Amidst the strong wind, several black spots appeared in the sky.


Yan Zhujin's pupils shrank, and he involuntarily grasped the handle of the knife at his waist.

Plague Quinn, Jack the Drough, the six sons of Ling Kong and many pirates all became nervous at this moment.

"Shinigami Carl is found in the southeast, and the whole army is ready for war!"

Jack the Drough let out a roar, and the sound spread over the entire ghost island.

The muscles of the pirates who have experienced many battles are tense, ready to fight and kill at any time.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The wind howled, and the wind became stronger and stronger.

In the gust of wind, the small black spots rapidly grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, came to the sky above the ghost island. .

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