Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 172 Eat Dark Fruit And Space Fruit! (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers)

"Go and find out, be sure to find out what happened in Mariejois!"

Sabo clenched his fists and roared, "No matter what, the Revolutionary Army can't mess up!"

"Until the life and death of the leader is confirmed, the revolutionary army stops all actions!"

"Nowadays, nothing is more important than a leader!"


Many cadres responded one after another.

Sabo is the second figure in the Revolutionary Army. Although he is young, he is deeply trusted.

With him standing up to stabilize people's hearts, the revolutionary army did not collapse because of this.

Although it is said to find out the life and death of the dragon, in fact, everyone knows that this is just a psychological comfort.

There's no way the life card could go wrong, the dragon really is dead.

Now I'm deceiving myself and others, but I just don't want to believe it!

Romanov Kingdom, Carl's bedchamber.

Carl was sitting on the balcony, thinking about it, and suddenly several items appeared on the tea table next to him.

Among them is a knife, two Devil Fruits, and several charms.

These are the spoils of war.

The name of the sword is Murasame, also known as One Sword Kill Murasame, it comes from the world of Zhantong, and it is one of the Teigu.

This knife is very special, as long as it is cut by the blade, it will be infected by the curse poison.

No matter how small the wound is, the victim will die in the end.

If a limb is chopped off, there is still a glimmer of hope for survival with a broken arm.

Cut to the torso, there is no doubt of death.

Compared with many big swords in the world of One Piece, Murasame is no worse than 04, and even surpasses it.

After all, the lethality of the curse covered by Murasame is too terrifying.

Carl himself is also a great swordsman at the peak, but Carl has never carried a sword with him.

It's not that Carl doesn't want it, but that he's used to using his ability to create weapons to fight.

Carl's lightning weapons, flash weapons, and even nuclear radiation weapons are much more powerful than Common's weapons, and they are easier to use.

So swords and weapons really aren't of much use to Carl.

But this village rain is different.

Not only does it have the poison of the killing curse, Carl will also integrate a force into the village rain.


Carl pulled out Murasame, and a cold light flashed across the blade, passing Carl's eyes.

As Carl mobilized Murasame's ability, a cloud of black mist poured out from the blade.

The black mist has a powerful devouring ability, which can devour everything it touches.

That's right, it's Dark Fruit.

It's been a long time since Carl got Dark Fruit, and he hasn't found a suitable person for it.

After much deliberation, you still want to use it yourself.

Although Carl could eat another Devil Fruit, Carl didn't choose to eat the Dark Fruit, but let Murasame eat it.

The World Government has researched the ability to make objects eat Devil Fruit. Caesar is a scientist who defected from the World Government, so he has naturally mastered this skill.

Under his leadership, Murasame successfully ate the Dark Fruit.

Today's Murasame not only possesses the poison of certain killing curses, but also possesses the Dark Fruit that restrains those with the ability to restrain them.

It can be said that Shigure is already the strongest sword in One Piece world!

Only such a knife is worthy of Carl!

Putting Murasame back into the scabbard, Carl picked up a Devil Fruit on the table.

Without hesitation, Carl opened his mouth and ate it.

"Huh? Here we come."

After about a minute or so, Carl felt an extra force zone in his body out of thin air.

This power was innate, and once it appeared, Carl knew how to use it naturally.

This power and the radiant fruit are complementary and cannot coexist.

But because of Carl's special Constitution, the two forces reached a balance in the confrontation, and finally achieved perfect coexistence.

"Try the power."

Carl grabbed it with his big hand, and the space in front of him was distorted suddenly, and a small space Uzumaki appeared.

As Carl's palm moves, Space Uzumaki also changes position.

With a thought, the space Uzumaki disappeared, and the broken space returned to normal.

That's right, what Carl ate was the space fruit of Julius.

After killing Julius, Carl received a space system Devil Fruit rewarded by the system, which is the space fruit.

Although it took only a few minutes to eat the space fruit, Carl is very skilled in using the space fruit.

With the support of strong physical strength and experience, Carl can use the fastest speed to develop the ability of the space fruit to a very high level.

