Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 92 Lord Of Hell Abyss

Chapter 92 The Lord of Hell and Abyss

After Kronos was furious.

Start to think carefully.

Relying on the gods of hell and abyss, it is not difficult to destroy the underworld and this ignorant Vulcan.

The underworld seems to be powerful, but there are only a handful of powerful main gods.

When they really fight, they will never be the opponents of the gods of the abyss!

The only problem now is that after destroying the underworld, they will have to face the third generation king of gods, the army of Zeus!

The anger of the gods on the holy mountain is not so easy to bear.

If not done well, this action will be completely subverted. All plans fell through.

Kronos frowned vertically.

And, the most important point.

It was Cronus who wanted to escape the control of the god of hell, Tartarus!

He knew that once the original god regained his strength, he could only be the opponent's running dog, a soldier who charged into battle! He would never be able to stand up!

This kind of ending.

Cronus will never stand it!

You must use everything that is available around you.

This is a big game!

Well, he can not only get rid of control, but also set off a wave of the times!

Bringing a new battle of the gods!

And he, Cronus, will climb to the top again to dominate, command the gods, and regain everything that was lost!

"...Now, we need to make good use of these little fellows, 533 Zeus, the original god behind them."

Kronos thought to himself.

On the surface, both Zeus and Hades are the supreme kings, with the same limelight.

But in fact, they all have the support of a more powerful original god behind them.

For example, behind Zeus is Gaia, the earth mother.

Behind Hades is Nyx, the goddess of the night.

These original gods can control the world without going out behind the scenes, and they are the real talkers.

"Gaia and Tartarus also had an affair, hum, it must be impossible to help Zeus deal with his old lover.

It seems that I must wake up Nyx and let her suppress Tartarus, so that I can get rid of this guy's control!"

Kronos's eyes flickered, and his eyebrows raised.

The earth mother Gaia and the god of hell have also been combined.

And many monster offspring were born, such as Typhon, Ekadna and so on.

There is no reason for the two to fight each other, unless Tartarus kills Mount Olympus and threatens the power controlled by Gaia.

And Nyx, the goddess of the night, and Tartarus have nothing to do with each other.

If they have to be involved, then they can be regarded as enemies.

These two original gods often fought in (bhcf) ancient times, and the relationship was not good as you can imagine.

Therefore, as long as Nyx, who is sleeping in the dream kingdom, wakes up, she will never stand by like Gaia.

Cronus revealed a cunning light, and whispered in his heart: "But before that, I have to use Tartarus to kill Hades and Zeus to avoid future troubles for me."

Think about it.

The image of the underworld being destroyed in the flames of war, Zeus being devoured by him, and the gods worshiping him slowly appeared in Kronos' mind, and his blood couldn't help but boil.

All this is not far from him.

Cronus held back his excitement and flew to the depths of the abyss of hell.

He came to the deepest darkness, fell slowly, and called respectfully: "The great god of hell, Tartarus, and Cronus pay you high respects.


There was a muffled sound in the deep and endless darkness.

It seems that something terrible has awakened.

After a long time, a force of law swept out with a voice:

"Cronus, why are you here?"

The owner of this voice is the Lord of Hell Abyss.


Cronus is still pretending to be respectful:

"Great God of Hell, I want to offer you a plan to restore you to the original state of God as soon as possible.

In the darkness, there was silence.

Tartarus seemed to be thinking.

After a while, his voice came out again, resonating throughout the vast hell:

"Speak up, Kronos."

Kronos smiled, nodded and said:

"Great God of Hell, if you want to return to the original state, relying on the power provided by the gods and demons of the abyss is far from enough.

Moreover, your awakening is a huge threat to Zeus and Hades! They are thinking about getting rid of you all the time.

Now, it's just because they are fighting each other and fighting each other that they can't spare their hands and feet.

Therefore, you must act as soon as possible, dispatch all the gods and demons in the abyss of hell, and capture all the gods of the underworld for you to devour and restore your strength!"

The speech was full of emotion.

Very provocative.

Kronos himself was very satisfied.

But Tartarus heard this, and said:

"Cronus, if you follow your plan, I'm afraid it will immediately cause Zeus Hades and their coalition forces to attack. It's not like your style to act rashly.

This obviously means refusal.

Tartarus also had deep scruples about outside alliances.

"With all due respect, it's not a cause for concern at all."

Kronos had already expected this, and he still answered fluently:

"As long as the underworld is destroyed quickly enough, the coalition forces will naturally cease to exist.

When Zeus and other gods arrive, you have already recovered your peak strength and reached the original state of God, so why be afraid of them?

This is a great opportunity, great god of hell, I hope you can seize it, otherwise it will be too late when the situation changes or they reach an agreement. "

Kronos hit the nail on the head.

Throw out the trump card.

Tartarus fell silent again.

This is also what worries him the most.

In fact, now that he is huddled in the abyss of hell, recovering his strength is extremely slow, there is absolutely no way out.

If it really goes according to Cronus' plan...

Tartarus was in a state of confusion for a while, unable to give a reply.

Cronus also waited very patiently.

In this way, a long time passed.

After a long time of combing.

Tartarus finally made up his mind.

"Then, do as you said, Cronus, remember, you must move quickly. Also, among the gods of the underworld, there is a powerful Vulcan "I need you to put

Kronos was shocked.

This is about Hephaestus...

But it's no wonder that this guy killed Ekadena, and even made provocative words. Of course, Tartarus would not let this enemy go.

But, what he didn't know was.

Tartarus vaguely sensed that the abyss of hell had a brief connection with this young and powerful Vulcan...

Tartarus had to figure out what was going on.

"I will destroy the underworld for you and bring this god."

Kronos calmed down and said respectfully.

Led by the will of the god of hell, the army of gods and demons imprisoned in the abyss will gather soon!

Led by Cronus and Typhon, the ancestor of all demons, attack the underworld!.

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