Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 21 The Monster Beast Chiram

Hephaestus didn't quite get used to these looks from people.

Withdrawing his gaze, he strode into the gate of the city.

The city was full of people, bustling and bustling, like a raging fire cooking oil.

Above the street, sunshade cloths of various colors are connected one after another, appearing chaotic. There are two drainage channels below, through which all kinds of sewage flow...

There was a strong stench.

Hephaestus' nasal passages were irritated and he sneezed without warning.

At this time, a carriage full of fruits passed by, Hephaestus picked up a gray cloak from the carriage and put it on himself.

He didn't want to be watched wherever he went.

With the hood on, Hephaestus is finally less conspicuous.

"The king offers a reward! The king offers a reward!"

Hephaestus didn't go very far.

I saw a group of people galloping from across the street.

Many pedestrians hurriedly retreated to the sides, fearing that they would be hit by horses.

The leader of this team was a fat middle-aged man, raised a piece of cloth in his hand, and shouted loudly: "The king offers a reward! The king offers a reward!"

People in this team kept getting off their horses and posted on the list in crowded taverns and streets.

And the fat man ran directly to the gate of the city, and posted the biggest list in his hand on the city wall.

Many citizens immediately looked around curiously, and after a while, it was crowded.

"It's a reward offered by the king himself! Look!"

"Whoever can kill the Warcraft Chimera will be rewarded heavily by the king!"

"Beauties, gold coins, official positions...the rewards are too generous!"

"Unfortunately, how can ordinary people kill Chimera, unless it is possible for a legendary hero..."

The crowd chattered.

Hephaestus also looked over curiously.

"The king of Lycia offered a bounty for the monster Chimera...the monster, then there must be a magic core in the body."

Hephaestus stroked his chin.

Warcraft Chimera, the legendary child of Typhon and Ekadna.

It has the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a python. Its breath exhales fire.

Wherever it goes, it will be turned into barrenness.

It devours both animals and humans, and its fire burns down villages, and no one can stop it.

On the reward list, it was because Chimera was a disaster, causing the people of Lycia to suffer and suffer heavy losses, so they had to issue a reward to recruit warriors to eradicate the monsters.

"It's better to come early than coincidentally."

"Warcraft Chimera, I accept this bounty."

Hephaestus held up his hand, and the list posted on the city wall immediately flew over the heads of many citizens and fell into his hand.

Many onlookers were shocked by this move.

The same is true for the leader, staring at Hephaestus with wide eyes.

Everyone stared at Hephaestus in astonishment, and the surroundings quickly fell silent.

"Which direction is Gelong Village mentioned above?"

Hephaestus rolled up the list and stared at the fat middle-aged man.

" the east."

The man stammered and pointed in one direction.

"Okay, wait for my good news."

Hephaestus smiled and walked towards the city gate.

Many citizens immediately split a channel.

When his back disappeared, they cried out in surprise.

"Oh! Did you see it just now! As soon as he waved, the reward list flew into his hand!"

"What's going on here? Isn't he a god?"

"I saw a sword on his back, maybe he is a hero!?"

Feel the weather is very hot and dry.

The fat man wiped off the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, his head was still a little dazed.

He just saw that the face under the hood that received the reward seemed to be a boy who was only sixteen or seventeen years old~

Although I don't know how the other party managed to fetch objects from a distance, can he really kill a ferocious monster like Chimera?


Hephaestus flew all the way to the east.

Chimeras have been making waves around the Lycian capital city-state.

The last time it was revealed was the village of Gelong in the east. If you follow this direction, you can definitely find it.

Half a day passed.

Hephaestus passed through several villages, but found no trace of the Chimera.

This made him a little puzzled.

But he confirmed that he was not going in the wrong direction.

"It seems that I need to find a village to ask."

Hephaestus was thinking.

He flew to the top of a mountain, stood on the edge of a cliff, looked down at the ground, and looked for human signs.

Suddenly, he saw a village under the mountain being engulfed in flames.

Blazing flames dyed a small half of the sky.

The villagers, who were as small as ants, fled in all directions crying and screaming like crazy. No matter men, women or children, they were all equally helpless at this moment.

The breath of death is spreading here...


Hephaestus frowned.

I saw a huge lion-like monster suddenly jumping out of the grand flames. The mane on its neck was dyed red by blood, and it opened its huge mouth and roared! The sound waves soared, and the entire valley echoed this terrifying cry!

At the same time, its thick snake tail whipped left and right behind it!

The houses and houses of the villagers were beaten to pieces!

Without hesitation, Hephaestus turned into a meteor and shot down the mountain.


"God! Save us! Save us!"

In a burning village.

A woman with a baby in her arms cries out in despair.

She did not continue to flee, and her husband and son died at the hands of the Chimera.

One of her legs was also severely injured and she could no longer run.

The villagers were frightened and ran away desperately. No one would come to rescue her.

At this moment, she can only pray to the gods for help.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

After the Chimera roared with all his might, he opened his mouth and spit flames at the women and villagers in front of him! Spit out a terrible flame that can burn everything!

However, when the sea of ​​flames poured over, Chimera didn't hear the screams, and narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Your fire can't kill people. Let me teach you how to use fire."

The flames subsided.

A figure in a cloak appeared. He took off his hood, revealing a handsome and young face.

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