Greece brings evildoers

Vote for the bonus chapter at the end of the volume.

Ending words + vote for bonus chapters.

I finally finished writing the second volume. I was so tired. Let me sort out the thread.

The battle of Typhon, killed Typhon;

The battle of the giants, killed Kronos;

The Argonauts expedition, transitioned to Northern Europe, laying the groundwork in advance;

The Trojan War, gathered all the power collected in the first three stages, killed Zeus.

The thread is quite clear, but the war scenes and epic narratives seem to be very tiring, and not many people like them. I won’t write it next time. The next Nordic chapter will still focus on making trouble. After all, Loki can do anything.

In addition, the second volume is finished, and the promised bonus chapter will be made up within a week. Readers who see this can choose it and vote for it. How about it?

The three sisters of Medusa




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