Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 505: Runxuan elopes, catastrophic disaster

I don't know when, a news that shocked the world spread throughout the Great Zhou, and then radiated towards the hundred thousand mountains and endless wildness in a thunderous manner.

It is said that good things do not go out, and bad things are spread thousands of miles, just like now, even if the majesty of the emperor can suppress the heavens and the world, it cannot suppress a rumor.

The heart of gossip has existed since ancient times. With the spread of the heart, this news is spreading wildly. Whether it is true or false, everyone finally had more fun, so they all looked at Da Zhou and The Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, let's see how he handles this matter.

You know, the princess of a dynasty actually eloped with others, this is really a rock-shattering event, the sky is about to collapse.

Going to Beijing, looking at Wu Guangzu who was kneeling on the ground, the emperor turned his gaze to the side general Li Guang: "Li Guang, you immediately dispatch the expeditionary force, no matter it’s going to the sky, you must find it for me. Otherwise, please come to see you."

"The minister obeyed" Li Guang stepped forward and suddenly bowed to the ground.

"This matter is related to the face of the heavenly family, but it is now known to the world. You said, what should I do and how can I block the mouth of all beings in the world."

After speaking, the emperor looked at Wu Guangzu who was kneeling on the ground: "If you don't get out yet, you will catch me the rebellious son of your family. I will convulse him, and I will never live beyond life."

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone took a deep breath, and the Taishi's eyelids trembled slightly. The Emperor was really angry this time.

"Yes, yes, the minister will definitely catch the Nizi back." After saying this, Wu Guangzu staggered. Stumbled out of the ruling hall.

The Emperor looked at the Taishi, before he could speak, the Taishi fell on his knees with a normal cry: "Your Majesty, please rule the court."

The Emperor suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a sigh of relief: "This matter is too great for you to blame. I will give you a chance to redeem the merits and give me a chance to catch the two before the big mistake is made. Come back, otherwise you won’t have to sit down in the seat of the master, and you should give the newcomer a chance.”

When "Your Majesty" heard that he was going to be removed from the position of Supreme Master, Wang Gan suddenly became anxious. It's like burning the ass. There is no need to worry after you are not in a hurry.

The emperor put his sleeves on, and the master suffocated his words in his mouth, and swallowed abruptly, but his heart was screaming: "Little beast of the Wu family. You must give me time to relax. If you really will live Rice cooks mature rice. I will also be implicated by you."

The emperor waved his hand: "I am tired, let's all go away, you all send out people. Be sure to capture the two for me."

"The ministers are waiting for the decrees." The ministers knelt down, and with the help of Ma Rui, the emperor retreated slowly.

At noon, a man came to the gate of the Taishi's mansion, a man in the official uniform of the official of the Ministry of Etiquette. This man was in a daze, and walked around and swayed: "I want to see the Taishi."

The guard didn't dare to neglect, went in to report, and soon walked out: "Master Tai is waiting for the adults inside."

Wu Guangzu wandered into the Taishi's mansion, looked at the Taishi sitting there, and suddenly knelt down: "Taishi, you have to save the official, this is the great crime of the Jiu Clan, and the official is dead. It's nothing, but my family of Wu Family is innocent with three hundred young people. I also asked the Taishi to show mercy."

The Taishi sighed and helped Wu Guangzu up: "Do you know where your son and princess eloped?".

"If the lower official knows, he won't come to an adult and just grab that Nizi back." Wu Guangzu's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

The Taishi frowned when he heard this, and after a while, he said: "We made a mistake in this matter. We originally stopped the work of Yuzhou's decree from the emperor and handed it over to the Ministry of Rites. It is normal. I will plan ahead. It was two people who fell in love, and then went to propose marriage in an open manner. I did not expect to play the circus of elopement, which not only angered the emperor, but even if the king of Ping Tian knew about it, he was afraid to fight with us. I am myself now It's all a mess, how can I help you".

Wu Guangzu heard the words and his eyes were silent for an instant, and the two were relatively silent. After a while, Wu Guangzu said: "Now I ask Master Taishi to use all his strength to find those two."

