Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 67 The Virgin Goddess

Chapter 67

Ares was delighted to see Zeus so furious.

His purpose is about to be achieved.

However, Hera, the queen of the gods, was startled when she heard Zeus's words, and immediately stood up and said solemnly:

"God King, it's not a matter of whimsy now. If you go to the underworld, Big Brother Hades will definitely attack you! He has the support of Ms. Evernight behind him, so he won't have the slightest scruples!

Lady of the Night.

She is the mother of the twin brothers Death and Sleep.

The goddess of the night, Nyx, is a powerful primordial god.

Hera's words worked.

When Zeus heard this, half of his anger was extinguished immediately.

He clenched his fists tightly, the blue tendons on the sides of the sleeves were exposed, and finally he folded his eagle wings and sat down again.

Seeing this, Ares secretly hated Hera, even if the other party was his mother.

And Artemis also showed disappointment.

She is not stupid, she is not dazzled by hatred.

Hephaestus can beat three and win completely, and his strength is immeasurably powerful!

The huge Mount Olympus, if Zeus hadn't come out personally, who could kill it in the underworld!?

Hera also sat down with Zeus, and said calmly: "This matter may as well be considered in the long term, the king of gods must not be impulsive, otherwise, it will fall into Hades' arms.

"Long term?"

Zeus's face was gloomy and terrifying. He shook his head at 050 and said, "Hephaestus and Prometheus are two rebels, and Hades has shelter! Except for me, the other gods are no match at all!"

--not like this.

—and the Titans Hyperion and Theia! They can enter Hades and kill Hephaestus!

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, said secretly in her heart, but she didn't point it out.

Because she suddenly realized that it was most likely Hephaestus and Prometheus who stole the divine fire and sowed the fire to the world.

at the same time.

God King Zeus also thought of this, his eyes lit up involuntarily.

After thinking about it carefully, he raised his head and said to the envoy: "Hestia, go and ask the moon goddess Selene to come here immediately.

Hestia nodded respectfully upon hearing this, and said, "Of order!"

He turned around and quickly left the temple.

Selene, goddess of the moon, and Helios, god of the sun, are siblings.

They are the children of the Twelve Titans, Hyperion and Theia.

Since they wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, it was most appropriate for their daughter Selene to deliver the sad news of Helios' death.

Only the weeping of Artemis remained in the hall.

Not long.

Hestia walked in quickly, leading the graceful goddess.

The goddess wears a glorious crescent crown, a moon-white robe, and a light veil on her face, so she cannot see her true face.

But judging from the beautiful eyebrows and bright eyes, this is definitely a stunning beauty.

"King of the gods!"

The goddess was very nervous, walked up to Zeus in a few steps, and called out in a trembling voice.

It can be seen that she wants to ask some questions, but lacks the courage to face the cruel truth.


Zeus called out the name of the goddess softly, showing a look of grief: "Even though this is cruel, I have to tell you the bad news. Helios "died in Kangkang."

"Do not!"

Selene screamed, and two pearly tears fell to the ground in an instant.

Torn apart.

Her appearance at this moment is almost the same as the goddess of hunting who just learned of Apollo's death.


"How come! How come!"

"Helios is a strong main god, and he also has the priesthood of the sun. Who can kill him! Was it Pluto who took the shot? King Zeus, please tell me!"

Selene's eyes were red, and she shouted one after another, full of hatred.

"It was Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen, who not only killed Helios, but also Apollo, the god of light."

Zeus sighed, and said: "He is very powerful, and he is hiding in the underworld right now, blessed by Hades...Even I can't move lightly."

The voice fell.

The temple fell silent.

The grief-stricken Selene gradually calmed down, and the flames of hatred appeared in her eyes. She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said:

"I understand! King of the gods, please allow me to be rude and leave. I want to bring this sad news to my parents. y

She didn't wait for Zeus to speak.

It turned into a (bhfb) streamer and flew out of the temple through the air.

Soon, a lunar chariot pulled by two divine horses appeared in the sky and left Mount Olympus at a gallop.

Just when the moon girl Selene left Mount Olympus.

Hephaestus is studying the priesthood of Hades in his room.

This priesthood is very powerful.

But at the same time, it cannot be used easily.

Otherwise, Hades, the king of the underworld, will definitely investigate to the end, and even start a life-and-death fight with him.

The supreme authority of the king cannot be tampered with by anyone. This is an absolute no-no.

"This hole card cannot be exposed for the time being."

Hephaestus thought to himself.

He can still weigh the pros and cons. Unless it is a last resort, he doesn't need to use this hole card.


There was a faint sound of footsteps.

Hephaestus blinked and looked out the door.

"The god of fire and craftsmen, Hephaestus, I am Hecate, the goddess of magic, may I go in and talk to you?"

A soft and pleasant female voice came from outside the door.

"The Goddess of Magic, Hecate..."

Hephaestus hesitated and said, "Come in."

There was a crunch.

The door was pushed open.

A beautiful goddess in a bright red robe walked in.

The dress is lightly swayed, and every move is extremely elegant.

Hephaestus looked straight ahead.

Only now did he take a closer look at the appearance of the goddess of magic.

There are two dimples on her delicate face, her eyes are like summer leaves, her long hair hangs on her shoulders, and every step she takes will gently float...

There was even a delicate fragrance coming from him.

Hephaestus smelled it, and couldn't help but think of Thetis, the sea goddess.

She has a similar scent on her too.

"Hephaestus, I hope you don't mind your interruption.

Hecate said with a slight smile.

"No problem. I don't know why the goddess is looking for me?"

Hephaestus waved his hand.

"I, I would like to ask you to help refine some artifacts... I heard from Prometheus that your forging technology is the best in the world."

Hecate expressed his intentions and complimented her a bit by the way.

"Refining artifacts..."

Hephaestus nodded.

He more or less guessed it.

After all, he has just come to the underworld not long ago, and he is not familiar with these gods of the underworld. Apart from forging artifacts, he has nothing to get in touch with.

"Can you? Hephaestus, I can pay you a satisfactory reward." Hecate asked.

.....of course can. "

Hephaestus smiled and agreed.

As far as he knows, Hecate is very powerful and once helped Zeus defeat the one-eyed titan.

Even Zeus is afraid of her three points, so it can be seen that her strength can already threaten the king of the gods.

Moreover, Hecate is still a rare virgin goddess among the Greek gods, she has always kept herself clean and never messed around.

That's why Hephaestus agreed, maybe, by helping Hecate forge artifacts, he could get the other party's magic priesthood. .

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