Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 109 Artemis, you smell so good (6k)

Early morning, Paphos, Cyprus island.

Bright sunlight shines into the house through the carved windows, and the torn clothes and mess on the floor spread all the way to the big bed made of fragrant wood.

As the light and darkness changed, the graceful figure under the gauze curtain yawned, slowly woke up, and stretched her jade arms to lift the thin velvet quilt that could not hide the spring light, revealing a perfect figure as white and flawless as ivory.

The red marks remaining on the snow-white skin not only failed to reduce the charm of this beautiful body, but instead highlighted a mature charm after being moistened by clouds and rain.

Aphrodite, who was on the bed, let out a long yawn. Her fallen jade arms covered her plump parts, rubbing the teeth marks carved into her skin. Her charming eyes glanced outside the gauze curtain in annoyance. .

This enemy...

However, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of his little lover in front of the dressing mirror, who had put on a brand new hunting suit. The God of Cupid immediately swept away the laziness of getting up in the morning, quickly walked out of bed, and grabbed the lover. The hand of a handsome prince is gentle and discouraging.

"Adonis, my beloved, listen to me, don't challenge those beasts in the forest, okay? I'm really worried that the lion's claws and the wolf's teeth will hurt you..."

The handsome prince turned around upon hearing the sound, grabbed his lover's hand, and showed a confident smile.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt me. Whatever prey you like, I'll hunt it for you today!"

"I don't want anything. I just hope you won't take risks again. Do you know that every time you go out, I feel flustered. Promise me not to do these dangerous activities again, okay?"

Aphrodite shook her head, held her chest, and poured out her worries to her lover, her charming eyes filled with heartfelt sorrow.

However, Adonis smiled noncommittally, let go of his lover's hand, picked up his bow, stood up and walked out the door.

"I will definitely be able to hunt a big guy this time and give it to you, wait until I come back!"

Looking at her lover's retreating figure, Aphrodite sighed heavily after her efforts to persuade her to no avail, her beautiful face full of sadness.

I really don’t understand why these men always like to fight and kill, like to challenge those dangers, and like to conquer the impossible in this world...

Don't they know that there are people behind them who are worrying about them day and night, waiting eagerly for them to go home and reunite, and longing for a comfortable and safe life...

In fact, as the ancient Goddess of Love, she has long been accustomed to the battles of gods and the life and death of human beings in this world. She really does not expect her true love to become a hero.

As long as you stay quietly by your side, that's enough.

But even with such a small wish, fate still couldn't satisfy her.

The man he fell in love with still longed to prove himself to his father in Cyprus and to her, the God of Love, in the usual male way.

——Prove your own bravery and prove yourself worthy of trust.

Of course, it's not like I can't use my power to keep him by my side.

But that's not real love after all...

Aphrodite sat alone in front of the dressing mirror, stroking her beautiful face that no one appreciated, and couldn't help but feeling secretly sad.

Forget it, who made me fall in love with such a person?

After silently complaining for a moment, Aphrodite looked back at the mud on the sheets and the bright red spot in the center, and a satisfied and intoxicated blush immediately appeared on her face.

Although I don’t know what this little lover thinks, there is no doubt that she loves him more than she loves anyone else.

The God of Love in front of the dressing table wore exquisite makeup and showed a satisfied smile to himself in the mirror. Then he put on a gauze as always, walked out of the room, summoned the driver and his three followers, and headed to his holy place. Chi, prepare for the madness tonight.

Hearing the call of the hostess, two pairs of white swans came pulling the golden chariot.

As the three goddesses of grace, Aglaia, the goddess of radiance, Thalia, the goddess of inspiration, and Euphrosyne, the goddess of joy, are dancing in a simple and elegant dress, with transparent wings woven by divine power spread out behind them. One person is driving, and two people are accompanying them. Driving towards the shallow bay on the outskirts of Paphos, it looked like a beautiful comet streaking across the sky.

On the noisy streets of the city, a figure mixed in with the crowd looked up at the comet in the sky. Then he saw a handsome young man riding a war horse as usual, leading the team to the hunting grounds outside the city. He immediately pulled up his hood and quietly Followed.

At the same time, in the wilderness outside the city, a female hunter with silver hair and blue eyes felt a faint resonance from the Hermes text on the back of her hand. She immediately spread out a terrain sketch and compared it with the direction of the swan chariot. , stride forward.

Soon, the streamer fell to the ground.

Aphrodite stepped off the swan chariot, walked through the forest path, and came to a white marble-paved pool. She beckoned for pure seawater from the shallow bay outside Paphos and poured it into the pool.

Paphos on the island of Cyprus is her origin, she was born from the foam of the offshore sea.

