Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 159 An Arrow Of Destruction Seriously Injured Gaia's Real Body

Chapter 159 An Arrow of Destruction Seriously Injured Gaia's True Body

Unlike the last time, Gaia dispatched her real body to enter Hades this time.

The two primordial gods fought in real bodies, and the kingdom of God collided, how powerful is this!?

Even if the Goddess of the Night restrained and wiped away the aftermath, it still caused violent shocks in the underworld one after another.

The souls of the dead trembled with the gods.

Even the gods who have the ability to witness this scene are few.

Hephaestus waited and watched solemnly in the palace of Hades.

It's good that his realm has improved a bit, but he is not qualified to be involved in this level of battle.

Unless he also controls the Abyss Divine Kingdom, then the combat power can be increased several times.

But that is one of his trump cards, whether to use it now or not depends on the strength of the Evernight Goddess.

If Nyx is strong enough to expel Gaia, he doesn't have to.

A quarter of an hour passed.

The "June 20" shaking in the underworld intensified.

Nyx is at a disadvantage in this battle.

Compared with Gaia, her realm is slightly weaker.

But this is the underworld, and with the blessing of the land, Gaia can't stand her for a while.

And Gaia's strength is boundless, it seems that he hasn't tried his best, and the goddess of the night can't drive him out of the underworld with magical powers.

The two were deadlocked.

A cold light flashed in Hephaestus' eyes.

Suddenly, his figure flashed and disappeared.

After a breath time.


Endless whistling resounds!

The third projection of the kingdom of God in Hades appears!

The mighty power of law descends!

The power of the gods is like a prison, and the power of the gods is like the sea! Colliding with Gaia's earth god kingdom!

Just at this time, the projection of the Kingdom of Dreams is also attacking, and the two attack together, and it is more than ten thousand miles away from Gaia!

Seeing this scene, Nyx and Gaia were slightly startled.

In fact, they can all perceive that the Kingdom of Tartarus has been refined.

But they still don't know who the other is, and now they finally have the answer.

The Lord of the third generation of Tartarus is Vulcan!

"Hephaestus, what can you do if you master the kingdom of God? This time you will not escape!"

In the kingdom of the earth god, Gaia's cold and angry voice came out.

Hephaestus ignored her, but said to Nyx through voice transmission: "Hold me for half an hour, I have a killer move."

The situation is not optimistic. If the battle lasts for a long time, the Evernight Goddess may lose.

So he had to act.

Nyx was a little surprised, hummed quietly, and then drove the Kingdom of God to fight against Gaia again.

She probably knew what Hephaestus' killing move was.

Hephaestus had already used it five days ago, and she wasn't sure if repeating the trick would threaten Gaia. But give it a try, there is no better way now.

In the kingdom of hell and abyss.

Hephaestus is blessed with the power of the law of vastness.

His aura rose step by step.

The flames in his eyes were bright, his expression was cold and stern, and his hands were slowly pulled away.

A pitch-black magic bow was condensed in his hand like this, and a destroying arrow was also placed on it, and the arrow was aimed at the kingdom of the earth god in the distance.

Hephaestus didn't shoot immediately, but started to gather momentum.

With all his strength and the blessing of the Kingdom of God, the horror of this arrow cannot be compared with five days ago.

Gaia in the distance immediately felt locked on by a killing intent.

There was a faint panic in my heart.

Casting his eyes, he found that Hephaestus bent his bow and set his arrows, aiming at himself, just like five days ago.

Gaia couldn't help showing an angry face.

It is impossible for her to suffer from the same move twice in a row.

"Go away!"

Before the momentum was completed, Gaia drove the Kingdom of God and rushed towards Vulcan, and repelled Nyx violently.

Kingdoms collide.

Nyx's dream kingdom is somewhat empty, and it seems that it will dissipate at any time.

But she didn't just go away.

With all his strength, the Kingdom of Dreams quickly solidified, flashing and appearing, and stopped before Gaia.

You can't win if you win, but you can't lose even if you lose for a while.

She wanted to entangle Gaia with all her heart, and the latter could only deal with it madly.

As a result, the shock in the underworld became even more severe.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. Several Styx Rivers even had the tendency to flood the Hades. Fortunately, the gods of Hecate tried their best to stabilize it.

Half a moment flies by.

The charge of Hephaestus reaches Dzogchen.

An arrow of destruction, burning in the night sky, shot at Gaia!

This arrow illuminated the entire banquet world like daylight.

Nyx had some palpitations, and Gaia, who was the first among them, also had some palpitations.

But at the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief, but at this level, the threat to her is very small.

Bang boom!

A golden thunder roared, tore through the void, and hit Gaia's divine kingdom barrier.

A big hole was opened in the barrier, and the thunder slash fell in front of Gaia, blocked by a slender jade finger.

The aftermath of the huge mushroom-shaped divine power swayed...

Gaia's long hair danced violently, showing disdain.

Mystery, but that's all.

The Evernight Goddess also frowned.

that is it?

at this moment.

In the kingdom of hell and abyss, the howling golden thunder flew out again.

Another arrow! Before the power is even stronger!

There is no room for any reaction.

When Gaia saw the arrow, it had traveled through time and space and appeared in front of her.

Her complexion changed suddenly, she raised her other palm, and firmly grasped the arrow shaft.

The divine fire and thunder above were extinguished by her as soon as they were caught.

"How many arrows does he have?"

This idea came to Gaia and Nyx at the same time.

Their thoughts just flashed through.

Hephaestus' third arrow of destruction is on his way.

Its power crushes the two arrows in front.

Even Hephaestus' magic bow couldn't bear the power, and after shooting this blow, it slowly collapsed and dissipated.

The golden light passed by.


In the endless howls that shake the earth! This voice is extremely small!

But it is extremely shocking.

Because this is the sound of Gaia's injury.

When she saw the third arrow, it had passed through her shoulder.

There were bursts of scorching and tearing pain from the wound!

She hasn't been hurt for many, many years.

Therefore, this injury made Gaia very angry.

She let out a scream of pain, and exerted strength with her jade hand, snapping and snapping two destruction arrows!

The next moment, after feeling the terrifying power that was about to erupt in 3.3 above, Gaia hurriedly threw the two broken arrows at Nyx like throwing a hot potato.

She herself took control of the Kingdom of God and withdrew to retreat.

In a single thought, she completely disappeared in Hades.

Of course the two arrows did not burst.

The third arrow also returned to Hephaestus' hand.

Blood full of sacred aura flows on it!

The original blood of Gaia, the mother of all gods!

"This blood should be able to be used for forging."

Hephaestus stared at the divine blood, thinking to himself.

A graceful figure slowly appeared in front of him.

Nyx looked at Hephaestus with a serious face.

Hephaestus also paid a very high price for sending out these three arrows.

His face was as pale as paper, the divine power in his body was emptied, his arms were almost shattered, and the Kingdom of God was about to collapse. If it weren't for a strong willpower. he may have passed out by now

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