Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 26 The Beautiful Queen Came To Seduce

Chapter 26 The Beautiful Queen Came to Seduce

Everyone exclaimed.

Reaction was much larger than Libyan nationals.

After all, most of them have no horror experience, and have never seen Warcraft at all.

"King! Your bounty order was accepted by this young hero! He fought bravely with the Warcraft Chimera, and finally killed the Chimera!"

Official Samu stepped forward and reported respectfully.

All stare at Hephaestus.

Although a little unbelievable, the bright red blood on the boy's cloak seemed to be a credible proof.

"Good! Young Hero! Well done!"

King Lisius smiled happily, skipped the crowd, and strode directly to Hephaestus, "I thank you for all the people of Libya! Hero! You saved them. As the king, I also want to thank you!!"

"You are welcome, king. Human beings should watch and help each other."

Hephaestus nodded, he didn't want to reveal his identity as a god for now.

Hephaestus took off the hood of his cloak, revealing a chiselled handsome face and blond hair.

This is a rare handsome man! !

It can rival the most handsome gods on Mount Olympus!

At this moment, everyone was amazed from the bottom of their hearts.

The court ladies even stared straight at the eyes!

Even King Lysius lost his mind for a moment.

But he quickly regained his composure and joked: "Hero, your appearance will make all the women in Libya go crazy for you. By the way, hero, what is your name? Please tell me!"


Hephaestus replied as such, feeling a little uncomfortable with the gazes of these people around him.

He was starting to regret taking off his cloak a little.

But he was also uncomfortable with hiding his head and showing his tail all the time.

"Okay! Hephaestus! This banquet is just for you! Let's have a good time!"

King Lisius laughed loudly, waved his hands to let the soldiers put down the Chimera's head, and then said to the people around: "Play music and dance! For our hero! Hephaestus!"

"Hephaestus! Hephaestus!"

All raised their glasses, cheered together, and shouted the name of Hephaestus.

This huge sound wave shook the entire palace.

Feeling their enthusiasm, Hephaestus also smiled slightly, took the drink offered by a maid, and drank it all in one gulp.


He noticed something strange and looked in a certain direction.

I saw a beautiful and enchanting woman staring at him, her eyes were like silk, and her eyes were flowing.

Half of the whole person is hidden behind the pillars, which seems to be half-hidden with a pipa.

But it can still be seen from this half that the clothes on her body are very gorgeous, which is different from the court maids following behind.

Moreover, on the snow-white arms and neck, there are large and small strings of precious jewels, which shows that the status is noble.

"This is our queen of Libya, Lamia!"

Samu who was next to him also noticed this scene, and introduced to Hephaestus in a low voice.


Hephaestus felt that the name sounded familiar.

But I don't know where I've heard it.

Lamia came out from behind the colonnade and smiled flatteringly at him.

"Leading the pack."

Hephaestus thought to himself, nodding at the end of the point, but he wasn't looking at the other party.

The banquet was quickly set up.

Mostly fruit, nothing special.

Hephaestus sat on the most honorable seat besides the king and queen. He was very interested in these fruits and ate them with great pleasure.

During the dinner, several officials and nobles came to ask curiously how he killed the Chimera.

One after another, Hephaestus who asked was a little impatient.

Seeing him frowning, everyone didn't dare to ask any more questions, and sat back in their seats wisely.

"Hephaestus, you are our Libyan hero, let me toast you a glass of wine! OK?"

Queen Lamia, who is as beautiful as a god, came to Hephaestus in style, holding a wine glass in her hand to toast.


Hephaestus hesitated for a moment, then raised his glass and clinked glasses with Lamia.

Lamia showed a seductive smile, and the back of her white and tender hand brushed against Hephaestus' finger intentionally or unintentionally... as if implying something.

Hephaestus withdrew his hand as if stung by a scorpion, his face changed slightly.

If it was just a wink, Hephaestus might not be thinking about it.

But it's also too obvious.

This queen is obviously seducing him...

"What's wrong? My hero?"

Seeing his strange behavior, Lamia took a few steps closer and asked with concern.


Hephaestus calmed down a bit, and said indifferently, "I drank too much fruit wine today, and I can't drink any more. Please return the queen."

Seduce him or not.

Hephaestus is not interested in women like Lamia.

Dare to seduce a man in front of the is too wanton and indulgent.


When Lamia heard these cold words, Mei Xiao froze immediately.

She thought that with her unparalleled beauty, she could take down this boy... but she didn't expect to meet a cold nail here! !

Lamia felt a little angry in her heart.

Seeing that Hephaestus ignored her, he picked up his glass and returned to his seat.

Because the banquet was very lively, everyone was talking about their own things, and no one cared about the conversation between the queen and Hephaestus.

There were only a few maids who seemed to realize that the queen was very interested in this heroic boy, but how dare they speak out?

"How dare you refuse me."

"You'll pay for it! I promise!"


Lamia drank the fruit wine in one gulp, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she looked at Hephaestus with resentment.

"Beautiful queen, can I invite you to have a drink together?"

At this moment, another voice sounded beside him.

Lamia turned her head and saw a young nobleman approaching. He was also very handsome, tall and mighty, as if he was a brave warrior.

"Of course, young nobleman."

A cunning flashed across Lamia's eyes, and she immediately smiled and picked up her wine glass.

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