Therefore, this place is both her sacred place and contains her power.

The blessed sea water will completely wash away and purify you of your past anxiety, fatigue and aging, so that you can return to the pure image of youth and beauty when you were a virgin.

There is also a holy spring with similar effects in Carnathos, Nafplion, but it can only be used for a short period of time in spring.

This was a gift from Aphrodite to Hera, her mother-in-law, and it also contained the divinity of the goddess of love that fascinated men.

Therefore, at the beginning of each spring, Hera would undergo a baptismal ceremony to renew her virginity in order to maintain the eternal conjugal relationship between her and Zeus. During this period, Zeus only loved Hera, so he no longer considered flirting with women.

It was this generous gift and the partiality in her heart that made the queen choose to turn a blind eye to the entanglement between her, Hephaestus and Ares.

The Queen, who is in charge of marriage, suffers from her husband's infidelity at home.

The god of love who seeks love lacks love of his own.

Perhaps there is no bigger joke in the world than this.

Aphrodite shook her head with a sneer, then looked at her rosy face in the holy pool, and couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile.

However, now she is happier than that woman.

At this moment, the three goddesses of Grace, who had arranged the carriage, had already stepped forward, sprinkled spices and flower petals into the holy pool, chanted the divine words, and activated the blessing power of restoring chastity in the pool.

While waiting, Aphrodite frowned suddenly and raised her hands to cover her chest. Her heart beat violently for some unknown reason. Unprecedented fear and uneasiness lingered in her heart.

——It seems that something terrible is about to happen!

At the same time, the outer suburbs of Paphos are densely forested.

The handsome Prince Adonis and his entourage were chasing a wounded long-antlered deer.

Seeing this beautiful prey being driven into the open space ahead with no way to escape, the handsome prince on horseback immediately excitedly bent his bow and arrow, aiming at the target's eyes.

Very good, he wants to take this flawless deerskin and give it to his lover.

However, just as the prince drew the bowstring fully and was ready to go, the war horse under his crotch made a dull crashing sound, neighed miserably, and flew backwards at high speed, followed by the crisp sound of bones shattering from his body.

Suddenly, Adonis, who was sitting on the horse, was thrown far away and plunged into the bushes nearby.

After a moment, the prince stood up amidst the screams of everyone. His eyes glanced at the angry horse on the ground and the long-antlered deer that took advantage of the chaos to escape, and finally looked at the culprit of the collision.

In the clearing before, there was a wild boar with colorful hair and as strong as a hill, panting heavily, its eyes full of violent scarlet.


Seeing that a good hunting was disturbed by this evil beast, Adonis couldn't help but became angry. He raised his hand and shot the arrow that was ready to go.


The arrow, which contained divine power, made a dull metallic sound as it penetrated flesh.


In an instant, the wild boar felt pain and roared deep into the forest.

"Damn beast, don't even think about running away!"

Adonis, who was extremely angry, naturally did not intend to let go. He immediately grabbed the horse of one of his followers, got up, and quickly chased the wild boar in the direction of its escape.

However, although this evil beast is strong in size, it moves like the wind in the forest.

And the speed seems to be constantly increasing under the trend of survival desire.

In order not to lose him, Adonis gritted his teeth and immediately injected his divine power into the horse under his crotch, clinging to the wild boar's back regardless.

But his followers were obviously not as powerful and persistent as this god. They fell behind one after another, and their figures and calls disappeared into the jungle one after another.

However, Adonis didn't care, because he trusted the four-legged companions around him more than those followers who had neglected training and could only walk around.

"Come on! Don't let it escape!"

Following the master's order, the four hounds whined and sprang out of the bushes, completed a roundabout outflank from the side, and bared their teeth to bite the target.

Well done!

Seeing his hounds blocking the way of the wild boar, Adonis excitedly bent his bow and arrow, preparing to give the evil beast a fatal blow.

"Puff puff!"

However, along with bursts of heart-wrenching dull sounds, the four hounds he carefully raised suffered serious injuries.

Two of the heads were trampled into mud, with blood and brains smeared all over the ground, and their limbs twitched in death; one hung straight on its fangs, like dried bacon, shaking miserably; although the last one At the expense of three companions, he managed to pounce on the wild boar and bite it hard.

But no matter how it tore with its claws and bit with its sharp teeth, it was still unable to leave a single wound on the wild boar's body. Instead, it was pricked all over by the steel needle-like bristles around it, and blood flowed out.

At the same time, the demon pig that was intercepted also stopped its hoofs, and a stream of scarlet and sticky blood burst out from its body.


In an instant, the hound that was still lying on the wild boar's back and gnawing desperately seemed to have been crushed by a big hand in the air, turning into a pool of blood mist and minced meat.

