Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 163 One Hundred Thousand Marines Destroyed! Air Vomiting Blood (Third Update, Please Subscri

When the domain shrinks, the Armament Haki density in the domain will increase exponentially.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The endless Armament Haki bombarded Julius, and the twisted space he created around his body was finally shaken.

The so-called absolute defense has a limit after all.

Even if it is a heaven-defying space fruit, it is a Devil Fruit after all, and will be restrained by Armament Haki.

"Ultra Black Nuclear Fission · Armed Color Domain · Spear of Vengeance!"

With a thought in his mind, Carl released a large amount of nuclear radiation, and after merging with the Armament Haki domain, a pitch-black spear was formed.

With a bang, the Spear of Revenge shot out of the air, hitting Julius instantly.

Julius was forced back by the Spear of Vengeance, and he shot backwards like a shooting star.

The Spear of Vengeance was only an inch away from Julius, and the distorted space was continuously worn away by the Armament Haki on the Spear of Vengeance, and cracks began to appear.

Once the space is broken, the Spear of Vengeance can attack Julius' body!

"How dare you make me retreat, unforgivable!"

Julius was furious, his expression a little crazy.

He was obviously not injured, but just being repelled, he seemed to be unable to accept it, as if he had been humiliated.

"Isn't it, is the mentality so fragile?"

Carl was speechless.

In fact, what Carl didn't know was that because of Julius's strength, no one could bear his attack head-on for a long time.

In the past many years, the number of times he made shots was very few, and each time it was an instant kill with one move.

The long period of invincibility gave Julius a perverted pursuit of victory.

He felt that his victory should be taken for granted.

The death of the enemy at his hands is absolute.

He cannot be defeated, even if he is only forced to retreat, it is still a blemish on his perfect record.

For Julius with obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is an unacceptable existence!

"Untouchable, damn you!"

Julius roared, and a terrifying aura erupted from him immediately.

Armament Haki roared out like a tsunami, forming a field in an instant, colliding with Carl's collar or head-on.

Immediately afterwards, Conqueror's Haki also erupted from Julius, forming a field.

Two-color Haki's dual domains merge into one, making the world look different!

The space in front of Julius collapsed and sunk, swallowing the Spear of Revenge into it.

"Sure enough, this guy must be Conqueror's Awakened"!"

Carl wasn't surprised that Julius turned on the Armor Color and Conqueror's Haki fields.

Conqueror's Haki are rare though, only one in a million.

But among the world's peak powerhouse crowd, it is a necessary strength, and the probability is almost 100%.


Carl also turns on Conqueror's Haki, merges with Armament Haki, and confronts Julius' dual domain head-on.


Thunder exploded in the sky, and countless Black and Red lightning burst out, like countless Lion Majesty.

A terrifying aura soared into the sky, directly piercing through the sea of ​​thunder and lightning in the sky, creating a huge hole.

"Untouchable, you have committed the unforgivable crime!"

"I will dismantle every bone in your body, crush every inch of flesh and blood in your body, and finally banish you to a crack in a different dimension, completely obliterating all traces of you!"

"Catch it!"

Julius came here, and wherever he went, the space collapsed inch by inch, forming a Uzumaki black hole that could not get out of the space.

Seeing this, Carl advanced instead of retreating.

"Well done!"

The black shadow flashed, the afterimage remained in place, but the real body appeared a hundred meters away.

The radiant black light covered the fist, and after merging Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki, the fists of Lius looked at each other.


The moment the fists collided, a terrifying shock wave that could not be described in words erupted.

The sea under the feet of Carl and Julius didn't hold up for even a ten thousandth of a second, and was directly torn apart by the shock wave.

A huge gully several kilometers long instantly divided the sea area into two halves.

Two huge waves rolled out towards the left and right sides, as if the sea had two wings.

Boom! Boom!

Numerous lightning bursts, high-density armed colors and Conqueror's attack and intertwine each other.

Both Carl and Julius have activated dual realms.

In the course of the battle, not only the power of Devil Fruit, but also Haki.

Only the party with stronger overall strength can win the final victory.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Carl and Julius' movements were approaching Ultimate, and they had exchanged hundreds of punches in the blink of an eye.

The two fought from one end of the sea to the other, and the battlefield covered more than ten kilometers.

The aftermath of every battle that erupts can easily tear apart the sea.

"Double Color Field Beastmaster Fury!"

Carl roared, covering his fist with high-density two-color Haki, forming a huge and ferocious beast.

The strange beast let out a roar, opened its mouth and bit Julius.

The long-range attack of radiating black light is useless to Julius, no matter how fast or powerful it is, it will be swallowed by him tearing apart the space.

So if you want to defeat him, you can only get close to the battle!

"Space Uzumaki!"

Facing Carl's ultimate move, Julius punched out, and a space Uzumaki appeared directly when the fist came out.

Uzumaki spun rapidly, tearing apart the space inch by inch.

A deep black hole appeared in the center of space Uzumaki, and a powerful gravitational force erupted to swallow everything.


The fists collided, and the terrible shock wave formed a huge black hole, completely engulfing Carl and Julius.

On the left side of the black hole, the space collapsed inch by inch.

On the right side of the black hole, endless radiating black light erupts!

At this moment, the world seemed to be completely divided into two worlds.

The space of a world has collapsed and completely reduced to a dead zone.

Another world is shrouded in nuclear radiation and completely reduced to a dead zone.

The battle between Carl and Julius, no matter which side, will bring only endless death!

Although more than ten kilometers were separated, the aftermath of the battle between the two still rushed to the sea area where the forest island was located.

The spread of nuclear radiation instantly wiped out those unconscious Marine soldiers.

As for the pirates under Carl, they were brought into the Kingdom of Shadows by the Shadow Corps at the moment when the aftermath spread.

Hiding in the shadow kingdom, no attack can hurt them.

This is also one of Carl's cards.

Carl can also escape through the Shadow Kingdom if he encounters an enemy he can't beat.

With this, Carl is already invincible!

The shock wave fused with high-density nuclear radiation swept past, the sea collapsed inch by inch, and the forest island disappeared inch by inch.

Tens of thousands of Marine soldiers on the island were instantly wiped out, leaving no bones left!

In the end, only Kong, Admiral Green Bull, Fujitora, Crane Vice Admiral and a few Marine elite Vice Admiral survived.

The breath of death enveloped the entire sea area, and Marine suffered another disaster!

Kong stared blankly at the disappearing forest island below, with anger in his eyes and sadness in his heart.

Frightened and angry, Kong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he instantly aged a bit.

He was hit too hard.

Although it was expected that Marine would suffer heavy losses, Kong still couldn't accept this scene when it actually happened.

After this battle, Marine really existed in name only!

~ Marshal Kong, the top priority now is to evacuate this sea area, it is still not safe here!"

A Marine Vice Admiral came to Kong and said.

This Marine Vice Admiral is covered with Armament Haki to protect against nuclear radiation in the air.

If you want to survive in this sea of ​​death, you must at least be able to be fully armed.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

Suddenly there was a roar, and then a huge rock came through the air, smashing towards Kong and the Marine Vice Admiral.

It was the devil Dikui who shot. .

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