Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 130 Kaido's Hidden Ultimate Move, A Killer Strike! (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

That's how powerful the Railgun is, and it's as fast as Ultimate.

Even Observation Haki, who can predict the future, can't avoid it perfectly.


"Very good!!!"

"Even if it's a Shinigami, it's impossible to get this trick without ~ effect."

Seeing that Kaido's moves hit Shinigami, the three disasters, the six volleys, and countless pirates all showed excitement.

Especially Quinn, whose expression was trembling with excitement, couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha, you deserve it, you know how powerful you are?"

"This is, His Majesty's move?!"

Enel and Badgers' eyes widened, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Marco, Joz and the others also froze in place.

They have seen the power of this move in Summit War, so they naturally know how terrible it is.

I just didn't expect Kaido to use it.

"You know how powerful technology is, this is the highest masterpiece of my uncle!"

The brachiosaurus that Quinn turned into roared ferociously, and the triumphant look in his tone was clearly visible.

"It turned out to be you bastard!"

Badgers, who had already turned into a dragon-man form, rushed to the side of Brachiosaurus, struck out with both claws, and tore it violently.

There was a cry, blood shot out, and screams sounded immediately.

Badgers tore out six huge bloody wounds on Wang Lung's ribs, almost ripping Quinn open!

"It hurts, you bastard, get out of here!"

With a roar, Quinn swung his long neck and struck Badgers' chest, knocking him into the air.

At the same time, the smoke and flames caused by the super electromagnetic gun finally dissipated.

I saw a magma gully appearing in front of everyone.

This magma ravine stretches from the foot of Kaido to the end of Onijima, nearly splitting the skull in half.

After the sea of ​​flames dissipated, a figure slowly appeared.

Footsteps sounded, and Carl slowly walked out of the sea of ​​flames, which immediately shocked countless people.

"How can it be?"

Quinn's reaction was the biggest, and his two eyes stared directly out of their sockets.

Because Shinigami Carl was unscathed, not to mention injured, and even his clothes were not damaged or stained.

"How can this be?"

"That's a super electromagnetic gun, it's terrifying to destroy an island!"

"Even Admiral will be damaged, Shinigami is strong, but it is impossible to be unscathed!"

Flame Calamity, Jack the Drough, and many pirates all lost their mentality at this moment, and began to doubt life.


The dragon man Kaido gritted his teeth, and the expression on his face covered with dragon scales became extremely dignified.

Carl smiled indifferently, brushed off the dust that didn't exist on his body, and said lightly: "It's really beyond my expectation to be able to use the electromagnetic gun."

"But that's all."

"It's impossible to hurt me with your current strength!"

Carl not only has the Armament Haki field body protection, but also the horse charm.

Any injury can be healed in an instant, and naturally it is not afraid of the super electromagnetic gun.

Kaido's eyes widened, and a sudden murderous intent erupted, "It's just a brat, because he's alive"


Before Kaido finished speaking, a foot kicked him in the face.

Kaido's face was deformed by the kick, two eyeballs almost popped out, and dragon scales flew in all directions.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Kaido's whole body turned into a streamer and shot out.

There was no reaction at all to the blow just now.

And by the time he reacted, the attack had already ended.

Carl stood where he was, with his hands in his pockets and one foot independent, still maintaining a kicking posture.

call out!

A black shadow flashed, and Carl disappeared in place again.

Kaido, who flew upside down, was hit hard again, and his whole body was thrown into the rock formation.

Carl appeared above Kaido and kicked Kaido in the chest, kicking him into a bow.

Carl's kicks are wrapped in high-density armed colors and Conqueror's Haki, and also integrated with radiant black light, the lethality is indescribable.

The terrifying radiant black light pierced Kaido's armed armor and dragon scales, penetrated into his body, instantly eroded his flesh and blood, causing internal damage.

"Damn... Damn it!"

At the bottom of the pit, Duo clutched his chest and vomited blood.

Just as he was about to make a move, the cold murderous aura appeared beside him again.

With a bang, Kaido was sent flying again.

The Kaido shot backwards was wrapped in a powerful shock wave, plowing a long ravine out of the skeleton rock formation, and finally hit a huge boulder.

The boulder collapsed and shattered, splashing dust all over the sky.

