Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 551: 4The sea is independent, the dragon is born and the demon king is angry

The Barbarian King held a transparent crystal ball in his hand, one by one strange talisman, and the words jumped on the crystal ball.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas flew back to their nests in a swaggering manner, naturally they did not escape the spies of the major forces.

At this time, the powers of the heavens felt one after another, and their hearts were restless, and their efforts were surging.

One day, the sound of dragons rang from all over the world, and the sound spread to the heavens, and the whole Daqian seemed to be filled with four dragons.

"My East China Sea Dragon King".

"My West Sea Dragon King".

"My Nanhai Dragon King".

"My North Sea Dragon King".

Four huge altars emerged above the four seas. The altars were primitive and simple, and seemed to have a rather mysterious meaning, with the vicissitudes of history inevitable.

The four dragons unfolded their true bodies and hovered on the altar. Under the altar, there are countless shrimp soldiers and crabs, dragon descendants and grandchildren.

"Today, I am separated from the Dragon Clan in the four seas, and stand on my own as a true dragon clan.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas prayed in unison, and their voices spread all over the world, rushing into the countless worlds of Xiaoqian.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth changed, the real dragon of the demon race screamed, and four real dragons flew out of the demon race together and merged into the luck of the human race.

At this moment, the luck of the human race increased rapidly, and the true dragon of luck became more immortal, revealing the taste of time and immortality.

In Le Yu Palace, Chen Jiu's eyes were staring at the void: "The Emperor has countless calculations, this hand is definitely beyond everyone's expectations."

In Yuzhou, Wang Mingyang's Haoran righteousness could not help but burst out, and the chessboard in front of him was turned into powder by Haoran's righteousness: "Good calculation, really good calculation."

Li Ru stood on the side and was dumbfounded. When did he ever see the teacher's mood swings so severely? This is incredible.

At the same time, Taishi. Tai Fu, Tai Bao, Wu Mu. As well as the Manchu dynasty civil and military all showed admiration, and at the same time a fear emerged in their hearts. The emperor's calculating power is so powerful, how can he hide his actions from the emperor? , I may say that the Emperor has already put down the cover, just wait for him to get in.

One hundred thousand mountains, the ancestral court of the demon race.

The demon king's triumphant smile stiffened on his face, and the movement in his hand stopped. The wine glass came to his mouth, but the ten thousand-year-old fragrance of wine could not seduce his interest.

"Bang" The wine glass in his hand was severely thrown to the ground by the Demon Emperor. Broken into eight pieces.

Xu Fu sat there, motionless, his face twitching constantly.

"Zhuzi, deceive people too much" The demon emperor's anger seemed to penetrate the space, and then only saw a long sword turned into a shock, and fell into the demon emperor's hands.

The Demon Sovereign held the Demon Sovereign Sword firmly in his hand, his fingertips violently violently, unable to restrain his anger, instantly shattered the space in front of him, and stepped in with one foot.

The crystal ball in the hands of the emperor instantly exudes a dazzling brilliance. Then he slowly returned to peace and sighed slowly: "Is the Emperor really so powerful? It's so desperate."

After speaking. The barbarian emperor's figure slowly disappeared into the throne, leaving only a phantom.

A huge long sword passed through the clouds in an instant, becoming the only one between the world and the earth, enveloping the world, a golden dragon roared, wrapped around the long sword, and slashed towards the huge altar in the East China Sea.

"Yin~~~" Four dragons chanted, and the four sea dragon kings distributed in four directions, forming a big formation instantly. There are four beads in the center of the big formation, and there is a Zhenhai Pearl in each of the four seas in the south, east and north.

These four Zhenhai Pearls hold the power of the whole world. To greet the long sword in midair.

The long sword is like the earth, compared with the mighty East China Sea. Although it can't be said to be very large, there is always a height of ten thousand feet, plus the blessing of the power of the demon clan, it is enough to severely injure the East China Sea Dragon King and smash the altar.

It's a pity that there is not only one Dragon King, but four.

The Four Seas Dragon Kings work together, and there is not much difference from the Demon Emperor. Otherwise, the Demon Emperor would have already cleaned up the Four Seas Dragon Clan, and there will be things today.

The long sword pierced the void and slammed into the four Zhenhai Pearls. The space was shattered, and the East China Sea set off a huge wave. As if the world had shattered, the entire East China Sea was shaking endlessly, as if it was about to turn over.

In the next moment, the four seas and human races are mutually compatible, and the four seas are stabilized under the enormous luck.