Although it can't reach the level of awakening in a short period of time, the power is already very terrifying.

Those with space fruit ability can freely tear space and shuttle through space cracks.

The distance in reality is completely different from the distance in the space rift.

Moving 1 meter in the space crack may have moved 100 meters or more in reality.

Whether it is tearing space to attack or escape, this ability can be called heaven-defying.

If you want to restrain it, you can only use the same space system ability, or use the two-color Haki field to weaken the fruit ability like Carl killed Julius.

Other than that, Space Fruit hardly has any disadvantages.

"Your Majesty, Caesar begged to see him, saying that the experiment was successful."

Suddenly, Alice, the personal secretary, pushed the door open and came in front of Carl, reporting respectfully.

"Oh? Did it finally work?"

Carl's mouth curled up slightly.

"Let's go and have a look."

With Alice, Carl came to a secret experimental base in Romanov Kingdom.

This secret base is very large, almost like a war fortress from the outside.

In addition to the heavy guards on the periphery, the walls of the base are also covered with countless heavy artillery pieces.

Any suspicious elements approaching will be instantly bombed into scum.

The most important thing is that this experimental base is alive, it has its own consciousness.

When Carl walked to the entrance of the base, a lovely human face appeared on the gate of the base.

"Master, have you come to see me?"

The voice is like a child's, very crisp and sweet, mixed with a hint of joy.

"Well, long time no see, Mita!"

Mita is the name of this experimental base.

Like Murasame, this experimental base also ate a Devil Fruit.

The Devil Fruit is the mechanical fruit that Carl got after the Summit War.

Mita, who ate the mechanical fruit, can control all the machines and weapons in the experimental base.

It is equivalent to the artificial intelligence of this experimental base.

With the assistance of Mita, the efficiency of scientific experiments conducted inside the base has been greatly improved.

The research and development progress of various weapons is incredible.

Today, this experimental base can produce a large number of guns, swords and weapons every day, and it has become the largest arms processing industry in the world.

PS: Take a look at Carl's current power.

Eight Devils Carl has got seven:

Earth Demon Dikui: Possesses the ability to manipulate earth and rocks, escape from the ground, and cause earthquakes.

Thunder Demon Zhongsu: Possesses the ability to control lightning.

Mountain Devil Bo Gang: Possess the ability to eat gluttony, can devour everything in the 310 heaven and earth, and the body is indestructible.

Moon Demon Mantra: Possesses the ability to manipulate gravity.

Sky Demon Ximu: Possesses the ability to manipulate the weather.

Wind Demon Saofeng: Possesses the ability to call wind and rain, swallow clouds and mist, and control hurricanes.

Water Demon Bazaar: Possesses the ability to control flowing water.

In addition to the Holy Lord, the Seven Great Demons have all entered Carl's hands.

Nine Demon Generals Carl has also gotten six:

Nijia: Ninja group (ghost).

Lazo: Thorn Blades (Claw Shadow).

Bart: Night Bat Group (Flying Shadow).

Summer: troll group (giant shadow).

Ika: Samurai (Helmet Shadow).

Ming Tower: Shadow Devouring Group (Shadow Eater).

With six demon generals, Carl's army of Ghost Shadow Legion is endless.

After the war, you have sent ghost soldiers to attack New World.

Although only a few days, but the effect is already very significant.

Wherever the Ghost Shadow Corps went, all the forces were terrified and surrendered one after another.

In addition to the Demon and the Ghost General, Carl also gets six of the twelve spells.

Mouse Charm: Turn static into dynamic.

Cow spell: infinite power.

Dragon Charm: Burning Flame Explosion.

Snake Charm: Invisible.

Horse talisman: cure all diseases.

Monkey Charm: Ever-changing.

The spells have their own magical effects, and they are of great help to Carl.

Among them is the horse charm, although it is not immortal, it also makes Carl almost immortal.

The only regret is that there has been no reward for the dog spell.

Obviously, the system also thinks that the dog spell is too Precious.

After all, it is the power of immortality, and to obtain it, one must complete enough tasks. .

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