Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 356: Begging For An Apprentice

356: Begging for Apprentices

At this moment, Master Tongtian also had a dark face. He never thought that he would teach such a disciple.

Originally, he thought that if Chang Er Ding Guangxian was locked up, such things would not happen again.

But this time the battle was undefeated, and his disciple escaped into the West~Fang Sect directly during the battle!

This feeling is more uncomfortable than watching these disciples of his own die in the hands of Chanjiao.

"Duobao, one day, I will kill you myself!"

At this moment, there is a murderous intent in the eyes of the Tongtian leader.

One can imagine how resentful he is towards Daoist Duobao now!

This difference in thinking actually caused him to continue to fail.

So many disciples and disciples have died, thinking about it, the leader of the Tongtian sect feels annoyed.

This thing is really annoying.

At the same time, Daoist Duobao was also brought to the West by Jieyin and Zhunti.

Whether it's Yingying or Zhunti, the two of them can hardly conceal their love for Taoist Duobao.

"This will be your home from now on, don't think it's not as good as Jiejiao now, it won't be long, under the leadership of the two of us, one day sooner or later!"

"It's perfectly fine to surpass Jiejiao and crush Chanjiao!"

Zhunti Taoist is very confident.

And Taoist Duobao, who had heard something from Hephaestus, couldn't help but nodded.

He hadn't believed a word Hephaestus said before.

But when he has experienced so many things, he can be accurately said by Hephaestus every time.

This can't help but make him believe in Hephaestus.

It is also the reason why he finally left the Jiejiao and joined this Western religion.

"In that case, senior brother, let's leave now, and leave the rest of these matters to my disciples!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said to Daode Tianzun.

Lao Tzu nodded, the rest of the matter is not suitable for them to deal with.

Ever since, each of them returned to their dojo.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun did not return directly to his dojo.

Instead, he went directly to the Western Church where the Second Western Sanctuary is located.

Came to this Western religion, seeing the joyful reception of Zhunti and Zhunti, Yuanshi Tianzun said:

"Congratulations to you two, accept the one you want!"

Jieyin and Zhunti both nodded.

They have coveted Daoist Duobao for a long time, and now that they have taken it under their command, how could they be unhappy?

Let him lead the entire Western religion in the future, there is no problem at all.

"Fellow Daoist, why did you come here this time?"

They still have some doubts about the arrival of Yuanshi Tianzun.

After all, the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals has already been destroyed for them, what else is there to do?

Hearing the question of the two people who received and cited Zhunti, Yuanshi Tianzun expressed his intention to come.

"Your goal has been achieved, but mine has not yet, so I need two fellow Taoists to do me a favor!"

Hearing that Yuanshi Tianzun needed their help, the two of them were a little puzzled.

"What's a little busy?"

"I hope that the two fellow Taoists can accompany me to the Nuwa Palace and bring back the disciple Mo Changfeng left behind!"

I heard Yuanshi Tianzun say this.

Whether it is a reception or a quasi-mention, both of them have some doubts.

To offend a saint for a disciple of Mo Changfeng.

is it worth it

After all, if he has a grudge against Mo Changfeng, it is between him and Mo Changfeng, what does it have to do with his apprentice?

Seeing the doubts of the two, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't explain much.

After all, that matter was too embarrassing, if it was true, it would only increase the ridicule of others.

So, he said to Jieyin Zhunti indifferently:

"Tell me, you two, come with me or not. If you don't come with me, that's fine. If you want to go with me, then start now!"

Since Yuanshi Tianzun has already said this, whether it is a reception or a quasi-promotion, he needs to give some face.

There is no other reason. They also owe Yuanshi Tianzun a favor this time.

Daoist Duobao can be included in their bag, it is mostly because of Yuanshi Tianzun.

If there were no Yuanshi Tianzun and Daode Tianzun, they would have to spend a lot of effort to subdue Daoist Duobao.

Although it is not appropriate to offend Empress Nuwa, if their masters go together.

It would be easy to snatch Mo Changfeng's little apprentice away from her hands.

……… Ask for flowers……

"Of course this is not a big deal, we will naturally agree to it, Fellow Daoist!"

The Taoist said.

Afterwards, the three of them headed towards the location of Nuwa Palace.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Nuwa Palace.

"Where is Fellow Daoist Nuwa?"

When Empress Nuwa heard Yuanshi Tianzun's voice outside, she couldn't help but walked out of Nuwa Palace.

When she saw Yuanshi Tianzun and the approaching Yingying Zhunti, her expression froze.

For Yuanshi Tianzun's sudden visit, she naturally didn't have any good senses.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun hasn't said anything yet, Empress Nuwa has already guessed a bit.

So she said to Yuanshi Tianzun and Yingying Zhunti coldly.


"I don't know what you are doing here?"

Hearing such and such a voice from Empress Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't understand, he had already guessed his purpose.

So he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Junior Sister Nuwa must have already guessed our reason for coming, don't talk nonsense, hand Yang Chan to me, and I won't embarrass you, Junior Sister!"

Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun was so stingy, Empress Nuwa couldn't help saying:

"Well, you petty thing, I didn't expect you to be entangled with this apprentice because of his master!"

"Mo Changfeng offended you, you are going to deal with his disciples, you are really a saint with style!"

Hearing the yin and yang of Empress Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun was neither angry nor angry. In his opinion, taking Yang Chan away this time was almost a certainty.

Why is he so confident?

The reason is also very simple, there are two saints here, and there are three saints in addition to him.

Empress Nuwa is not the leader of heaven, she has such a powerful strength that she can carry four saints by force.

Empress Nuwa has no connections, no influence, and no high background.

Under such circumstances, facing the attack of the three saints, it is almost impossible to fight back.

That's why Yuanshi Tianzun said to Empress Nuwa so indifferently;

"You have to pay that Yang Chan today, and you have to teach if you don't teach. This matter is out of your hands!"

"As for whether I'm stingy or not, that's not something you should worry about Xi!"

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