Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 101 The Fire Stealer Reappears (Please Subscribe, Ask For Flowers, Ask For A Monthly Pass)

"Hermes, he is the only one who came so fast."

Received Nymph's report.

Poros looked to Hecate:

"Looks like I have to go back to Olympus quickly, be careful in Hades.

Although Hades lost to me, there is no guarantee that he will not do anything irrational.

Don't fight him head-on, if you can't, go to Goddess Nyx. "

"Don't worry, my personality is almost at the seventh level of the main god, plus my magic.

Hades didn't do anything to me so easily, and the goddess Nyx also felt on me. "

Hecate said calmly.

Poros nodded, and followed the nymphs to meet Hermes.

Just when Hecate thought everyone was gone.

When sighed lightly.

Suddenly, Poros's plain voice came again: "Do you feel empty in your heart? I'm still here."

Hecate looked over in surprise.

"How did you come back?"

"It's not that I'm back, it's that it's not the real me who left.

Poros smiled at her.

The silver eyes that are as bright as the starry sky look deeply into the distance.

Hecate realized: "That's your shadow, why did you use your fake self to meet Hermes?"

"Because the real me is going to visit Olympus to make Zeus less lonely."

All of a sudden, the Mask of the Band appeared in Poros.

Wear it on your face.

"Poros, you are finally here."

Seeing Poros approaching, Hermes immediately leaned over.

"Father God asked me to take you back and continue to receive rewards, the team of gods is waiting for you.

"Oh, God King really loves me." Poros was flattered.

Hermes nodded: "At first, I was not convinced, but I saw that even Pluto was defeated by Poros.

Only then did I know why God the Father values ​​you so much. "

"I still remember the first time I met you, it was here in Hades.

Fortunately, at that time, Poros, you didn't beat me like you did against Pluto today.

Otherwise I might not be able to stand here. "

The Messenger of Gods glanced wincingly at Poros as he spoke.

Poros laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Hermes, this guy, has always been this kind of cunning and cunning appearance.

"Okay, stop talking.

Let's hurry back to Olympus. "

Hermes held Poros's hand, and then activated the 'travel' authority to leave Hades.

Just a newly condensed shadow, Poros was honestly brought back to Olympus by him.

Return to the Palace of the King of Gods.

The gods are still the same as before, and the gods and goddesses stand apart one by one.

It's just that Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, is more among the goddesses.

She stands between Hestia and Athena, goddess of the hearth.

Together with the Goddess of the Hearth, they comforted the newly rescued Persephone.

See Poros walk in.

She immediately came up to thank her:

"Poros, this time is really thanks to you, otherwise I would not be able to bring Persephone back from Hades.

"Come here, Persephone, and thank Poros with me."

Persephone has olive hair, emerald green eyes, and a pretty face.

Yingying walked over.

There is no panic like ordinary girls after being kidnapped and rescued.

This young girl looks very calm.

With his hands pinned to the corners of his clothes, he politely winked at Poros and said, "Big brother, thank you for saving me."

Poros wanted to tell him.

I may not be as old as her.

In fact, it is the power of the original crystal pillar.

Let him grow faster, and he has only been born for about a hundred years, and he is already almost an adult.

But compare the current height of the two of them.

He also accepted the title of 'big brother' with peace of mind.

He smiled gently at her.

At this time, Zeus above said in a calm voice: "Poros, you went to Hades to save my daughter for me this time, and you made another day of merit.

I want to give you the most precious reward!"

He was about to order.

Poros raised his head and said, "Your Majesty the God King, I think it is already a great reward for you to confer the title of Lord God.

Other rewards are not necessary for the time being. "

"Poros, you are wrong."

Sitting on the throne, Zeus looked serious:

"Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for demerits, this is the order that the court of God relies on to maintain.

What's more, I said before that you are not allowed to refuse this reward.

You won't let my words become a laughing stock, will you?"

Watching the two people in the temple stick to each other.

The other gods present were all puzzled.

Reward for meritorious service, and punish for demerit.

