Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 180 The Terrifying Power Of The God Of Slavery, The Revolutionary Army Perishes! (Ask For Su

Carl is now recognized by the whole world as the strongest in the world, as long as he can defeat him, Bullet will be the new strongest in the world.

The goal that has been pursued for decades is just around the corner. Even though Shinigami Carl is famous and has a strong record, Bullet is not afraid!

"You are not his opponent, it is better not to die."

The redhead looked at Barrett, shook his head and said.

Bullet snorted coldly, "Whether it's an opponent or not, you'll know after fighting!"

The redhead shook his head and sighed, and took Barrett to the palace.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, Bullet insists on going his own way, and he has nothing to say.

Soon, the redhead brought Bullet to the palace banquet hall.

When Bullet saw Carl sitting on the throne, his fighting spirit broke out immediately.

"Shinigami, let's have another match."

As soon as this remark came out, the people at the banquet immediately burst into laughter.

"Where did this unlucky thing come from? Isn't it too courageous?"

"Bullet, the descendant of the devil, can also be considered a Legendary-level big pirate, but doesn't he see who he is going to challenge?"

"His Majesty the King has killed so many Legendary-level pirates."

"There's no need to be so impatient if you want to die."

Everyone talked and shook their heads and sighed.

Looking at Bullet was like looking at a dead man.

Bullet ignored the comments of the people around him, his eyes were burning like a raging fire, and he kept staring at Carl.

Carl looked at Bullet and chuckled, "Not everyone is qualified to challenge me. w

"When you can defeat my subordinates, come and challenge me again."



As soon as the order was issued, Dikui immediately responded and stood up from the banquet.

"Smash him!"


Carl raised his hand and pointed, the space in front of him twisted, and a space Uzumaki appeared.

Dikui jumped into the space Uzumaki first.

Afterwards, Carl looked at Bullet, the meaning was self-evident.

Bullet was not afraid of Carl's trap, and jumped into the space Uzumaki too.

After jumping into space Uzumaki, Bullet found himself in a mysterious space.

The surrounding space is so large that it seems endless.

However, there is nothing in this space, only the Dikui in front of him.

Then, the two started a fierce battle.

The aftermath of their battle was very powerful, causing the surrounding space to twist and tremble, but the aftermath was quickly annihilated.

Outside, everyone looked at the space in front of Uzumaki, where the battle between Dikui and Bullet was clearly visible, as if they were watching a live broadcast.

This is a different space created by Carl with the ability of space fruit, which is equivalent to stretching and expanding part of the space.

It is not very useful, but it is very suitable for the battlefield.

Carl looked around the crowd and said: "Everyone, keep eating and drinking. Today, besides delicious food and wine, there is also a battle for everyone to enjoy!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed heartily.

Let Dikui and Bullet bloody battle to add to the fun of the banquet, only Shinigami Carl can do it in the world.

While Carl and his men were indulging in the banquet, Em had already started cleaning his garden.

The first thing Im wants to clean is naturally the first half of the Grand Line.

Im dispatched God's Guard to replace Marine and become the new force to suppress the world.

The combat power of the God's Guard is even better than that of the Marines. Each soldier is extremely powerful and can easily wipe out all the dark forces in the first half of the Grand Line.

Im also already knew what kind of weeds he wanted to remove.

Shinigami Carl was the first, and the revolutionary army who dared to invade Mariejois was the second.

Shinigami Carl is powerful and is in the New World, so Im puts it behind to solve it.

He wanted to deal with the revolutionary army first, to make an example to the monkeys, and let the world see the mighty power of the gods.

There is only one person dispatched, Serios, the god of slavery.

The government of the world has searched hard for decades and failed to find the location of the Baitu Island, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, but Celios took the shot and found it in just one day.

The one who took her to Baitu Island was none other than an Advanced cadre of the Revolutionary Army.

The cadres of the Revolutionary Army were deeply influenced by Long's thoughts and were loyal to him.

Even if he was tortured to death, he would not reveal any news.

But in the face of Celios, just by looking at her, the cadre revealed all his underwear, and even brought Celios to the headquarters himself.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The harmonious and peaceful Baitu Island has now been reduced to a battlefield, with flames everywhere and the sound of cannon fire resounding endlessly.

"Why? Lindbergh! Why do you want to attack your companion?"

