Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 191 Ghost King Wu Mian, Lun Gou, I Will Call You The Strongest! (Ask For Subscription, Ask F

Ghost Slayer is a world where humans and evil spirits coexist.

Evil ghosts feed on human beings and live forever, except for being afraid of the sun.

It is said to be a ghost, but in Carl's view, it is just a kind of alternative gene upgraded.

To some extent, it is somewhat similar to the zombie virus.

"Oh, there's another human here!"

"Seeing that we didn't run away, are you scared silly?"

"Hahahaha, I was worried that the food here was not enough to eat, so I brought it to my door!"

Not one, but three evil spirits were killed in the village.

After seeing Carl, three evil spirits immediately surrounded him.

The whole village has been massacred, and the only living person left is Carl.

"Huh? This human smells delicious, is it thin blood?!"

"Don't fight me, he's mine!"

"Be the first to strike first!"

Evil ghosts eat human beings, and the more they eat, the stronger they become.

Among them, some human beings with special blood are very nutritious to evil spirits, and are called thin blood. "three six zero"

The nutritional value of eating one thin-blooded human is equivalent to eating 50 or even 100 Common humans are the favorite of countless evil spirits.

So once they encounter thin-blooded humans, the evil spirits will never let them go.

A ghost with a triangular head and eight eyes was the fastest and swooped towards Carl.

He no longer had the form of a human being, but ran over on all fours, faster than a tiger or leopard.


A long tongue spewed out from the evil ghost's mouth, shooting towards Carl's head like a sharp arrow.

"Damn it, he got ahead of me!"

"Stop, this thin-blooded human is mine!"

The two evil spirits behind roared angrily and ran towards Carl.


A gust of wind broke out from Carl's body, passing three evil spirits in an instant.

The figures of the three running evil ghosts stood still in the air, and then their bodies collapsed, their flesh and blood dissipated, and they vanished into ashes!

"The demons of Common have only this level of strength!"

In Carl's view, the strength of these common evil spirits is not even comparable to that of Major Marine, they are the trash among the trash.

The force value of Ghost Slayer World is not high, the only heaven-defying thing is the immortal body of the evil ghost.

However, the immortal body of the evil spirit obviously cannot resist Carl's radiation force zone.

In the final analysis, the reason why the ancestor of the evil ghost, Ghost King Wuyan, is immortal is only because of the upgraded genes.

Because of the upgrade, his cells have obtained extremely powerful vitality, decomposition ability, self-healing ability and survival ability.

But none of these abilities can resist the damage of nuclear radiation to cells.

As long as Carl uses nuclear radiation, he can easily kill the evil spirits.

"Ding, the host triggers the task: eliminate evil spirits.

It is detected that evil spirits are everywhere in this world, please host to kill the ancestor of the evil spirits, Onimai Tsuji, and eliminate all evil spirits.

Task reward: Perfect Ghost King Constitution.

(Perfect Ghost King Constitution: Immortal, not afraid of the sun, no need to eat people, can use his own blood to create the evil ghost Warrior, and the evil ghost Warrior does not need to eat people, nor afraid of the sun.)”

"Perfect Ghost King Constitution? This is a good thing!"

Although Carl has a horse charm and a dog charm, the combination of the two is already immortal.

But the charm is a foreign object after all, once lost or robbed, Carl will lose the power of immortality.

If he can obtain the perfect Ghost King Constitution, then this power is Carl's own, and no one else can take it away.

At the same time, Carl can also give others the power of immortality.

No matter which world you are in, eternal life is an irresistible temptation.

"It's just that it's a bit difficult to kill Ghost King Wu Mi."

Carl frowned slightly.

Don't get me wrong, this difficulty is not because of strength.

The force value of Ghost Slayer World is not high. Even the ghost king Wumi who has lived for thousands of years is just a piece of trash in Carl's eyes.

If you encounter it head-on, you can solve it with one move.

But if you want to kill Wu Mi, you must find him first, which is difficult.

Ghost King Wuyou was very afraid of death.

If you want to say who is most afraid of death in the heavens and myriad worlds, Ghost King Wuyou will definitely be at the forefront.

This guy is an out-and-out dog. Whenever there is a turmoil, he will flee thousands of miles away, and then use his immortal power to consume the other party to old age and death.

Thousands of years ago, he was almost beheaded by Ji Guoyuan, and he hid for nearly a hundred years without daring to show up.

It wasn't until Yuanyi died of old age that Yin dared to act in the world.

In the end, Zhong Tan's fearful and cautious character was engraved in Wu Mi's genes.

He will not take any risks, even if there is only a one in ten million chance that his life will be threatened, Ghost King Wu Mi will not go out personally.

On Gou, Carl would like to call him the strongest!

"If you want to kill Wu Mi, you must find him first!"

Thinking of this, Carl sneered, "Man!"

After the voice fell, countless warriors of the Ghost Shadow Corps appeared in the surrounding dark shadows.

"See Master!"

General Ika knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"Go look for the traces of the evil spirits, and find the lair of the evil spirits!"


General Ika sank into the dark shadows, and the ghost soldiers around him disappeared without a trace.

"With the Ghost Shadow Corps, we should be able to find the location of Infinite City!"

Infinite City is the old lair of Ghost King Wu Mi, and it is in charge of Wu Mi's direct subordinate Ming Nu.

Naruto's awakened vampire technique is a space ability, so the location of the Infinite City is erratic.

No matter where Wu Mi is, he can return to Infinite City in an instant, and he can appear in any place from Infinite City in an instant...

"As long as you find the Infinite City, Wu Mi will not be able to escape!"

Space ability is not a big deal, Naruto's vampirism is no better than Carl's space fruit ability.

As long as you find a place, there is no doubt that you will die!

Taking one last look at the corpse-strewn village, Carl turned and left.

Carl has no plans to collect and bury the dead, because you have seen too many dead people in the world of One Piece.

About an hour after Carl left, a man entered the village.

Looking at the village full of corpses and no living people, the man's face showed sadness and anger.

"Damn, am I late?"

He is Giyuu Tomioka, one of the current five pillars of the killing team, Shuizhu.

Although he looks cold and unsmiling on the outside, he is actually very kind and gentle on the inside.

He hated the murderous ghost, and he hated himself for being too late.

If he could get here sooner, no one in this village would die.

Time came to daylight and the sun rose.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki buried all the corpses in the village and burned incense in front of the graves.

"Rest in peace, I will avenge you!"

"The level of technology in this world is still very backward."

Carl walked on the street, surrounded by old buildings.

Although it is more prosperous than the small rural villages that Carl had seen before, it is far behind the modern technological cities of the future.

"I don't know what time it is now."

To go to a New World, the most important thing is to figure out the 2.5 time point.

In the world of One Piece, there are still newspapers that can be read, and the time can be quickly determined.

But the time point in this world is already vague. Even if the year is confirmed, Carl still has no way of knowing where the plot is going.

"Master, I found the trace of the evil spirit."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Carl's mind.


"Human beings have disappeared on the infinite train one after another, and it seems that there are evil spirits haunting them."

"I have already sent people to investigate and confirm the existence of evil spirits!"

"Infinity train? I get it!"

"It turns out that the plot is already here!"

The infinite train is a sad segment in Ghost Slayer, because Yan Zhu, one of the nine pillars, died in this incident.

"Go and see!"

Knowing the trace of the evil spirit, Carl will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

After all, the one who will appear this time is Yi Wo Zuo, the third of the upper strings. He is the top of the evil ghosts and has a very close relationship with Wu Mi.

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