Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 83 Lady Justice: Vulcan, I Want To Judge You!

Chapter 83 Lady Justice: Vulcan, I want to judge you!

I can forge another main artifact to enhance my strength

Satisfied, Hephaestus put Hyperion's melted corpse into the storage space, and also turned into a streamer of light to chase after it.

On the banks of the River Styx.

Three beams of light descended one after another.

Theia walked a few steps quickly, and shouted anxiously to the river: "God crossing the river Styx! God crossing the river Styx! Let's cross the river quickly!"

At the same time, she activated the power of law in an attempt to distort Styx's air-forbidden law! This will make it easier for them to fly away and escape!

But there is no doubt that they cannot succeed.

"Theia! You can't get away!"

Two rays of light descended from the sky in succession!

Hephaestus and Hecate came after him.

Theia looked back, her complexion changed drastically, she immediately stopped in front of the two daughters, and shouted in a deep voice: "Selene, Eos! Swim over immediately! I will block them! Quick!"

Although the Styx water will wash away the divinity.

But compared with life, I can't control so much now.

"No! I won't go, I'll stay with you!"

Selene shouted firmly, stopping in front of Theia.

Eos also firmly said: "Mother, either go together or die together!"

Haoyue and Liming emerged together.

Shine on this side of the River Styx.

The whole body of Hephaestus also exuded waves of divine power. He stood still and said to Ji Nan with a sneer:

"After seeing me kill Hyperion, you actually thought you could escape! You are really innocent idiots, no wonder they were used by Zeus to send you to death.

The goddess of magic raised her staff and soul refining sword, ready to attack at any time, only waiting for Hephaestus' order.

Theia's eyes were red, full of overwhelming hatred: "Even if I die, Hephaestus, I will drag you to be buried with me!"

"I don't think you have the ability."

Hephaestus raised his eyebrows and said.

He raised his palm, and the forging field blasted out immediately.

But the next moment.


The goddess of magic, Hecate, changed her complexion and shouted, "Be careful!"

"this is.…………?"

Hephaestus also noticed something, frowned, and looked at Styx.


I saw a majestic sword engulfing evil spirits, with an almost invincible power of law, riding the wind and waves and shooting towards it!

Head straight to the forge of Hephaestus!

Hurrah! The lightning flashed away, and the unformed domain was immediately split into two halves!

Stop the movement and guard in front of Theia mother and daughter.

"Hephaestus, I didn't expect you to be so daring, kill Helios, and kill Hyperion, what should you do!"

On the water of the River Styx.

The boat of Charon, the ferry god, sailed through the thick white mist.

Standing at the bow of the boat was a beautiful woman in a white robe, spotless and spotless.

The eyes are sharp and ruthless, the good looks are also cold, and there is a strong and suffocating sense of oppression around him. It is the goddess of justice, Themis.

Athena can only contain her for a while.

It can't stop her from coming to the underworld.

But she was late for this step, which had already caused serious and irreversible consequences to the situation of the war.

Hyperion is dead.

"With all due respect, Themis, I don't think I'm guilty. The moment they kill me, they must make up their minds to be killed by me."

Hephaestus was a little surprised by the visitor. However, he responded calmly.

At the same time, I was a little surprised.

A sword cut through his main god domain.

Themis' strength was a bit beyond his expectations.

...Unexpectedly, the goddess of justice came to the underworld. "

Hecate's pretty face was dignified, as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

The oppression given to her by the goddess of justice far exceeds Theia.

"Themis! Why did you come here? Hyperion has already been killed by this guy!"

Seeing the belated sister, Theia let out a sharp scream of hatred.

She was so grief-stricken that she was losing her mind.

Selene and Eos held on to their mother nervously.

Now Themis is their only savior, and they must not be offended.


There was an inexplicable fluctuation in Themis' eyes.

It seemed sad, or something else.

But soon, it turned into a cold and ruthless appearance again.

Ignoring Theia, she jumped off the god-crossing boat, walked up to the blond boy, and announced coldly:

"Hephaestus, you have violated the laws of God by teaming up with Prometheus to steal the divine fire. Now you have killed Helios and Hyperion and his son, which is an unforgivable crime. I will give you a just trial!"

Hephaestus blinked:

"I don't think you will be my opponent. Lady Justice, I am very grateful for your trial that year. I don't want to fight with you, please don't force me.

...asking for flowers...

more than a year ago.

Hephaestus once visited the Temple of Justice with the goddess of the sea.

Ask Goddess of Justice to judge Hera for murdering her parents and children.

Anyway, that trial gave Hephaestus a good year to live.

So Hephaestus did feel some gratitude to Themis.

But he also knew that the goddess of justice was stern and selfless, and there would be no personal affair.

Therefore, if he really wants to do something, Hephaestus will not hold back anything.

The four eyes are facing each other.

There was silence.

Themis pointed at Hephaestus with the Excalibur of Justice, and said coldly:

"If you have been wronged, I will cleanse you and return your innocence. If you have sins, I will judge you fairly and justly! Punish you! Hephaestus, if you give up resistance, I can give you a lighter punishment."


When Hephaestus heard this, a disdainful smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.

It seemed to be mocking Themis' innocence, and waves of divine power surged around him.

It was impossible for him to give up resistance.

Because that also means putting your life in the hands of others.

As for the mother and daughter of Theia, they originally wanted to take the opportunity to leave on the boat of God, but it was a pity that Charon rowed the boat away.

Just as they were about to swim across the River Styx, Hecate, the goddess of magic, locked them in.

Any small action will trigger the start of this big battle.

So, they froze in place together, and neither of them wanted to move first, and they were all doctors.

Just when the two sides were at war and the battle was about to break out.

A deep and majestic voice rolled from the sky.

"Themis, the goddess of justice, alas, why do you do things so desperately? In the end, Hephaestus is just for self-protection. Even if you want to fight, don't fight in the underworld. I can't stand your troubles here anymore. ."

This voice has the power of law to suppress the underworld.

It was Hades who had been watching.

"Hades, this is none of your business, you'd better not get involved."

Themis raised her head slightly, and said coldly: "Hephaestus violated the law of God, which cannot be tolerated. If he is not dealt with, what is the dignity of laws and regulations? Who else would believe in the law of justice?

"If the goddess of justice insists on this, I can only accompany her." Hephaestus continued, firming his position.

He refined Hyperion's Exploding Sun and replenished a lot of power, and he is still at his peak state.

Not afraid of Themis. .

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