Chapter 5 Sirens

Strait of Mexico.

At this time, the sky was gloomy, and a thick white fog shrouded the sea.

Under the sea surface, the undercurrent is turbulent, and the reefs are densely covered.

In the dense fog, a huge monster broke through the water and gradually revealed its figure.

It is a three-sail ship.

In this weather, if the ship fails to steer well and runs aground, the consequences will be extremely serious.

An old wrinkled sailor was climbing on the mast and staring into the distance, with an extremely vigilant expression on his face. After watching for a moment, he put two fingers to his mouth and blew a loud whistle.

It was calm on deck.

The crew and sailors performed their duties in an orderly manner.

But after hearing the whistle, they immediately seemed a little flustered, and hurriedly pushed each other to gather and line up.

The bearded captain also came over, with fear in his eyes, and shouted in a rough voice:

"Immediately stuff cotton balls into my ears! Then seal them with wax! Don't miss a single one, do you hear me? Don't miss a single one!"

Let's talk.

The captain took two balls of cotton balls from the deputy captain and stuffed them into his ears, then sealed the ears with warm wax, and went back to steer.

A veteran also took out a large ball of cotton and hot wax from the storage room and distributed them to everyone.

"Why are we doing this? Everyone seems to be scared? What's in front? Du Ke?"

Several young sailors who had just sailed for a long time were puzzled by this.

The sailor named Du Ke was a little impatient: "Stop talking nonsense, Dylan, you brats, if you still want to survive, do it quickly."

Seeing these young sailors looking at each other indifferently, Du Ke had no choice but to shake his head, looked around, and said in a low voice:

"The strait in front has a name called the Strait of Death, where the Sirens of the Sirens live. Once a ship passes by, it will sing loudly. Mortals like us, if we accidentally hear it, we will be confused and jump." into the sea and become the rations of monsters."

"The siren siren!?"

The young sailors were shocked.

They had also heard rumors of sea monsters, but they never expected to actually meet them.

Although they were very curious, they didn't dare to risk their lives, so they obediently sealed their ears with cotton balls and hot wax.

Several old sailors tied themselves up with ropes very carefully.

Extreme caution.

The ship sailed slowly towards the strait.

But at this time, a singing voice that was ethereal like a fairyland floated indistinctly.

Although it is only a small sound, it is extremely beautiful!

A young sailor was so curious that when he heard the ethereal singing, he couldn't help picking the sealing wax and cotton balls.

The beautiful singing sounds like sounds of nature are in your ears.

There was a look of extreme enjoyment and obsession on his face.


There was a sudden sound of falling water.

After several old sailors noticed it, they hurried to the side of the boat.

In the thick white mist, everyone could only vaguely see a pair of boots floating on the water.

One of the sailors cried out in pain: "No! Melen!"


Deep under the sea.

The two black shadows shuttled back and forth quickly, frightened the fishes, large and small, and retreated one after another.

One of the shadows was a beautiful young woman.

A head of blood red long hair, extremely gorgeous.

But her lower body is a fishtail covered with red scales, very similar to a mermaid.

If you look closely, you can find that the butterfly bone on her back is very ugly, like a deformity.

According to legend, the Sirens once lost their wings to the Muse because they lost a music competition with the Muse.

Couldn't fly anymore since then.

After losing their wings, the siren had to swim near the coastline to trap food with singing.

Obviously, this red-haired woman is the Siren.

And the other black shadow is the bewitched young sailor, at this moment he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

"Hmph, hahaha~"

The siren swung its tail vigorously, jumped out of the water, and came to a small island.

Throwing the young sailor in his hand to the ground, he let out a sinister laugh.

"Where should I start?"

The siren's fish tail turned into ugly short legs, and its greedy eyes fixed on the feast.


Just when the siren was about to start eating from scratch.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Siren looked back vigilantly, and saw a huge boa constrictor entrenched on the reef.

The boa constrictor was spitting out a bright red letter, and held its head high, as if it was very proud.


The siren recognized the person who came, turned around, and said lightly: "If you don't stay in Mount Olympus, what are you doing here?"

"Of course it was to find you."

Pi Tong swam his body and came to Siren, "Siren, I need your help to kill someone."


The siren wanted to refuse, but rolled his eyes, and said with a smile on his face: "Pitong, you know, I'm good at killing people, otherwise you wouldn't come to me. But who are you going to kill? I've done this." What's the benefit?"

"He's a newborn baby, on the island of Lemnos."

Piton said, "When it is done, you bring his body to me, and I will give you a golden apple."

The golden apple is a legendary fetish.

Can give anyone eternal youth.

For monsters like sirens, the allure is great.

——Just killing a baby, isn’t that earning a golden apple for nothing? How could Pi Tong be so kind?

In a heartbeat, the Sirens narrowed their eyes, looked at Pi Tong and asked, "Whose child is this baby? Pi Tong, don't frame me!"

There was a trace of anger in Pi Tong's eyes, "Siren! I don't have time to play tricks with you! If you don't do it, I'll find someone else!"

Seeing this, the siren turned into a smiling face again, "Don't get angry, since you intend to make a deal, I'll kill this man for you. Pi Tong, you can prepare the golden apple and wait in peace."

"Remember, move faster and faster."

Pi Tong turned around and left, and soon disappeared.


At this time, the young sailor behind him suddenly groaned.

Obviously not dead yet.

The Siren turned around, with a fierce look in his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and directly swallowed the head that missed.

Blood spurted wildly, extremely bloody.

The Siren did not continue to eat people, but dived into the bottom of the sea with this big meal.

After half a day.

The Siren came ashore again, empty-handed, but happy on his face.

"Hey, it's Schira who is well informed. Piton really has no other intentions. It turns out that the person he wants to kill is the ugly son of Hera after the gods... He is really loyal to the Lord. However, it happened to be cheap for me. A golden apple."

The siren let out an extremely melodious and beautiful laugh, and jumped into the sea again.

This time, she sailed in a different direction.

is the direction of Lemnos.

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