Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 101 Stallion Poseidon Takes Gaia Out

Chapter 101 Stallion Poseidon Gets Gaia?

Hephaestus heard this, turned his eyes to the pair of siblings, and asked:

"Artemis, Apollo, have you thought about it? This is not a joke. Colluded to overthrow the king of the gods, if you fail, you should know what will happen.

Artemis took the initiative to step forward, and replied calmly and firmly:

"Of course, Hephaestus, we've already thought it through. But we're not in a hurry to form an alliance. I think we'll talk about it in detail after we've dealt with the invading gods and demons from the abyss of hell.

The voice fell.

Apollo also said: "I think so too, Hephaestus, you saved my life, please don't question my determination to repay you."

There is a kind of indomitable firmness in the eyes of the siblings.

Athena on the side looked pale.

There is a lot of credit for her.

Seeing this, Hephaestus stared at the two for a moment, and smiled undeniably:

"Okay. However, this matter is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. Gaia is behind Zeus. It is not so easy for us to overthrow him. Artemis, you can think about it after you go back."

Not long ago, after seeing the two original gods, Nyx and Gaia.

Hephaestus was aware of this problem.

But he is not afraid, with the system close by, he will be able to step into the original state sooner or later.

At that time, even with Gaia's support, he will be able to depose Zeus from the throne.

"We all know this and worry about it as well."

Athena also had a sad cloud on her brows:

"With just a few of us, we can't compete with Gaia, and it is impossible not to get the support of the original god. So I have been thinking, should I choose Hades as the king of gods first, so that at least we can get the goddess of the night for us?" That's a big help."

She looked at Hephaestus again: "As long as you buy enough time, I think you will break through to the original god state sooner or later. Prometheus will not be wrong."

The four of them got together like this and discussed for a while.

Athena took the Artemis siblings away.

They need to watch their tracks now.

The secret meeting with Hephaestus must not be exposed.

And it wasn't long before they left.

When Hephaestus was about to set up a magic barrier to practice.

outside the door.

Suddenly there was another low voice.

"Vulcan, Hephaestus, could you let me in for a moment?"

This voice sounds familiar to Hephaestus.

Think back briefly.

He can be sure that this is the Sea Emperor Poseidon.

"Why is he here?"

Hephaestus frowned in confusion.

He heard that Poseidon lowered his voice on purpose, as if he was afraid of being noticed by others.

It's too strange to be so thieves.

Hephaestus thought about it, and opened the door anyway.

He was curious about what the overlord of the sea wanted from him.

When Poseidon saw Hephaestus open the door, he smiled all over his face:

"Great, Her Faith, you left the council too early, and I still want to have a good talk with you."

The enthusiasm in the words seemed to be talking to an old friend for many years.

And his eyes were still looking straight into the room, as if he wanted to go in.

"I don't know what the Sea Emperor wants from me?"

Hephaestus stopped at the door, not intending to move his body.

Poseidon's tone turned mysterious: "Well, there is naturally a good thing. But, can we go in and talk again? Hephaestus, believe me, I have no malicious intentions.

There was a moment of silence.

Hephaestus stepped aside: "Come in.

Poseidon smiled, rubbed his hands, and walked in quickly.

close the door.

The two sat face to face.

Hephaestus poured himself a drink and sipped.

"At this time, shouldn't the Emperor of the Sea discuss important matters with Hades and the King of the Gods? Why did he come to find me? It's really inconceivable.

Poseidon's purple eyes flashed brilliantly, and he said with a smile:

"Resisting the gods and demons of the abyss, there is nothing to discuss. We are gathered here, and Cronus can't make waves at all. Hephaestus, young Vulcan, I think with your ingenuity, you should be able to guess where I am coming from." For what."

Hephaestus remained expressionless, "I can't guess, so just say it."

Poseidon immediately felt a little embarrassed.

However, his complexion soon became dignified, and he said seriously:

"Well, Hephaestus, I came here to form an alliance with you to deal with Zeus. I know you are very powerful. If we form an alliance, we will definitely push Zeus from the position of the king of the gods!"

This sentence is over.

Make Hephaestus a little funny.

This Zeus is really not popular enough.

Not only the children are thinking of overthrowing him, but the two brothers are also thinking of dealing with him.

"I know, Hephaestus, you are now an ally of my brother Hades. But it doesn't matter, you will change your mind, because I will give enough sincerity."

Poseidon continued: "For example, I can marry my daughter Lot to you, Hephaestus, her beauty is absolutely suitable for you, and you will be a pair that makes all the gods envy."

Neptune set out conditions.

Too bad Hephaestus wasn't interested.

There is nothing else, but strength.

". "With all due respect, Neptune."

Hephaestus put down his wine glass and said lightly:

"Behind Pluto is the goddess of the night, and behind Zeus is the mother of all gods. And you, the only one among the three without the support of the original god, seems to have no reason for me to form an alliance with you.

When Poseidon heard this, he was not angry, but just smiled mysteriously, and approached Hephaestus:

"You are wrong, Hephaestus, I have already dealt with Gaia. If the cards are reshuffled, Gaia will support me on the throne instead of Zeus. You must understand this."

Get these two words, extremely ambiguous.

Hephaestus was also taken aback.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered.

In Greek mythology, Gaia, the mother of the earth, and Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, had a child

For example, the maelstrom monster Charybdis he met (Honor's) before.

"nailed it...."

"It turns out that Poseidon gave Gaia a pillow breeze..."

Hephaestus figured this verse out and couldn't help but be in awe.

It seems that this servant of the Sea Emperor is indeed skilled.

"How is it, Hephaestus?"

Seeing the change in Vulcan's expression, Poseidon asked.

Hephaestus shook his head slightly upon hearing this.

Even with Gaia's support, he doesn't want to form an alliance with Poseidon.

"Neptune, I will support you to overthrow Zeus. But there is no need to form an alliance. No matter who you or Hades becomes the king of gods in the future, I will not participate, nor do I want to participate.

He knew why Poseidon came to win him over.

One is to overthrow Zeus.

The second is to reduce a powerful enemy.

After all, he is now on the bright side, but he supports Hades, the king of the underworld.

Now he directly made his words clear, not interfering with who is the king of gods, which is tantamount to allowing Poseidon to achieve his goal.

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