Great Voyage: Start Radiation Fruits Across The Sky

Chapter 77 Thunder God Destroys The World, Shinigami Carl's Natural Disaster! (First Update, Pl

"That being the case, it's time to bring them to war."

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

"Wangan's preparations are over?"

Crane Vice Admiral nodded slightly, "It was completed ten minutes ago.

"Okay, immediately cut off the signal of the video phone bug, and the next picture does not need to be known to the world.

"This war was launched by our Marine and the world government in the name of absolute justice, and it must be won."

"No matter what method is used, only victory can never be changed!"

Sengoku's eyes were firm, and he gave the order coldly, "Do it!"


At the same time as the order was issued, all video phone bugs that were broadcasting live were cut off.

All the people watching the live broadcast all over the world lost the battle screen.

At the same time, the two guards on the execution platform picked up their long knives and prepared to execute Ace in advance.

"It's no good, Dad, Marine's bastards, Ace's execution is about to start!"

Marko flew to Whitebeard and said.

"Ah, I see it."

Whitebeard kept his eyes on the execution platform, and sneered a few times, "That bastard Sengoku, because the enemy is a pirate, did he use any means?"

"Sure enough, it's Marine's usual style!"

On the other hand, Carl, who was fighting Garp, also noticed this.

"Hey, Garp, your grandson is going to be killed, won't you stop it?"

04 Carl knocked Garp back with a punch, and sneered playfully.

Garp was stunned for a moment, his face darkened, and he growled: "This is his own choice, since he decided to go out to sea as a pirate and make an enemy of the world, he deserved this end.

"As a Marine, the old man has his own position, there is no reason to save him!"

Garp flew in front of Carl, his arms turned into afterimages, and he swung dozens of punches in an instant, and the attack became more and more fierce.

Carl smiled playfully, and did several backflips to distance himself from Garp.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth, your breath has already told me what you think.

"You can't hide it from me!"

"If you really want to save him, I won't stop you."

"Shut up, Carl kid, hit if you want, you talk too much bullshit!"

Garp roared, teleported to Carl, and landed a heavy punch.

A large hole was smashed into the ice under Carl's feet, and the surrounding ice was too broken.

From the beginning to the end, Garp dared not look at the execution platform behind him.

He was afraid that if he took another look, his position would be shaken, so he couldn't help but save Ace.

He could only use fierce fighting to divert his attention, ignoring the fact that Ace was about to be executed as much as possible.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was a series of deafening artillery fire on the battlefield.

Huge fireballs exploded on the battlefield, and countless pirates were killed by the artillery fire.

Carl looked up and saw tall figures walking out of the sea of ​​flames.

Each looks exactly like Shichibukai's big bear.

This is a human weapon developed by Marine, pacifist.

Not only has the body of Shichibukai Ookuma, but also equipped with Kizaru's laser beam, which is very powerful.

At the same time, the pacifists have blocked the pirates' retreat, forming a siege with the Marines in the square.

Under the firepower bombardment of the pacifists, countless pirates were killed, leaving no bones left.

All of a sudden, the pirates began to show signs of defeat.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. It is possible that you are in an advantage one second, but you will be in a desperate situation the next second.

On the battlefield of this decisive battle of the century, no matter what happens, it is not surprising.

At the same time, the wall of the harbor suddenly moved away, and one wall after another rose up, trapping all the pirates in the wall.

Seeing this scene, Carl smiled coldly, "Is this going to catch us all?"

"of course!"

Garp's roar rang in Carl's ears, and at the same time there was a blowing wind of fists.

"No matter what, Marine will win in the end!"

"Carl, kid, grab it!"


Carl lightly raised his hand and blocked Garp's iron fist with his palm.


Garp was startled, and Turan felt a sense of uneasiness welling up in his heart.

"Marine will win?"

Carl snorted coldly, "Garp, you are so naive, the outcome of this war was doomed from the very beginning."

