Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 208 For The Sake Of God Of Love, Let's Duel

Chapter 208 Let's Duel For Eros

Niord stroked his beard, nodded very seriously and said, "That's right!"

For the sake of my father's instructions and the bright future of the Warner Protoss.

Freya began to frequent the palace where Hephaestus lived.

In fact, she was not disgusted, and she refused to say anything about Hephaestus' face.

But this move attracted the envy of many Warner Protoss.

The goddess of love, Freya, is the jewel of the entire Vanir God Clan, and is the object of admiration of almost all male gods, but she is so upside down to a foreign god!


"If Odd found out, he wouldn't let it go so easily..."

"Ode has been chasing Freya, if you let him know that Freya goes to that palace every day, it will be strange if he doesn't get mad!"

"Oh, isn't that Odd? Here he comes!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and have a look, maybe there will be a fight!"

The gods of the Huaner Protoss screamed again and again, chasing the man with a thick beard and leaning closer to the temple.

"Freya! Come out! Get out of this dirty place! Do you hear me! I won't allow you to stay here for a second!"

A roar suddenly came from outside.

After Hephaestus heard it, the God of Fire in his palm stopped moving, and turned to look at the red-haired woman beside him.

Freya also looked at him nervously, the two looked at each other, and Hephaestus said calmly: "I'm looking for you.

"Sorry, God King, for disturbing your forging machine..."

Freya was a little uneasy: "That guy is a reckless guy, I will drive him away without saying anything."

Hephaestus said: "I don't care"

He came here only to ally with the Vanir,

"Yes!" Freya nodded and stood up.

At this time, another voice came from outside:

"Hephaestus! Let Freya out immediately! I want to fight with you! Whoever loses will give up voluntarily! Don't shamelessly pester you! Freya doesn't love you at all!

Then, there was a burst of noise outside, muffled humming, and the sound of falling to the ground, blowing into the hall with the wind.

Freya knew that the guard had been knocked down, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

She knew how important the Father God was to Hephaestus.

It is clearer what kind of consequences such troubles will lead to.

"God king calm down! Please leave this matter to me, please don't get angry!" Freya said hurriedly.

Hephaestus remained calm.

The game of dueling is too childish. And it was so boring that he didn't bother to care about it.

"Tell him not to bother me."

After getting the answer, Freya wiped off her cold sweat and flew out immediately.

Outside the hall, there was a crowd of Vanir Protoss who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

In the open space in the center stood a lean man with a thick beard, with a provocative face, and unconscious guards at his feet.

This scene made Freya furious, she walked over and cursed in a low voice:

"Odd! You daring idiot! Do you know what you are doing? This is where the nobles of the Warner Protoss live! If you don't fuck off within three seconds, I will peel your skin for boots!"

With her frail figure and charming face, her ruthless words obviously lacked deterrent power.

Aode snorted coldly, didn't buy it, and proudly said: "Today I will duel with this foreign god king! Freya, don't worry about men's affairs!"

Raising his spear, he continued to shout: "Hephaestus! Get out! Could it be that you are all cowards and cowards in Chaos God's Domain! Come out and fight me!"

These words detonated the audience like a bomb.

The Warner Protoss were very surprised, they didn't expect Ord to say such a thing.

"you you......"

Freya's complexion was even paler, regretting that she hadn't sealed this idiot's mouth immediately.

Suddenly, the noisy voice suddenly disappeared, and the whole audience was dead silent, and the eyes of all the gods moved to one place.

Freya sensed something, and immediately turned to look behind her.

I saw a handsome young man with blond hair coming out of it without any haste, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he had a terrifying aura on his body.

The Warner Protoss, including Freya and Odd, who watched the excitement, felt the danger in their hearts, and they all took a few steps back. But the warning of danger in my heart has not disappeared.

This is the aura of a strong man, who can emit terrifying coercion without using divine power.

"What were you talking about?"

asked Hephaestus. He stared at Ode under the stairs.

Odd glanced at Freya, summoned up his courage, and yelled through gritted teeth: "I want to fight you! Do you agree!?"

"Okay." Hephaestus agreed bluntly.

He can ignore duels, but not insults.

He is the God King of Chaos God Realm.

Freya's lips moved, but in the end she didn't say anything, and silently retreated to the side.

The Vanir Protoss who were watching also retreated a long distance.

"Whoever loses! Whoever loses will give up Freya!"

Odd roared, and charged at Hephaestus with his spear in his hand, against a fierce black rainstorm.

All the power of the main god realm was concentrated in this blow, which was unparalleled in ferocity.

Hephaestus remained where he was.

Aude showed a proud look, thinking that this guy would never escape his own blow.

However, the next moment.

A huge firework red dragon flew out from Hephaestus' fingertips, rolled up a surge of flames, swallowed Odd in one gulp, and crashed its wings.

The gods screamed.

None of them expected Hephaestus to be so powerful.

Easily defeated Ord in one move!


That is a strong Lord God!

What is the realm of this foreign god king?!

A black dot roared and fell from the sky.

Finally, it fell to the ground with a bang.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and it was Ode who was covered in black and had passed out.

His body was embedded in the ground, extending out dense spider vein cracks.

The audience was silent.

Freya glanced at Hephaestus, knowing that this was the result of mercy, and commanded: "Drag him down and clean this place up."

Odd, the god of travel, is defeated.

Shocked many gods who originally had a challenging mind.

When the turmoil subsided, their challenging thoughts also subsided.

In addition, Hephaestus will help the Warner Protoss forge artifacts, and the attention of the gods has shifted to the artifacts, and the gratitude to Hephaestus occupies the top spot.

With these artifacts, the overall strength of their protoss has jumped a lot.

In the next battle with the Asa Protoss, he will definitely have the upper hand.


the other side.

The news that Hephaestus helped Niord to forge the original artifact finally reached the ears of Odin in Asgard.

"Father God, I heard that the God King has gone to Vanaheim as a guest. If Nior Della wins over that person, it will be very bad for us."

Braki, God of Wisdom, said worriedly.

Odin remained silent, his fingers tapped on the handle of the altar, his expression a little anxious.

After a while, he said: "Immediately prepare the primary materials, I'm going to Vanaheim."

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