Taishi nodded: "I want to find them more than you. Unfortunately, I have no clue now. The officials of the Ministry of Rites have evaporated from the world. I suspect that someone has intervened in this matter secretly, adding to the flames, and disrupting our plan. ".

"Who" Wu Guangzu's eyes instantly turned blood red, as if he had chosen someone to eat.

The master sighed softly: "Be safe, don't be impatient, the official is investigating, once you find out who is the black-handed official, he will not stop dying, and actually dare to calculate on the head of the official, it is really impatient to live."

All of a sudden, all forces in the dynasty rushed out one after another, beginning to look like ants for the whereabouts of Wu Rui and Chen Runxuan.

Outside the city of Yuzhou Mansion, the copper coin in Xiaoyu's hand was shaking, and the three foreigners, Taoist Niuding, sat there without saying a word.

After a while, the Taoist Golden Eye couldn't help it: "You said, the young lady eloped with others, this is a rock-shattering big thing, slap your face naked, where do you put the face of our Pingtian Palace? What kind of face the prince will face in the future to face the civil and military of the dynasty, the power of the heavens".

Niu Ding blamed himself: "It was my negligence. At that time, I should send someone to follow the official of the Ministry of Rites, and the lady will not run away."

Feiyan sat behind Chao Xiaoyu. This little girl is also a big girl now. She didn't know when she came out of her retreat. At this time, she cut in: "I know Runxuan's temperament best. She has not been restrained, and the more restrained, the harder she will rebound."

Yu Youyu sat next to Feiyan, lowered his eyebrows and looked at Feiyan with a pleasing smile: "It is, that is, Feiyan has been protected by Taibai in these years. There are not many people in this dynasty who dare to disobey. The girl has become more and more unaware that the human heart is sinister, maybe she was deceived by the slutty Wu Rui, right."

Chao Xiaoyu didn't speak, she knew that some of Runxuan's past, a little beggar who had suffered from sadness since childhood, was accustomed to seeing the warmth of the human world, and should not be so cheating.

"No matter so many, send someone to find him back first, Niuding, and send all the three thousand guards out." After finishing talking, Chao Xiaoyu stroked his forehead. The affairs in the dynasty were really messy. Since Chen Jiu went to the 100,000 Dashan Mountains, only a few days later, such a big basket came out.

"Come on, go to light Xinxiang and tell Taibai that things here are beyond our control, let him come back quickly" Chao Xiaoyu rubbed his temples.

"Yeah" An aquamarine incense appeared in the hands of the Taoist Master of Souls, lightly lit, and the power of the incense went directly through the long river of time, leading into the darkness.

This letter incense is Chen Jiu's collection of many genius treasures, and then refines them with the power of time. No matter how far apart or how many restrictions there are, they can quickly detect that they can't be used until the moment of death.

Now Chen Jiu's sister has had an accident, it should be a critical matter.

In the treasury of the monster race, Chen Jiu, who was calculating the secrets of the secrets, had a pause, and a green smoke appeared in the sky. It was actually the power of the incense burning incense. Chen Jiu's heart jumped, and it was really a trick by others. The trouble is big. After this kind of incense is lit, it shows that things have reached the point of uncontrollable. I looked at the treasures in the Jiu sighed softly, "Forget it, if there is a chance, next time Come on."

The highest mountain of the Yao Clan is the bedroom of the Demon Emperor, and the lower peak next to it is the bedroom of the Prince of the Demon Emperor.

At this time, the snake will stand upright outside the demon prince's bedroom, like a bamboo pole, silently standing there without saying a word.

I don't know how long it took before a weak voice came from inside: "Come in."

The snake will push the door open and see the ruddy demon prince, bowing and saying, "Congratulations to the prince for healed from his internal illness."

"Okay, don't flatter me, I ask you, what happened to you last time?" The Demon King Prince stood up gently.

"Prince, the subordinates of the white jade coffin have been taken for you." As he said, a blue light flashed across the snake general’s mouth, and the congenital white jade coffin was spit out by him, slowly growing in the void. It fell into the room, shining bright white light. (To be continued...)



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