Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 117 The opening of Shura Field

Fanatical, restless, galloping...

The rolling emotions kept hitting my mind, causing a burning pain in my mind.

Lorne no longer hesitated and quickly climbed to the deserted balcony on the top floor, came to the magic circle prepared in advance, drank a glass of blood-like wine, let go of his guard, closed his eyes and tried his best to activate the divine blood in his body, stimulating The divinity in it.

In an instant, physical trials also followed.

Inches of muscles were torn and reorganized by the raging divinity, becoming stronger; drops of blood were purified and transformed by the divine fire, gradually turning from golden red to pure gold; bones and organs continued to pass under the erosion of divinity. The trembling pain...

Traces of filth were expelled from the pores, strands of impurities were incinerated by the ignited divinity, and the entire mental world became fiery and bright red...

But faced with both physical and mental torture, Lorne just frowned deeply and actually felt that it was okay.

I have to say that Athena has always been reliable.

Although I was tortured for half a month, the benefits were real.

During this process, not only did Lorne's combat skills improve by leaps and bounds, he almost reached the point of being invincible at the same level. His own use of divinity and divine blood has also been greatly improved, and his body's endurance has also been enhanced several times.

Therefore, even this kind of heart-piercing pain was still within his tolerance range and had not yet broken through the threshold of endurance.

In this case, let’s be more violent!

Lorne opened his pale golden eyes, stretched out his arms with traces of foul smell and blood in their pores, picked up the wine on the table next to him, raised his head and poured the whole bottle into his throat.

In an instant, the vast sea-like power of faith above the city of Knossos rolled up into a frenzy and poured crazily into a sunken "hole" somewhere. In that boundless darkness, it was constantly tearing, expanding, repairing, and rebuilding. tear...

As soon as the scarlet wine poured into the body, driven by the power of divinity and faith, it turned into a golden divine liquid as viscous as divine blood, filling the cracks in the physical and mental worlds.

Gradually, under the dual influence of wine and faith, Lorne's body gradually experienced some wonderful changes.

——It's like a jar of newly created wine, which was buried in the soil after being covered with dust, waiting for time to brew, and finally transformed into a masterpiece that even the gods were fascinated by.

At the same time, in the palace of Knossos.

Athena looked at the "wine" that was brewing in the dust and withdrew her gaze with satisfaction.

all the best.

However, this is destined to be a relatively long process, and if she wants to get the perfect brew, she needs to wait patiently.

The goddess of wisdom on the throne picked up the wine glass, took a sip, raised her spirits, and looked through the plan in her hand.

It is said to be a Dionysian festival, but it cannot really be just a sacrifice to an unknown wine spirit.

The first day of this festival is the opening ceremony of fermented wine, which includes a large sacrifice of wine to the gods.

The next day is the Jug Festival, where people drink new wine and make bets at a public banquet; by the way, they taste the next new product that will be selected as the sacred wine. It is also the pinnacle of secular carnival.

The third day is the Pot Festival. On this day, people put out a pot of cooked vegetables and gather with their families in front of the fire to pay tribute to Hestia, the goddess of the stove who protects the peace of the home.

This is the point of the ceremony.

Because wine is the spice of life and the products brewed for home stoves should be classified as the merits of the goddess of the hearth, Hestia is the main god of Olympus who needs to be formally worshiped.

This nominal behavior is of course to prevent the objections and excessive attention of the Olympian gods.

In this way, the great sacrifice of the gods and the main sacrifice of Hestia are all here, who cares about the so-called wine spirit Dionysus?

Even if Zeus were to come in person, he would probably not be able to find fault with this carnival celebration.

As the biggest sufferer and the thickest human shield in the entire ceremony, Hestia agreed with this with both hands and feet.

After all, this is the god that was trained for her.

Athena looked at the wine in the glass, frowned, raised her hand and pushed the tray aside.

This wine is sour...

Outside the window, night fell, the cheers gradually subsided, and the official celebration of worshiping the gods came to an end.


The next day, spontaneous folk entertainment and celebrations started in an orderly manner as planned.

There were not only tastings of sacred wines, but also competitions for delicacies and snacks from various places. The excitement and joy of the entire city of Knossos remained unabated.

Of course, there were some drunkards who drank too much and caused trouble. The city defense troops and the divine blood guards who were responsible for the defense, under the instructions of the goddess, also punched hard without any exception, and took these guys to jail to sober up. Their names were recorded in a book and they were banned from participating in the next Bacchanalia.