God King, why were you not like us before?

Doesn't it all depend on your mood?

And Poros, if you don't want the reward of the god king, you can give it to us!

There are only a few deities who know Zeus well.

Something feels wrong.

At this time, Zeus didn't care whether Poros declined or not, and directly said to Hermes and Ares:

"Go to my treasure Curry, and bring the long coffin covered with black cloth."

Ares and Hermes, the two wounded, had no choice but to lead the way.

Zeus smiled mysteriously from above:

"Poros, when you see the gift I want to give you, you will never be willing to refuse it.

He didn't see it.

But when Hermes and Ares went to the treasure house.

In Poros' bright silver eyes.

Suddenly, a deep light flashed.

"Oh, I'm such a hard worker.

After running on the front feet, the back feet have to work again.

"Father God said that he will be rewarded for his merits, so why didn't he give me something by the way?"

On the way to Zeus' treasury, Hermes, who couldn't stop, couldn't help complaining.

Ares is leaning on a cane, staring at him fiercely with bull-like eyes:

"You are just an errand guy, what credit can you do.

Only if I can kill enemies on the battlefield for Father God, I will be credited!

My injuries are the proof of my achievements. "

"Cut, I won't argue with you idiot."

Hermes gave the God of War a cold look.

His face was full of disdain.

This made Ares so furious that he was about to hit him with a cane.

Fortunately, at this moment, they finally arrived at the treasure house.

"The treasury of God the Father, I haven't been here yet.

It is said that it contains the most precious fetishes in the world.

Every piece placed outside is enough to drive the gods crazy. "

"It's just hateful, God the Father wants to reward Poros with one of the treasures this time.

It's disgusting.

That blond boy, the son of my godfather, has never received such kindness!"

Looking at the resplendent treasure house gate in front of him.

Ares complained loudly.

Hermes took out a key and aimed it at the lock on the door.

The treasure house of the king of gods is naturally no ordinary ground.

This treasury is the strongest building that Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen, used countless materials and took three hundred years to complete.

It can be said that it is the hardest artifact.

If there is no key.

Even for Zeus himself, it is not easy to open this treasure house.

Hermes twisted the key carefully.

Accompanied by a click.

The golden portal in front of him slowly revealed a gap.

It jumped into the eyes of the two of them.

It is colorful, all kinds of dazzling light.

Not too much space.

It is full of all kinds of treasures.

There are jewelry and swords and weapons.

And a lot of weird things.

Such as a pot of emerald 190 green, flowers like gems.

A shriveled skeleton.

Half a dead old tree root.

Two star-like spheres and so on.

Ares was dazzled and amazed.

But Hermes stopped him from touching these things out of curiosity.

Pointing to a long coffin-shaped object covered by a black cloth in the middle, he said:

"This should be what God the Father wants us to take, let's carry it."

"Let me see what's in here first!"

Ares muttered, reaching out to lift the black cloth covering it.

At this moment, his body trembled violently.

Hermes next to him asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Ares' trembling voice suddenly came:

"'s you!"

"Fire Thief!"

Hermes looked along, with a look of horror on his face.

A face shrouded in a pitch-black cloak with intertwined lines and twisted complexities.

In the corner of the treasure house, it slowly emerged.

"The two of you actually met again.

It seems that you and I are very destined. "

"Then why not share all the good things here with me!"

Faint laughter came from under the intertwined, twisted and complicated 'Masque of Fool'.

Ares and Hermes trembled, wanting to say something.

But I felt my thinking suddenly stagnate.

When you come back to your senses.

Surrounded by a huge treasury of treasures of all kinds.

It is already empty.

Including the long coffin covered by black cloth in front of them, Bao Curry has everything.

They all disappeared without a trace.

And the figure shrouded under the pitch-black cloak gave out a satisfied smile.

He leaned against the door of the treasure house and said to them:

"Last time I told Zeus that I would take some time to visit Olympus.

"This time the goods are full, please convey my gratitude.

Won't be back when I'm free!"

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