Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 35 Becoming The Lord God

Chapter 35 Becoming the Lord God

The water flow engulfed the corpses of the river gods such as Zuxo like a python.

Excitement flashed in Hephaestus' eyes.

These corpses are all used to forge artifacts!

His strength will definitely skyrocket a lot!

The loss of not being able to find the monsters for so many days has been made up for in one go.

Bind the corpses of the seventeen river gods with running water. Hephaestus put them on his shoulders and flew off into the distance.

Now I need to find a place to forge the artifact properly.

Fly for a while.

Come to the virgin forest surrounded by mountains.

Hephaestus found a secluded cave here, threw all the corpses on the ground, stopped the water, and spewed flames from his palms!

Boom boom boom!

The scarlet flames devoured the corpses of these river gods! A smell of burnt flesh wafted out!

Hephaestus is refining all their flesh and bones, peeling off the cocoons, removing the dross and extracting the essence!

Half an hour passed.

In front of Hephaestus, clumps of corpse essence appeared. Each group exudes a majestic breath!

"The weapon that symbolizes the power of the sea is the trident."

"Let's forge a trident with the corpse essence of the only high god, Zuxo!"

Hephaestus thought to himself, and immediately started to act.

As his strength improved, his forging skills became more and more proficient and meticulous.

It only took a quarter of an hour to forge a high-level artifact.

When the scarlet flames faded, Hephaestus had a trident as white as jade in his hand! No flaws at all!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully forging a perfect [high-level artifact]! The system rewards [level promotion card x1]! [100 years of divine power]! [Unlimited storage space]!"

System rewards are coming.

Hephaestus smiled.

It was the first time he forged a perfect high-grade artifact, and the system rewards were also very generous.

The storage space is opened, which means that he doesn't have to hang these artifacts on his body anytime and anywhere. It is much more convenient.

With a thought of Hephaestus, the trident disappeared from his hand immediately.

He called up the panel, and a light curtain immediately appeared in front of him, with many grids inside. The first square contains a trident.

With another thought, Hephaestus returned the trident to his hand.

"very nice!"

Hephaestus nodded, and put his existing river god sword, Thor's hammer, flame staff, siren bone flute, and trident into the system space.

Then continue to forge the corpse essence.

Half a day passed.

Hephaestus consumed a lot of divine power and spirit, kept improving, and finally successfully forged all the essence of these god corpses.

Among them is a pair of bows and arrows, which were forged with eleven groups of corpse essence, and also formed a high-level artifact of perfect quality, which is no less powerful than a trident.

In addition, there are shields, spears and a staff, all of which are of perfect quality without exception.

To achieve this level, Hephaestus undoubtedly spent a lot of money, his body was almost hollowed out, and his brain was drained.

If it weren't for Hephaestus' strong willpower, he might have passed out directly.

But the system rewards are also extremely generous.

Hephaestus got 900 years of divine power, four strength promotion cards, and 45 charm points!

These gave him the hope of breaking through the realm of the main god!

"Great harvest! The family of the God of Oceans and Rivers is really my lucky star!"

After Hephaestus finished forging, his face was as pale as a vampire who hadn't seen the sun all year round. He immediately opened the system panel and rubbed his hands excitedly.

I saw a plus sign appearing behind his charisma and strength columns.

Without any hesitation, Hephaestus kept clicking with his consciousness to add all the inventory.


Waves of surging divine power suddenly emerged!

"Wow! It hurts!"

Hephaestus' complexion suddenly changed, and he became very red.

Now he only felt that his whole body was being thrown into the furnace and continuously burned with flames, placed on an anvil and continuously beaten with a hammer.

The piercing pain almost made him breathless.

However, Hephaestus is having fun!

His strength is constantly improving at the same time!

Highgod sixth rank!

The seventh rank of upper god! Eighth step! Ninth order!

Lord God Realm! ! !


Hephaestus couldn't help raising his head and let out a loud roar.

The vast power in his body crazily spilled out!

The eyes turned into miraculous lightning! The whole body is lit with golden flames! Long hair dancing! The gods came to the world!


Attracted, dark clouds gather quickly!

Thousands of thunderbolts exploded in the sky one after another! Seems to be celebrating the moment too!

With strong willpower, Hephaestus finally took control of his body and suppressed the vast and violent power.

The thunder in his eyes and the fire of the sun on his body faded away one after another.

His clothes were scorched clean, and he was now revealing a perfect figure with a tall and straight body and delicate muscles.

"The Realm of the Lord God!"

"I have finally entered the realm of the Lord God!"

Herr Faithtos didn't pay attention to those minutiae. My heart is very excited.

His body is full of powerful divine power! He felt stronger than ever!

Now, Hephaestus is also the main god without Zeus's acknowledgment and support!

Although his bloodline level is the main god.

But if you want to grow to this level, you don't know how many difficulties you have to overcome and how much time it will take.

It will never be as easy as Hephaestus is now!

"System, bring up my system panel."

Hephaestus gave orders with consciousness.

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