"No matter how many cards you have, Marine will only end up losing!"

When the words fell to the ground, Carl suddenly grabbed Garp and threw it like a cannonball.

With a loud bang, Garp slammed into one of the surrounding walls of the harbor.

The surrounding wall, which was not damaged by the artillery bombardment, directly cracked dense cracks, and Garp also spat out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Immediately, countless flash bombs followed, and the flames formed by the explosion instantly engulfed Garp.

"It's time to show Marine what fear is!"

Carl flew into the sky, and with a flash of lightning, he came directly to the front of the pacifist army.

"Thunder God destroys the world!"

Carl raised his hand to the sky, grabbed it with his big hand, and the sky suddenly changed color.

The deep clouds rolled violently, and a huge dark cloud Uzumaki appeared.

A streak of lightning flashed among the dark clouds, making a deafening roar.

As Carl's arm fell, a giant bolt of lightning struck Uzumaki.

A zigzag of lightning illuminated the entire sky and slammed into the place where the pacifist army was.

With a loud bang, a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the battlefield.

The dazzling fire light illuminated the faces of countless people, and also illuminated countless pairs of eyes.

Whether it is Marine or Pirate, at this moment, they all looked at the place where the mushroom cloud ascended to the sky.

The monstrous flames raged towards the surroundings like a tsunami, the ice continent was directly penetrated, and the flames went deep into the seabed hundreds of meters deep.

The scene like a doomsday disaster stimulated the minds of countless Marine pirates, making them extremely shocked and terrified.

"Get out of the way, flames and shock waves are coming!"

A pirate stared blankly at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, his legs trembled, and he let out a terrified roar.

Countless Pirates and Marines rushed to their lives with all their strength.

In the next second, the terrifying shock wave completely engulfed them.

When everything dissipated, everyone discovered that the pacifist army had been wiped out.

"Damn brat!!!"

On the execution platform, Marshal Sengoku was trembling with anger, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and the blood in his veins seemed to be spurted out at any time.

The violent breathing ups and downs involved the wound on his chest, causing the wound to bleed again.

"It doesn't matter, although there are flaws, the formation is at least ready."



At Sengoku's order, Admiral Akainu and Admiral Kizaru dispatched simultaneously, flying to the left and right sides of the surrounding wall.

860 Akainu's arms turned into boiling magma, arms facing the sky.

Kizaru's hands are crossed, shining brightly!

"Meteor Volcano!"

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

The two Admirals released ultimate moves at the same time, and countless magma fists and flash bombs fell from the sky, covering all the pirates in the surrounding wall like a torrential rain.

Although there were still many Marines who were too late to evacuate, Akainu and Kizaru did not hold back their hands.

In order to eliminate the Whitebeard pirates, they don't care about a little manslaughter.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Terrible bombing covered the entire icy battlefield, and miserable wailing sounded one after another.

Every time a volcanic bomb or a flash bomb falls, countless pirates are killed.

The fruits of Akainu and Kizaru are both very destructive, and both are at the level of natural disasters.

Now that the two are jointly bombing, the pirates surrounded by the wall are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

There is no way to escape but to wait for death!

Air shock!

At the critical moment, Whitebeard finally made a move.

One punch shattered the atmospheric space, and a terrifying earthquake shock wave soared into the sky, destroying all the falling volcanic bombs and flash bombs.

However, Whitebeard only destroyed one wave.

As long as the surrounding wall is not broken, the Whitebeard Pirates can only be trapped in the cage, waiting for death.


Suddenly, a beam of deep blue light penetrated the entire icy battlefield and hit the center of the surrounding wall.

There was a loud bang, and the surrounding wall was directly pierced by the beam of light.

After breaking through the enclosing wall, Zhan Blue's beam of light continued to move forward, shooting straight towards the execution platform at the speed of light.

"Careful, it's Shinigami's railgun!"

Vice Admiral Garp jumped out of the ruins, his eyes were open, and he roared in warning. .

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