Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 99 Hades: Zeus, I Have Given The Three Mothers And Daughters Of Theia To Vulcan

Chapter 99 Hades: Zeus, I have given Theia, Mother and Daughter to Vulcan

The strength of Hephaestus became stronger and stronger.

With his many priesthoods now, even Zeus, the king of the gods, is capable of defeating him.

But Gaia, the earth mother behind it, made Hephaestus very afraid.

The power of the original god realm is far beyond imagination!

Before, he thought that his strength was already very close.

But after this battle in the underworld, he saw Tartarus, who was half in the original state, and the goddess of the night and Gaia, who was really in the original state... He knew that his strength was far from enough.

In this game of chess held by the original God.

He still can't escape.

"You have to become stronger!"

Hephaestus' blond hair fell loose, and his bright eyes returned to normal, revealing a look of determination.

the other side.

Zeus couldn't wait for help from the underworld.

Finally "Nine Nine Seven" couldn't sit still.

While ordering the messenger Hermes to inform Poseidon, the emperor of the sea.

At the same time, he immediately led many gods of Mount Olympus to the underworld.

He knew that the gods and demons in the abyss of hell would attack at any time, and it would be terrible if Cronus really won and snatched the authority of the underworld.

After the blessing of Zeus' sky authority.

The speed of the gods' journey was extremely fast.

Soon came to the underworld, crossed the Styx River, and arrived at the Field of Truth.

There is still a very strong smell of blood left here.

The low-level gods of the underworld are cleaning up the battlefield, and the corpses of gods and demons piled up like mountains.

The faces of the gods of Mount Olympus were slightly dignified.

A look of surprise also flashed in Zeus' eyes.

These low-level gods of the underworld are all in high spirits, and they don't look like they have lost a battle.

"Welcome my dear brother, Zeus, the king of the gods, to the underworld. I am very honored."

Just set foot on the land of the pastoral truth.

An oppressive sound filled the sky of the underworld.

It's Hades.

He immediately brought the arrival of the gods of Mount Olympus.

Zeus snorted coldly, sat on the chariot, and ignored Hades.

He heard the imperceptible sarcasm in the tone of these words.

As for what Hades was joking and ridiculing, they all knew it.

Seeing Zeus's gloomy face, the gods naturally didn't dare to talk to him.

So he was silent like this, and followed Zeus to the palace of Hades.

Zeus got off the chariot and led the gods to the temple, and said coldly as he walked:

"Hades, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, even Cronus can beat back.

It seems that you don't have to pay attention to me, the king of the gods, in the future.

Oh no, don't take me seriously now.

I came to the underworld, and you didn't even show up to greet me. With just one sentence, I dismissed the king. Hades, you are really nice.

These violent words kept echoing in Hades Temple.

The voice fell.

Zeus also led the gods of Mount Olympus to the inner sanctum. Looking straight ahead.

High on the dark throne.

Hades, the king of the underworld, was dressed in a black robe and sat on it with an indifferent face.

There are two classes on the left and right, respectively standing Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, Hecate, Goddess of Magic, Hecate, Goddess of the River Styx, God of Sleep, God of Death, and the three judges of the underworld.

And on the side of an inconspicuous round table next to the pillars in the hall.

There was also a blond young man tasting wine, very handsome, he was Hephaestus, the god of fire.

He is Hades' ally, not subordinate.

Naturally, there is no need to stand under Hades' throne.


The gods of Mount Olympus come.

Zeus asked the teacher for the crime.

Hephaestus swung his glass and watched with interest.

Hades, the king of the underworld, smiled peacefully at this moment, stood up, and walked down the steps:

My good brother, Zeus, you have been the king of the gods for so many years, your temper has not changed at all, you are still so irritable. "

He walked up to Zeus in a few steps and met his eyes.

"Perhaps, you can listen to my explanation first, the great king of the gods.

The gods and demons in the abyss of hell will launch an invasion war at any time, and my subordinates and I are busy discussing countermeasures and defenses, and we can't go away to meet you at all.

After all, the underworld is barren, sparsely populated, and weakly defended. Facing the invasion of the abyss, it must be so prepared.

Unlike Mount Olympus, powerful gods are everywhere. This point, the great king of the gods, I think, you should be able to understand, right?"

these words.

Although very dull.

In the ears of Zeus and the main god of Mount Olympus, it is very harsh.

Hephaestus, who was sitting not far away, also heard the implication.

"Hades is obviously complaining about the injustice of being arrested and assigned to the underworld..."

Hephaestus thought to himself.

This hot-tongued.

Hades and Zeus bickered, not losing the wind at all.

Zeus couldn't be more clear about the meaning of these words.

Sneered three times, didn't bring up this problem, but started another topic...

"Hades, I know about the invasion of the abyss gods and demons, and the battle is tense. I can also forgive your rudeness and don't care about all this with you. But, Hades.

In the eyes of Zeus, electricity and light intertwined and flickered:

"Aren't you supposed to let the three mothers and daughters of Theia go immediately? You know, you are provoking the majesty of the king of the gods, my elder brother."

His dismount just now didn't work.

Naturally, he had to find another excuse to kill Hades' spirit.

The three mothers and daughters of Theia are the best tools.

If Hades gave the person to him, then he would be submissive.

If he doesn't give it, he just takes advantage of it!

Normally, it is not easy to come to the underworld.

This time, he must be intimidated, this ambitious big brother!

"Three mothers and daughters of Theia?"

Hades put on a face, showing a look of reminiscence, and after a while, he suddenly realized and said:

"Remember, it was the mother and daughter who made a big fuss in the underworld a while ago, right?"

"Knowingly asked. Zeus replied coldly.


Hades let out a deep laugh, turned and walked towards the steps:

"These three daring fellows, together with Hyperion, made a scene in Hades and challenged the prestige of Hades, logically speaking, I should execute them.

However, after all, there are three main gods, so it is a pity to execute them.

I have given them as gifts to Vulcan, and now they are Vulcan's handmaidens, and the right to dispose of them is also in Vulcan's hands.

Zeus, it's useless for you to ask me for someone. "

He sat on the dark throne again. 3.9

His eyes turned to the blond young man drinking at the round table.

Zeus, the king of gods, and many gods on Mount Olympus, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Ares, the god of war, Apollo, the god of light, Artemis, the goddess of hunting, and Aphrodite, the god of love, etc., cast their gazes together look over.


Together they saw the handsome young man.

God of fire and craftsmen, Hephaestus.

Being watched by the gods, he seemed indifferent and drank by himself.

To the king of the gods, he also looked like he didn't answer and didn't see it.


When Zeus saw him, the thunder in his eyes blazed, and he ignored Theia mother and daughter, and shouted angrily:

"Hephaestus, you traitor! How dare you appear before me!"

He turned his head to look at Hades, and shouted: "Hades! As the king of the gods, I command you to arrest this traitor immediately!"

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