Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 185 Shinigami Vs Im, The Battle At The Top Of The World! (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flow

Rocks can pretend, but his strength cannot be pretended.

The strength that the Rocks showed when they came out was genuine.

"Damn Shinigami Carl, is this his work again?"

Although I don't know how Rocks was resurrected, it must be Carl's hand and foot.

Several patriarchs of Celestial Dragons gritted their teeth against Carl.

Yes, Rocks was indeed resurrected by Carl.

You only need to carve out a stone statue of Rocks and add the Rat Charm.

The process of conquering Rocks is also easier than Carl thought.

Carl's strength today is much stronger than Rocks~.

After beating him up, he naturally became obedient.

In addition, this time we have to deal with the government of the world, Rocks will not come?

With the Rocks blocking Selios, Carl set his sights on Im.


Ripples appeared in the space, and Carl threw Uzumaki into the space and disappeared.

In the next second, Carl appeared on the Pangu City, standing opposite Im.


Without saying a word, the two opened the Haki field at the same time, and it was a triple Haki field.

Knowledge Color, Armed Color, Conqueror's.

Both Carl and Im have successfully opened the triple domain, and have cultivated to a very high level.

The two fields erupted and collided with each other, arousing a shocking power in an instant.

The density of armed colors and Conqueror's Haki in the field is extremely high, reaching the point of being visible to the naked eye.

At a glance, Haki has turned into actual Uzumaki, spinning wildly.

A terrifying aura soared into the sky, shaking all the clouds over Mariejois, and there was no cloud in the sky for thousands of miles.

The domain spread out, shattering and tearing all the buildings around Pangu City.

The ground collapsed inch by inch, and the sky was turned upside down, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had erupted.

"Black nuclear fission!"

Carl took the lead, raised his finger, and shot a radiant black light towards Im's forehead.

The radiating black light was extremely fast, and it hit Im's forehead the moment it appeared.

Im raised his hand and grabbed Carl's radiant black light directly in his palm.

There seemed to be a black hole in his palm, which directly swallowed the radiation black light into it, and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Im's eyes widened.

The space around Carl suddenly collapsed inch by inch, squeezing towards Carl.

"Space system ability?"

Carl's complexion remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to fully restore the collapsed space.

But in the next second, countless flashing flying swords fell from the sky.

Each flying sword is made of pure photon energy, which is more than ten times more powerful than Kizaru's Sparkling fruit.

"Space Uzumaki!"

Carl raised his finger, tearing apart the space, devouring all the flashing flying swords.

"Railgun Rapid Fire!"

Carl launched a counterattack, firing more than a dozen super electromagnetic guns in an instant, blocking all of Im's escape routes.

Im finally moved his figure, his speed was as fast as Ultimate, splitting into many afterimages in an instant.

The afterimage flashed past, directly dodging all the super electromagnetic guns.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The electromagnetic gun hit the area behind Pangu City, and Mariejois immediately burst into a dozen huge fireballs.

Countless buildings were destroyed and razed to the ground!

"Blade Storm!"

Im remained calm, and let out a cold cry, the space above Carl's head cracked, and countless swords and spears were shot out.

Each sword and spear is wrapped with high-density armed color and Conqueror's Haki, and the attack density cannot be judged.

"Magnetic radiation - reflection!"

Carl grabbed it with his big hand, opened the magnetic field, and instantly seized the control of the blade storm.

With a thought, all the blade storms returned and shot at Im.

Im raised his hand and swiped at the space, the space cracked open and swallowed the blade storm completely.

At the same time, thunder exploded in the sky. There were no dark clouds, but thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck Carl.

Carl's figure flickered, dodging all the lightning.

Carl and Im fought fiercely, every move and style contained great power, destroying the world at every turn.

But this is just a trial.

Neither Carl nor Im did their best, they were testing each other's strength.

"What kind of fruit ability is this guy?"

For a moment, Carl couldn't judge what fruit ability Im ate.

