Great Writer

Chapter 192: Calm explanation

"I think this title is ridiculed with contempt, as if my author is totally based on talent. In fact, in addition to talent, I also put in unimaginable efforts in writing. I think in writing, you should You can understand me, right.” Liang Jing obviously felt that Wang Defu, as a classmate, could definitely understand her, and she could also understand Wang Defu.

When Wang Defu heard Liang Jing say this, he certainly did not hesitate to agree: "Yes, maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, our life is very glamorous, because we became famous when we were young, and we are all influential figures in school. In fact, this is also true. As a result of our loneliness, not many ordinary people are willing to approach us and become friends with us."

Liang Jing drank a big sip of juice and almost shouted out for Wang Defu's words, because these words really touched her heart. Although she was famous in school, she was often alone in solitude, as if she had become an outlier. In such a situation, she can only devote herself to writing more, and only writing can alleviate her loneliness.

   Obviously, Liang Jing now thinks that Wang Defu is the same person as her. They have the most common language and can understand each other!

   What Liang Jing didn't know was that Wang Defu had only seen her through, and deliberately said such things to make her a confidant.

In fact, Wang Defu is lonely. He has a lot of friends in school. Not only does his roommate Zheng Yuanxiu walk with him from time to time and inseparable from each other, but also Zhu Moche, a senior who has made great achievements in the field of prose, has an excellent relationship with him. He likes to eat the oranges that Wang Defu brought him.

In addition, the students in Wang Defu’s class did not have a particularly bad relationship with Wang Defu. Instead, they actively made friends with Wang Defu. Even the class leader Cao Rongqing held Wang Defu in various ways, and even recommended Wang Defu to his elder. That is Cao Xuping, the head of the philosophy department.

Therefore, Wang Defu was actually quite moisturized at Soochow University, and he has even been registered with the school’s senior management. As long as he writes an influential thought work next, he will graduate early and get a bachelor’s degree. Questions, and then go to graduate school, it is just a basic operation.

"Writing is originally a lonely road, let us encourage each other." Liang Jing said quietly, "As for the title, there is no need to entangle, and I don't want to call your words, you don't need to call me Ms. Liang or anything. Why don't we have to call us and direct you and me. Isn't it good to be simple and direct?"

  Wang Defu realized that Liang Jing, who was gradually opening her heart, had an open-mindedness that ordinary women did not have. At the same time, she did not stick to etiquette at all, which really made Wang Defu feel good.

After all, Wang Defu has always pursued absolute freedom and absolute detachment. He believes that everything that restricts him in this world is floating clouds, but he will definitely not publicize his idea, because it will definitely make the world of this order collapse. Everyone is pursuing freedom.

   "Very good, I like you so frank and open-minded. Compared with the first time I saw you, you gave me a new understanding today." Wang Defu took a sip of plum wine and said sincerely.

As a result, Liang Jing heard Wang Defu’s "like" and she was embarrassed again. Really, she always felt that Wang Defu was too ambiguous. She knew that the "like" in his mouth was not that kind of like, but she heard it now. With this word, my heartbeat can't help speeding up again.

But I have to say that Liang Jing can always be happy, angry, and invisible. It may be because she has put all the joys, angers, sorrows and joys into her own pens, which has led to her being able to restrain herself in reality. mood.

   Even if she liked it again, she wouldn't say it, she always seemed so calm and open-minded.

   "I don't know you enough yet, I also want to know more about you." Liang Jing said in a natural tone.

   Wang Defu smiled again, his smile can always give the girl a warm feeling, like a spring breeze.

   "Then what do you want to know about me, is it about the story behind my creation, or me?" Wang Defu said.

   Liang Jing pondered for a moment, as if she was thinking about how to speak, asking about Wang Defu's gossip scandal, but she didn't want to show that she seemed to care about his scandal, wouldn't it reveal the fact that she actually liked her very much?

"Your modern poems seem to be well written, especially those love poems that have been widely circulated, but let readers of all girls fall under your brilliance. The stories behind your works must be wonderful. I'll listen carefully." Liang Jing said in a very indifferent tone, but in fact she cared a lot in her heart.

  Wang Defu obviously didn't expect Liang Jing to ask this question, but he felt that he had nothing to hide. Anyway, he, Ling Jingsu and Chen Qingle were innocent.

So Wang Defu first told the story between him and Ling Jingsu in the same plain but his focus was on the career connection between him and Ling Jingsu. .

  Wang Defu said that Ling Jingsu had the kindness of knowing and encountering him. Of course, he really wanted to talk about the origin. The kindness of knowing and encountering belonged to Du Shuhuan, Ling Jingsu's friend.

   Ling Jingsu’s kindness to Wang Defu, Wang Defu also rewarded her generously. Without Wang Defu’s works, how could Ling Jingsu’s magazines be so prosperous?

   "The love poem I wrote to my editor-in-chief Ling is really to please her and make her happy. After all, I am the author of her magazine, she is my boss." Wang Defu smiled lightly.

"As for the love poem that Chen Qingle said to her, in fact, I really wrote it to her sister Chen Qingyan. She was very helpful to my "Female Submission", and she often asked me about it. Some writing problems. Once, when I met her, I was in a park..."

It must be admitted that Wang Defu, a guy who specializes in ambiguous things, can tell the story very unusually when he is telling about such an ambiguous thing as a gift poem, as if he wrote it out because of a sudden inspiration. Then he gave them away at random, without considering whether it was appropriate.

   Maybe other girls would be extremely suspicious of Wang Defu's explanation, thinking that he would avoid the importance too much, but Liang Jing, who had preconceived that Wang Defu was "slandered" by the media, felt that Wang Defu had told the truth.

   She also didn't want to dig deeper, because she was afraid to hold on to this, it seemed that she cared more about Wang Defu's relationship history, and those who generally care about the relationship history, aren't they all incumbents?

   Liang Jing felt that she and Wang Defu are now just ordinary friends, and they are confidants who understand each other.

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