Carl raised his finger, and the radiant black light shot out, instantly hitting Kaido in the ruins.

There was a loud bang, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared above the cave on Guidao.

The flames soared into the sky and scattered in all directions.

Shock waves whizzed away in all directions, and the rock formations on the ground collapsed inch by inch.

Wherever they went, whether they were pirates or ghost soldiers, they were all smashed to pieces and wiped out!

Carl's attack was fierce, once he made a move, Kaido had no power to fight back, and was directly beaten into a dead dog!

"Captain Kaido!!!"

Thousands of pirates looked dull, looking at the mushroom cloud rising into the sky in horror, their whole bodies were cold.

Although the temperature of the surrounding air rose rapidly at this moment, they all felt a bone-chilling chill.

That is the human body's instinctive fear of death. This fear directly destroys their hearts and completely defeats them.

"This is... Shinigami Carl's strength!"

"Even Captain Kaido is so vulnerable, he can only be beaten!"

"This is the power of God, we can't possibly be his opponent!"

"Hehe, I surrender!"

A pirate laughed dully twice, the long knife in his hand slipped weakly.

One after another, the pirates slumped on the ground, completely losing the courage to fight.

Even if the ghost shadow corps soldiers beheaded them, they did not resist.

0...asking for flowers...

Anyway, they are going to die, so what's the point of resisting?

In the mushroom cloud sea of ​​flames, the flames suddenly rioted.

A shrill dragon's roar sounded, instantly spreading to every corner of Ghost Island.

Hearing this voice, all members of the decaying Beasts Pirates cheered up.

Because they know, Kaido is not dead yet.

"Captain Kaido is alive!"

Quinn was overjoyed.

But Badgers came out immediately to throw cold water on him, and he was about to die!"

The sea of ​​fire was torn apart, and a huge Azure Dragon flew out of the sea of ​​fire, circling in the sky.

Azure Dragon was covered in blood, the dragon scales were shattered, and the pits were very ugly.

Especially on the chest of Azure Dragon, all the flesh and blood have disappeared, only a bunch of machines emitting electric sparks can be seen.

"It's still alive, it's a bit of a skill.

Carl smiled playfully and disappeared in place in an instant.

The electric light flew, and Carl appeared above the head of Azure Dragon.


The terrifying radiant black light enveloped Carl, forming a ferocious ghost with three heads and six arms.

"Black Nuclear Fission·Different Dimension Ghosts!"

Carl only used this trick once when destroying Naval Headquarters, but that time the ghosts and gods from another dimension were more than 100 meters in size.

But at this moment, Carl's other-dimensional ghosts are only about ten meters away.

Compared with Kaido's huge Azure Dragon body, Carl is like an ant.

But that alone is enough.

To deal with Kaido, Carl doesn't need to use all his strength to kill chickens with a bull's knife?

"The Sword of Judgment!"

A great sword of radiating black light appeared in the six palms of the different-dimensional ghosts and gods at the same time.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Accompanied by six flesh-piercing sounds, all six radiating black light long swords have pierced into Kaido's body.

The radiant black light burst out suddenly, and began to erode Kaido's flesh and blood cells.

The first nature to be eroded is Kaido's dragon scale.

When the indestructible dragon scale encounters radiant black light, it is like snow encountering magma flames, and it is instantly corroded and melted.

After dragon scales comes flesh and blood.

Every inch of Kaido's flesh and blood rotted, mutated, and finally exploded.

In the blink of an eye, Azure Dragon Kaido has turned into a blood dragon.

Large pieces of blood fell from the sky, as if a rain of blood had fallen.

Suffering such painful torture, Kaido let out an uncontrollable scream.

Its huge longan exudes the color of fear.

Kaido felt fear for a long time, and that fear almost swallowed his heart.

Of course Kaido is not afraid of death, but in the face of death, fear is instinctive.

Not being afraid of death and not being afraid are two different things!

The huge Azure Dragon hovered in the sky, trying to throw Carl away.

It's a pity that Carl has locked Kaido firmly at this time, no matter how hard he tries, he can't get rid of Carl.

The dragon blood that Kaido bleeds also contains high-density nuclear radiation, which is a deadly move for Common pirates. .

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