"Morrie, are you crazy? What's the matter?"

In the sea of ​​flames, Sabo roared miserably, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, desperately calling out to his companions in front of him.

Standing in front of him were Lindbergh, commander of the Southern Army of the Revolutionary Army, and Morrie, commander of the Western Army.

But at this moment, instead of fighting for the revolutionary army, they were killing their own soldiers and companions, even Sabo was not spared.

Every move goes straight to the point, every move kills!

In addition to Lindbergh and Murray, there are many people who are killing their companions.

The two sides in the bloody battle on Baitu Island are not the Revolutionary Army and Celios.

From beginning to end, the revolutionary army was killing each other.

Looking at the companions who continued to die tragically around him, Sabo was extremely sad and angry.

"Be careful, Sabo, they're all under control!"

Shemale King Ivankov blocked Morrie's killing move and yelled at Sabo.

Sabo also understood at this moment, staring at the peerless beauty floating in the sky with scarlet eyes.

Sabo doesn't know who she is, only knows that as soon as she came, the Warriors of the Revolutionary Army started killing each other.

Without any warning, without any sign, Sabo doesn't even know when she controlled Mori et al.

All I know is that this woman is extremely powerful and weird.

The Iron-Blooded Warriors in the Revolutionary Army are all men with a firm heart.

But in front of this woman, they were all reduced to pathetic puppets and allowed to be manipulated by her.

This manipulation is different from Doflamingo's puppet line.

Doflamingo can only manipulate the human body, at least to maintain his own consciousness.

0…ask for flowers………

But Celios can manipulate a person's body and consciousness at the same time, completely turning them into her slaves.

This is also the origin of Celios, the god of slavery.

She is the God of slavery, anyone in the world will become her slave in front of her!


"Dragon Claw Fist!"

With a roar, Sabo jumped up into the air, quickly reaching Celios.

He turned his fists into claws, and Armament Haki slowly covered them, forming the sharp claws of a dragon, and struck out with a bang, straight for Celios' face.

Sabo doesn't care if Celios is a beautiful woman, he only knows that this woman hurt his companion.

Facing Sabo's attack, Celios did not dodge or evade, even his eyes did not change at all.

Just when Sabo's attack was about to hit, a figure appeared in front of Sabo and kicked him away.


Seeing the person coming, Sabo's eyes widened.

The person who came was Crow, the commander of the Northern Army of the Revolutionary Army, and one of Sabo's best friends.

But now, the crow looks at Sabo with endless killing intent and indifference.

"Damn it, why is that?"

"Damn bastard, what the hell did you do to my mates?"

Sabo roared angrily, but Celios ignored him and didn't even look at him.

She looked at the revolutionary army killing each other below, her eyes were unmoved, as if she was watching a scene that could be seen everywhere.

Murloc Karate!"

A girl appeared behind Sabo, hit Sabo's back with a palm, and sent him flying.

The person who made the shot was Koala, Sabo's childhood sweetheart, who was also controlled by Celios at the moment and became Sabo's enemy.

Facing the attack of his companions, Sabo couldn't make up his mind to kill, so he was wounded very quickly.

"Run, Sabo!"

"We are no match for that woman!"

Shemale King Ivankov came to Sabo and shouted anxiously.

At this moment, Ivankov is also covered in bruises.


Where are you going?

Sabo looked at the comrades of the revolutionary army who were dying tragically around him, and all the cadres who were killing each other, felt desperate in his heart.

They have nowhere to go!

Sabo never thought that one day, the revolutionary army would perish at the hands of his own people.

"Sorry, boss!"

"I am ashamed of your teaching!"

Sabo burst into tears, thinking of the dead dragon, he felt infinitely guilty.

Long handed over the revolutionary army to him, but he led the revolutionary army to perish.

Even if you die, it is difficult to redeem your sins.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The brutal killing continued, and the raging fire burned, eventually swallowing the entire Baitu Island.

All the cadres and members of the revolutionary army were killed, leaving no one behind.

When Celios left the island of white soil, the island had been reduced to a dead zone, and there was no living creature on the island.

From the beginning to the end, Celios never made a move, not even moving his fingers.

But the Revolutionary Army, which claimed to be comparable to the Four Emperors Pirates, perished like this, and there was no room for resistance!


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