Not far away, Adonis was shocked when he saw such a bloody and brutal scene, and his pupils shrank.

This is not a wild boar, but a demonic pig with divine blood flowing through it!

Seeing the evil beast drop the hound carcass hanging from its fangs, turn its body as strong as a mountain, and look at him with a pair of scarlet eyes.

Prince Adonis suddenly felt a chill creeping up his back, subconsciously loosened his bow string and fired the arrow that was ready to go.

Because he loves hunting, he is very skilled in shooting, so even if he reacts instinctively, he can easily hit the target.

However, before Prince Adonis could be happy, the bronze arrow containing divine power was bounced off the demon boar's mane and fell to the ground helplessly.

how come?

Prince Adonis was in disbelief and looked at the other arrow stuck in the demon pig's body in astonishment.

Then just now...

As if invisibly responding to the prince's confusion, the demon pig shook its mane, and the arrow that was originally inserted into the flesh was effortlessly squeezed out, with the deformed arrow cluster clanking. Dropped to the ground.

It's intentional!

As this thought popped up in his mind, Adonis couldn't help but gasped, feeling something bad in his heart. He immediately tightened the reins, tried to turn the horse's head, and first distanced himself from this weird demon pig.

But the moment he reacted, the demon pig had already stepped forward with four hooves and rushed forward like the wind.

It's going to happen!

Seeing the mountain of monsters in front of him, Adonis felt his scalp numb. He immediately pulled out the long sword from his waist and held it in front of him, feeling the divine power in his body surge wildly.


However, in just a moment of contact, fierce power burst out like a landslide and tsunami, causing the bronze sword wrapped with divine power in his hand to shatter inch by inch.

Not only that, Prince Adonis’ arm was dislocated because he could not withstand the overbearing shock.

The war horse under his crotch smelled the strong scent coming from a high-end predator, and couldn't help but retreat in fright. Adonis's other hand suddenly couldn't hold the reins, and his body leaned back.

In an instant, the demon pig on the opposite side was like a sharp-sighted swordsman. He immediately seized the opportunity, and his two white fangs were like sharp daggers, piercing the horse's belly, provoking the horse that could not escape before it fell heavily. on the ground.

Adonis on horseback was caught off guard and was immediately pressed down by the horse, smashing him to pieces. A mouthful of golden blood spurted out from his mouth and sprinkled among the bushes.

This monster is so strong!

Adonis, who suffered successive defeats, was horrified. Without thinking much, he quickly raised his hand to activate the divinity of spring in an attempt to mount a final resistance.

Suddenly, the shrubs dripping with divine blood sprouted wildly, and the rapidly growing vines snaked forward like snakes, wrapping around the limbs of the demon pig, trying to stop the evil beast from continuing its murder.

Not only that, countless sharp thorns also grew from the vines, trying to penetrate the demon pig's skin and inject plant toxins with different effects into the monster's body.

But even the plants spawned by divine power were still unable to stop the ferocious demonic pig, let alone break through the extremely tough animal hide.

In just a moment, the vines wrapped around it were uprooted.


After escaping from the trap, the demon pig let out a dull growl, and then without hesitation, he opened his hoofs, showed his fangs, and rushed towards Adonis, whose lower body was suppressed by the corpse of the horse.

Looking at the cold white light, quickly approaching his chest, Adonis's eyes couldn't help but be filled with fear and regret.

He should really listen to Aphrodite's dissuasion. He can't conquer the mountains and forests, let alone nature.


Just as the prince in desperate situation closed his eyes and waited for death, a rapid mournful cry came from the distant sky. The sorrow that reached the soul almost made no living being bear to make the owner of the sound sad.

The demon pig's ferocious eyes swayed for a while, then became a little confused, and then quickly regained consciousness.

And when those bloodshot pupils reflected the swan car that was speeding towards the sky like a shooting star in the distance, the demon pig suddenly became excited and its ferocity disappeared. He immediately left the half-dead Adonis behind and turned around without hesitation and rushed towards the dense forest. among.

At this moment, the prince who had saved his life was stunned as he looked at the demon pig running away from the dust.

Why does this monster feel like a human being?

Just when the handsome prince felt that his brain was not enough and looked at a loss, a beautiful figure flew down from the swan carriage and stepped on the vines spawned by divine power with his bare feet, leaving behind pieces of blood stained by the thorns. , rushed to him anxiously, took his head into his arms, and asked nervously.

"Adonis, my love, are you okay? Where are you injured? Is it okay? Let me see!"

Aphrodite looked over and over at her lover in her arms, feeling frightened in her heart.

