Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 39 Celestial Dragons, I Can Kill A Hundred Times! (Ask For Collection, Ask For Flowers)

"Such an ugly guy is sure to kill a hundred times."

Looking at the Celestial Dragons lying on the ground crying, a sneer appeared on the corner of Carl's mouth.

Scanning the deck of the cruise ship and seeing the two figures lying in a pool of blood, Carl understood everything in an instant.

"Just killing you like this is too cheap for you, you should also try the feeling of being tortured like a dog."

Paying attention to the murderous look in Carl's eyes, Marine Vice Admiral immediately stepped forward to stop Celestial Dragons, and the surrounding Marine soldiers and CP agents pointed their guns at Carl.

Vice Admiral yelled, "Carl, stop, these are Celestial Dragons."

"Kill him, and you won't end well either!"

"Oh? What will happen to me?"

Carl smiled playfully.


Vice Admiral was choked and speechless.

He wanted to say that if they hurt Celestial Dragons, Marine would send Admiral to attack them, and the end would be disastrous.

But would Carl care?

He doesn't care.

Because he already killed a Celestial Dragons.

Marine Admiral Akainu led the Buster Call crusade against him also failed.

Shinigami Carl, stepped on the corpses of Celestial Dragons and the face of Marine Admiral to shock the world.

He can tell anyone he can't hurt the Celestial Dragons, but not Carl.

Carl glanced at the Marines around him, and sneered, "A scum like this, you Marines still want to protect him. Marine's justice really amazes me."


Marine Vice Admiral was speechless.

Indeed, as Carl said, protecting the Celestial Dragons made his justice sullied.

However, this is an order from Naval Headquarters, and he cannot disobey it.

"Anyway, to harm the Celestial Dragons, you must first step over my dead body!"

Marine Vice Admiral aimed his knives at Carl with both hands, fighting spirit erupted.

He knows he is no match for Carl, but as the Marine branch Vice Admiral's duty, he must protect the safety of the Celestial Dragons.

However, just as Vice Admiral was about to attack Carl, a gunshot sounded from behind.

Vice Admiral spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked down at the blood hole in his chest with a dull expression.


He looked back at Celestial Dragons Rui Guy, wanting to ask why.

But before he finished speaking, Vice Admiral fell powerlessly on the deck, blood streaming all over the floor.

His heart had been punctured, and he died before he collapsed.

Wow! ! ! !

The sudden scene shocked all Marine soldiers, and no one could figure out why Celestial Dragons shot and killed Marine Vice Admiral at this time.

You know, this is the most powerful force on their ship.

Seeing such a brutal Celestial Dragons, all Marine soldiers trembled with fright.

Only the remaining few expressionless CP agents remained calm.

They are all tools trained and trained by the government of the world since they were young. They have no feelings of their own, just like puppets.

No matter what kind of enemy you encounter or what happens, you will never be afraid.

"Damn pariah, bastard, go to hell, go to hell!"

Celestial Dragons Rui Guy shot at Carl like crazy, emptying all the bullets in the pistol in the blink of an eye.

He has been dazzled by anger, and he must kill the untouchable who hurt him in front of him in order to vent his anger.

As for the Marine Vice Admiral standing in front of him, he was just an unlucky ghost who was killed by mistake.

"Sure enough, you're an overreaching idiot."

Carl couldn't think of any words to describe the stupidity of the Celestial Dragons.

With a thought, the magnetic field opened, controlling all the incoming bullets.

Bang bang bang!

Groups of blood spattered, each and every CP agent fell into a pool of blood.

In the blink of an eye, all the CP agents on the cruise ship were killed by Carl.

"you you..."

Celestial Dragons stared blankly at Carl, and kept pulling the trigger to kill Carl.

But the bullets had been shot out, and the gun in his hand turned into a mass of scrap metal.

He didn't understand why if he shot Carl, the CP agent beside him would die.

Carl looked at the Celestial Dragons and smiled ferociously, "Next, it's your turn."

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

"Come on, come and protect me!"

"Kill this pariah!"

Celestial Dragons hissed and roared, but no one answered him.

The CP agents who were extremely loyal to him were all dead, and the strongest Marine Vice Admiral was also killed by him.

The other Marine soldiers all knelt on the deck under Carl's imposing manner, and couldn't even move their fingers.

Carl clawed it with a big hand, and the whip on the luxurious sofa automatically flew over and fell into Carl's hand.

"Don't you like beating people very much? You should also try that feeling today."


Carl lashed Celestial Dragons' face with a whip, immediately leaving a bloodstain, the flesh was torn apart, and blood spattered.

"Ah!!! You bastard, damn untouchable, how dare you do this to me?"

"Your mouth stinks!"

Before the Celestial Dragons could finish cursing, Carl had already shot again.

A lash hit Celestial Dragons' mouth, leaving his mouth bloody and teeth flying.

Carl's shot was measured, not too big and not too small, to ensure that Celestial Dragons would not be whipped to death, and at the same time make him feel extremely painful.

As Carl's whip fell, the Celestial Dragons wailed heart-piercingly, screaming again and again.

At first, the Celestial Dragons were very vocal, swearing at Carl.

But soon, he began to beg for mercy.

Carl's approach is hilarious, awakening the fear hidden deep in the DNA of Celestial Dragons.

"Don't...don't fight anymore, please...please don't fight anymore!"

"I...I won't kill you anymore, I can forgive you."

"Yes, yes, I can still give you money."

"As much as you want."

"Power, women, I can give you all of these!"

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