The huge long sword shrank instantly, and a man wearing a golden dragon robe stood in the void, stretched out his palm, and the long sword fell in his hand, emitting golden light.

There are four dragons on the East China Sea, the North Sea Dragon King, occupying the north, and there is a bead floating above the head, shimmering with endless blue. The entire North Sea seems to be contained in the bead, and the strong innate power is constantly radiating It constantly nourishes the body of Beihai Dragon King.

To the south, the Dragon King of the South China Sea stood still, the beads on his head kept spinning, and the ghost of the South China Sea kept flashing.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea occupies the east, and his mana is poured into Zhenhai Zhu.

The West Sea Dragon King occupies the west, and the Zhenhai Spider emits an immeasurable light, shining on the great thousand.

The four dragon kings surrounded the Demon Emperor. The East China Sea Dragon King looked gloomy and unceremoniously scolded: "Demon Emperor, why did you offend me for no reason?".

The demon king looked at the four dragon kings, and smiled in anger. The long sword in his hand exudes a golden sword light, like a poisonous snake. It is looming: "You old man still has the face to accuse me. , But why betrayed me, betrayed my monster clan, if we don't give me an explanation today, we will never die."

The Dragon King of the South China Sea smiled coldly: "Dragons and snakes do not live together. How can I be with some humble beasts like the noble real dragon blood. You are also a member of my dragon family, and you have no sense of honor. It is really a shame to my dragon family. Your glory has been forgotten by you, and you have been assimilated by those animals."

"Shut up, I am the demon emperor, the demon emperor who rules all the demon races in the heavens. If you have a different mind in your body, why do you want to be unreasonable? Today, I will give you another opportunity to either rejoin the demon race or be completely wiped out today. "Go" the red light in the eyes of the demon emperor kept flickering, and a trace of killing intent filled the air in the East China Sea.

"Don’t think about it, today our brothers are going to learn about the demon emperor’s brilliant tricks, and see what you can do to occupy the position of the demon emperor. If you hadn’t had a good father, would it be your turn to do the demon emperor’s throne? It should be the eldest brother." The North Sea Dragon King coldly grasped Zhenhai Zhu Road.

"Hmph, the demon emperor's position depends on its own means. Your father was a waste of money back then, and who can be blamed. Originally, the emperor wanted to let you live for a while, and it could be regarded as using some of your waste, but you did not expect you to die. This is no wonder this seat".

After finishing speaking, the Demon Emperor didn’t want to say much. The Demon Emperor Sword in his hand flew automatically and hovered in front of him. The Demon Emperor hugged his hands round, and a dragon with clear scales exuding the endless emperor’s air flew in the circle he held. After coming out, he instantly merged into the long sword in front of him, the long sword groaned softly, exuding the endless emperor's air, the space was fragmented, and it was cut towards the North Sea Dragon King.

Among the four dragon kings, the North Sea Dragon King is the weakest. If you want to kill the chickens and attack the monkeys and break through the four brothers, you can only kill one by surprise. Without the support of Beihai, this four seas can't be played. Three dragon kings The cultivation base of the Demon Emperor is a bit close, this is the difference between heaven and earth, and the three people are not the opponent of the Demon Emperor at all. Coupled with the power of the demon clan's luck, they are simply torturing the four dragon kings.

It's a pity The idea is good, and the strength of the Demon King is enough, but when facing the number one enemy of the Demon King, will the four dragon kings relax their vigilance? .

The four Zhenhai Pearls seemed to disregard the spatial distance, and instantly merged into one, showing a chaotic color, colliding with the long sword.

At the same time, the East China Sea Dragon King was holding a long sword, the South China Sea Dragon King was holding a Fangtian painted halberd, and the West China Sea Dragon King holding a pair of humming hammers, smashed towards the Demon King from three directions.

Seeing that he returned with all his strength without success, the other three dragon kings circled Wei and rescued Zhao again. A golden light shot from the eyes of the demon king, like a sharp sword, exuding a gloomy cold air, opening the space, towards the East China Sea Dragon King. Cut off his neck.

Behind the Demon Emperor appeared a dragon tail, a dragon wagging its tail, wrapped in his greatest strength, and faced the Fang Tian painted halberd of the South Sea Dragon King.

The left hand instantly turned into a dragon claw, covered with scales, and each scale has a real dragon pattern printed on it. It is lifelike, constantly wandering, with a sense of spirituality, and the eyes open and close, as if it is a new life. . (To be continued)



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