So far, the abilities that Im has demonstrated include tearing space, creating voids, and controlling lightning, etc.

Each of these abilities is not simple.

If Im is not a multi-fruit capable person, then the Devil Fruit he ate must be very important.

And with Im's heart, his own Devil Fruit must be erased.

Not to mention the outside world, even if it is inside the world government, there will be no records.

"First recruit the big ones!"

"Triple Realm, Lifeless Destruction!"

Carl mobilized the triple Haki field, instantly forming a cubic space, enveloping Im.

With Carl's control, the cube space shrinks rapidly.

Carl's triple domain exploded at full strength, Im's triple domain was suppressed for a while, and he was directly at a disadvantage.

Facing Carl's killing move, Im's expression remained the same, but he uttered a word in a cold voice, "Broken!"

The word fell, as if it touched the power of the world's rules, and dense cracks appeared in Carl's domain space, as if it would collapse in the next second.

Seeing this, Carl quickly manipulated the Haki domain to recover.

Seeing that the trick didn't work, Im's expression rarely showed a hint of anger, and he roared three times, "Broken! Broken! Broken!"

The power of rules erupted, and the space in Carl's domain exploded, turning back into Uzumaki's domain again.

"So strong?"

"Say a word and break my lifeless destruction?"

Carl was a little shocked.

Although it was expected that Im would not be killed by this move, but he broke Carl's move so easily, which really exceeded Carl's expectations.

0...asking for flowers...0

And Im's breaking technique also surprised Carl.

It was really shocking that it was solved with just a few words.

"Untouchable, you are very nice!"

Im looked at Carl and said something coldly.

This is the first sentence Im said to Carl after he appeared.

Im didn't speak before, out of disdain.

As a high god, he thinks that Carl is not qualified to talk to him.

But after the battle just now, Carl obtained the qualification to talk to him.

*In 800 years, you are the fourth person who is qualified to fight me!"

"Your strength is qualified to be recognized by me."

"If you are willing to kneel down and pray for surrender now, I, Im, can grant you the status of Celestial Dragons, so that you can enjoy the supreme glory!"

Im opened his big hand to Carl and said the invitation.


Carl said blankly: "Compared to being someone else's dog, I prefer to be the owner!"

"If you are willing to kneel down and pray for surrender, I can make you my dog!"


Im's eyes widened, bursting out with extreme murderous aura.

The surrounding space instantly collapsed and annihilated, but reunited.

"Untouchable, do you know who you are facing?"

"I am the king of this world, the king who has ruled the world for 800 years. 17

"It is your supreme honor to be my dog!"

"However, since you refuse, you can only die!"

"You are the same as the three people before, and you will fall into the long river of time!"


Annihilation pointed at Carl.

The moment the finger appeared, it was clearly hundreds of meters away from Carl a second ago, but at this moment it directly appeared on Carl's forehead and brow.


The space collapsed, and a space Uzumaki appeared between Carl's eyebrows, swallowing Im's fingers into it.

"Black nuclear fission!"

With a thought in Carl's mind, the radiant black ball behind him condensed automatically, shooting countless radiant black lights towards Im.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of shots have been shot.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of radiant black lights all hit Im, and the mushroom cloud produced by the nuclear explosion exploded, sweeping across the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The moment the shock wave erupted, the Pangu City standing in Mariejois was shattered and completely dissipated.

Then, shock waves raged in all directions, sweeping the entire Mariejois.

Wherever the shock wave went, the earth collapsed and sunken inch by inch, all the buildings were reduced to ashes, and all members of the God's Guard and soldiers of the Ghost Shadow Corps were wiped out.

The patriarchs of the Five Elders family, the six great demons, the red hair, Rocks, Aga, Reiss, and Serios all retreated rapidly, not daring to stay in Mariejois for a moment.

Looking from the sky, a huge mushroom cloud stands in the sky, connecting the sky and the earth.

Mariejois was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and there was no place left intact!.

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