On the third day, the lively atmosphere continued until sunset.

The warm fire is rising, and the food in every household is fragrant.

Everyone was grateful to the goddess of the stove, praised the hard-won stable life, and then began to enjoy sumptuous dishes with their families.

At this moment, in Hestia's mansion.

A sneaky figure took advantage of the night to sneak up to the top floor, waved forward, and countless golden light streams poured into the giant light-shaped cocoon in the center that was as tall as a person.

That is the power of pure faith.

After doing all this, the sneaky figure nodded with satisfaction and slipped back into the living room. Under the beating fire, a charming and innocent face was reflected.

At the same time, the goddess of wisdom in the palace of Knossos lowered her farsighted eyes, sat back on the throne, crumpled a few pages of parchment on the table into a ball with a cold face, and stuffed it into the paper basket, her actions were quite irritable. .

Okay, great, I don’t have to do anything.

The lights in the hall flickered, and there was a faint sound of grinding teeth.

On the fourth day, the remaining night faded away, and the first ray of new sunlight broke through the morning mist and sprinkled onto the earth.


Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the light cocoon standing on the top floor cracked and shattered. The tall and slender figure, nearly two meters tall, felt the endless vitality in his body. He opened his eyes excitedly and couldn't help but I want to shout loudly.

"Don't be careless! Concentrate your mind, find the fragments of your own godhead, and engrave your first divine law into it!"

A low and solemn voice came from behind, and Lorne immediately looked stern. He quickly stopped his rushing thoughts, calmed down, and sensed a quietly suspended crystalline flake in the mental world.

At a glance, flowers are everywhere inside, grapevines are spreading and growing, and the magnificent colors reflect thousands of scenes, like a microcosm of a small world.


Realizing that he had really taken that crucial step, Lorne was overjoyed.

However, thinking of the instructions behind him, he immediately suppressed the thoughts that almost went astray, and used the sharp awl of divine will to dig into the divine head, carving the content of the first divine law that he had chosen after careful consideration.


This not only fits the characteristics of the wine, but is also perfectly compatible with the divine right of war.

In this way, you can maximize your combat effectiveness.

Finally, as the final stroke is completed, the sting of carving the soul gradually subsides.

Lorne, who was successfully promoted, regained his mind, breathed a long sigh of relief, slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand to wipe his forehead covered with cold sweat, turned around and looked back, showing a relieved smile.

"We made it!"

"Oh, I see."

Athena at the top of the stairs nodded calmly, acting very calmly. Then she glanced up slightly, raised her finger and pointed in a low voice.

"So, do you want to put your clothes on first?"

At this moment, as a gust of cool wind blew by, Lorne felt a chill in his body. He suddenly realized that his clothes had been torn apart due to the excitement of his divine power, and now he was completely naked.

For a moment, embarrassment and embarrassment made him involuntarily tighten his legs, hurriedly opened the magic array, took out a spare piece of clothing, and quickly put it on.

When the rustling sound disappeared, Athena lowered her eyes, carefully looked at the new god in front of her, nodded with satisfaction, and gave a fair evaluation.


"You teach well."

Lorne complimented him out of habit and smiled modestly.

For some reason, his process of becoming a god was extremely smooth, and the divine power in his body seemed to be stronger than expected.

"Okay, since you have completed your ascension to the gods, come with me to meet the guests outside." Athena waved at the stairs.

"Guest?" Lorne was a little confused.

Athena did not answer directly, but showed a meaningful look: "You will know after a while."

So mysterious?

With a trace of doubt, Lorne followed Athena downstairs and opened the door together.

Outside the door, a young man with a dignified, majestic and handsome appearance stood elegantly, with long, fragrant and slightly floating hair hanging on his shoulders. On his head was a crown woven of laurel, aphrodisiac, olive, or water-lily branches, and at his waist hung a silver bow and quiver, sometimes with a golden sword.

The moment he saw the door opening from the inside out, the young man's face lit up with joy and he looked around eagerly, eager to step through the threshold.


However, a slender and muscular figure was faster than him.

"Finally see you again, Lorne!"

The huntress, who had blond hair and silver eyes and was wearing a cool hunting outfit, came to someone excitedly, grabbed his arm and shook him, her joy was palpable.

For a moment, the other two gods inside and outside the door all turned dark.

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