Fortunately, when I gave Adonis the power of the Spring Plant God, I also added a drop of my own divine blood into it just in case, so that I could always pay attention to his condition through induction, so as to avoid this person who always wanted to be a hero. My dear, what happened to me?

Sure enough, his worries came true.

The love of her life was so close to dying in her arms.

Seeing this situation, the three accompanying goddesses of Meihui wisely did not disturb the hostess to comfort her little lover, and chose to follow the traces and smells left at the scene to hunt down the criminal who committed this vicious crime.

After worrying for a while and confirming that her lover was still alive, Aphrodite finally calmed down a little.

But looking at Adonis with multiple fractures all over his body, she was both distressed and angry.

"Who? Who did it!"

According to common sense, even if there are monsters in the mountains and forests, it is impossible to cause such serious harm to a god.

Similarly, Adonis also realized the abnormality and frowned with doubt on his face.

"It's a demon pig, with a strange red light all over its body, like blood..."

Red light? Bloody red light?

Aphrodite thought for a moment and suddenly seemed to realize something, her beautiful face turned livid.

Soon after, the three goddesses Meihui who went to hunt came back empty-handed and returned to their mistress with an embarrassed look on their faces.

"When we were about to catch up, the thing jumped into the water and disappeared."

"Didn't you look for it?" Aphrodite was a little unhappy.

"We looked for it, but it seems to be connected to an underground river. The water veins extend in all directions. We don't know where it will flow."

The three goddesses of Meihui explained in a deep voice, and then added with a strange look.

"That pig can not only swim, but also seem to be able to swim..."

Aphrodite raised her eyebrows, a sneer appearing on her beautiful face.

“Pigs can’t swim, but some things can!”

The three goddesses of Meihui looked at each other, seemed to realize something, and finally cautiously asked their mistress for confirmation.

"You mean..."

Aphrodite did not answer directly, but gently carried the injured Adonis into the swan carriage, called for the entourage to pick him up, then raised her head, and looked at the holy mountain standing in the clouds in the distance with a gloomy look. , there was a crunching sound from the grinding silver teeth.

"Come on, follow me back to Olympus!"

Looking at the hostess's gloomy face, the three goddesses Meihui couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

This time, she might be really angry.

At the same time, there was a sudden splash of several feet of water in a deep pool somewhere in the mountains. A strong demonic pig jumped onto the shore, breathing heavily. Its eyes were covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes, and there was a rich blood light. And the violent energy almost burst out of the body.

The ferocious beast looked at its reflection in the water, and seemed to be awakened by a sense of clarity. It opened its mouth and bit its own pigskin, trying to tear it off.

However, the severe pain and the sticky feeling that was difficult to peel off forced him to let go with a low moan.

You really can’t do it on your own, you have to get to the beach as soon as possible!

Under the pigskin, Lorne bit the tip of his tongue, trying hard to maintain a sense of consciousness, and rushed towards the agreed assembly point.

But as he increased his speed to the extreme, the beastly nature of the demon pig and the killing instinct of the god of war continued to accumulate in his brain, making his consciousness gradually blur.

Although the early plan went smoothly, I didn't expect Aphrodite to come back so quickly.

Adonis rushed over almost as soon as he was in danger.

Fortunately, after the goddess of love arrived at the scene, she was busy taking care of her half-dead little heart, leaving only the three goddesses Meihui to be responsible for the pursuit.

Only then did he have the opportunity to jump into the water according to the retreat route he had prepared in advance, and successfully escape through the complex water veins of the underground river and the protection of his own sea.

But even so, he spent a lot of time in order to completely get rid of the three goddesses Meihui.

After those terrifying auras completely dissipated, he crawled out of the water. The three-hour incarnation period was running out.

At the moment, I can only pray that everything goes well with Artemis and that I can meet the hunting goddess in time.

While thinking this, Lorne rushed towards the coast where the ferry was hidden.

As time passed by, scarlet bloodshot eyes gradually filled the evil beast's eyes.

Finally, when Lorne gradually couldn't tell whether he was a human or a monster, a shimmering shoal came into his eyes.

And a tall and fit girl in hunting attire was pacing back and forth on the white sand.

As the distance got closer and closer, the beautiful girl showed a relieved smile on her face, opened her arms, and quickly came forward to greet him.

Lorne sniffed and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Because she smells so good...

The strong demonic pig rushed out of the dense forest like a heavy tank, its scarlet blood rising into the sky like burning flames, and its two sharp fangs emitted a cold light.

Looking at the figure speeding towards her, the hunting goddess on the shoal was filled with a bright smile. One of her originally open arms was lowered, while the other was raised high.



A shocking loud noise echoed on the beach, and the mountain-like evil beast fell to the ground. A huge swollen bubble with hot steam quickly swelled on the head of the demon pig.

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