Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 150 Athena: I Want A Child

Chapter 150 Athena: I want a child

Although it is only ten thousand years of divine power, Hephaestus reckons it is enough to raise the level of the first level.

Reining in his divine fire, he raised the artifact with his divine power and sent it to the Ever Night Goddess.

The latter took it, watched it for a while, nodded with satisfaction and said: "You are very good, Hephaestus, do me this favor, I will remember it."

Without further ado, the figure of the Evernight Goddess has disappeared.

The passage to the Kingdom of God was then closed.

Hephaestus' expression remained unchanged, he closed his eyes again, and began to digest the benefits of this refiner.

Today, the pattern of heaven and earth is changing too fast, the higher the strength, the better. He can't let up.

And the goddess of the night can go to Pluto's bedroom.

Under the gaze of the gods Hecate, the cone-shaped artifact was inserted into Hades' heart by Nyx.

With her spellcasting, the curse of Erebus was absorbed by this artifact...

three days later.

The realm of Hephaestus is firmly at the half-step original sixth level.

And the awl artifact on Hades' body was taken out, and the curse was completely removed.

He opened his eyes, empty, and didn't respond for a long time, as if he was a little delirious.

It wasn't until the Goddess of the Night called his name with the power of the law that Hades seemed to wake up, and replied weakly: "Master Nyx..."

He was indeed still weak.

The curse nearly killed him.

If it was a day or two later, he would really be dead, and of course it was impossible to be alive and kicking as soon as he woke up.

The Evernight Goddess also saw this, she was silent for a moment, and said: "Hades, you are seriously injured, and you need to sleep for a period of time to fully recover. During this period, the affairs of the underworld will be handled by Hecate.

Hades reacted a lot slower, and nodded after a long time: "Okay."

At this moment, he didn't even have the energy to think about who caused him to be like this.

Therefore, you must sleep deeply.

Recovery is good, regiment revenge.

A wave was transmitted from the channel of the Kingdom of God.

Shrouded in Hades, the Hades, his eyes slowly closed, and he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Most of the gods in the underworld don't know what happened in the palace of the king of the underworld.

They only see results.

Hades, the king of the underworld, fell into a deep sleep.

Hecate, the goddess of magic, became the agent of Pluto and had full authority to handle all affairs of the underworld.

Vulcan still sees the head and sees the end of the dragon.

And the guards in the Empress Dowager's palace are stricter than ever.

Even Mount Olympus and the gods of the sea are gone.

The defense of the underworld has not let up in the slightest.

It seems that he is guarding against an enemy who is hiding in the dark and has not yet surfaced.

The only thing that is not affected is the holy mountain gods who stay in the underworld.

Such as Apollo, Artemis...

They are good friends with Vulcan, so naturally no one dares to control them.

Among them, Athena, the second wife of Vulcan, is the most prominent.

Fortunately, they did not cause trouble with the gods of the underworld.

It's just that some guards discovered that Athena had been frequently traveling to and from the palace of the prophet Prometheus recently.

"Athena, what do you want me to prophesy, you might as well just say it, don't be a must be tired after running so many times?"

...Prometheus, can you predict what I want to predict?"

Inside the temple.

Athena and Prometheus sat and talked face to face.

The former is followed by two beautiful sea nymphs.

When Athena's question fell to the ground, Prometheus was a little helpless and a little funny.

The goddess of wisdom has always been heroic and vigorous, but when it comes to Hephaestus, her husband, she becomes sticky and shy.

The magic power of love is a bit too great.

Without refusing, Prometheus closed his eyes and unleashed the authority.

Mysterious aura lingers around him.

After a moment he said: "You want a baby."

Athena showed a trace of shyness on her face, which was almost nothing, and continued: "Yes, continue.

Another moment passed.

Prometheus opened his eyes, and said with some sincerity: "You will have a child, and this child will be very good, so you don't have to worry about it.

He has always had a good relationship with Metis, the previous goddess of wisdom, and has a good relationship with Hephaestus. He is also very happy to learn that Athena and Vulcan can give birth to an excellent child.

Athena had a smile that couldn't be concealed, her eyes were burning, she stood up and said: "Okay, when the child is born, Prometheus, I will let you be his teacher."

Before she finished speaking, she left the temple like a gust of wind.

The two sea nymphs bowed to Prometheus, and quickly chased after him.

Athena did not ask when the child was born.

Because whether the child is born or not depends on whether she and Hephaestus work hard enough.

This is something that does not need to be prophesied, what needs to be done is action.


Hephaestus found that Athena had been very active recently.

The first lady Hecate was busy with official duties and neglected to get along with each other.

The rest of the time was all occupied by Athena.

He could naturally see that Athena had a purpose.

When he learned that Athena wanted to have a child, he couldn't help being a little bit ridiculous.

At first, Hephaestus thought Athena was just a whim, so he was more cooperative.

But gradually.

Hephaestus finally found that Athena came with the necessary determination.

This made him a little helpless.

He didn't want to spend all his time making villains.

But he couldn't stand Athena's entanglement.

Therefore, I can only work hard day and night, like a diligent and honest farmer.

Fortunately, the sea goddess Thetis is leaving Hades recently,

Hephaestus finds this excellent excuse, and prepares to return to the ocean with Thetis and part with Athena for a while.

Give each other a break.

"Erebos can't go anymore, but Pluto still has a channel to shuttle Yin and Yang, and the Goddess of the Night has temporarily handed over 533 to my control. Now, Hephaestus, mother, let me send you out."

In Hades Palace.

Hecate, who was dressed in a red robe, spoke with a gentle smile on his face.

Thetis is the adoptive mother of Hephaestus, so she will change her words naturally.

"Then I will trouble you, Hecate." Thetis thanked with a smile.

Hephaestus and Athena quietly accompanied him.

Although she didn't spend many days with Thetis, Athena could feel that Thetis treated her very lovingly, which made her think of her own mother.

Therefore, regardless of whether she is angry with Hephaestus who is avoiding the war or not, she and Thetis are still in love with each other, and naturally they will come to send each other off.

At this time, Hecate cast a spell.

The void twisted for a while.

A dark road suddenly split open, appearing in front of the four people.

And at the end of the road, there is a glare of light, which is the world.

Athena and Hecate say goodbye to Thetis.

Then, Hephaestus and Thetis walked into the passage together, and their figures disappeared quickly.

After a few breaths.

The entrance to this passage is closed, and it has been cut into silence.

Only Hecate and Athena were left in the temple.

The two looked at each other for a while.

Hecate blinked and said, "I will conceive before you."

Athena replied calmly with a blank face: "Impossible. Unless you resigned as Pluto's agent."

After speaking, he turned and left the law.

Hecate looked at her back and snorted angrily. .

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