Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 109 The Flowers Of Hope Bloom (Please Subscribe, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation)

Poros still remembers.

Prometheus just finished creating man.

He and his sister jointly guide various things when newborn humans are born.

At that time, Alpha and Beta always looked at them with ignorant and studious eyes, very pure and simple.

Later, human beings had a scale, and Athens was gradually built.

The two have also become sensible, always changing ways to please him and Athena.

In order to seek better protection for human beings.

The statue of Athena is such a product.

Because of this, she no longer likes the two of them.

I think they are no longer pure and full of scheming.

But the Poros know that this is their vain subject to being the leader of men.

They must fight for everything as much as possible for their own people.

One's own honor, disgrace and emotions can be abandoned.

Because they are the leaders of the race.

Subsequent events also confirmed this.

Whether it's the dark days when civilization caught fire, or the plague ten years ago.

It is the two of them who have always led the human race, surviving tenaciously, struggling to move forward, and finally ushered in the dawn.

"Dawn, dawn... hope?"

Poros held the root of hope and muttered softly.

He came to a wooden house outside Athens.

As the leader of mankind.

Alpha and Beta did not live in the center of Athens, the most prosperous city-state today.

It's a leak-picking cabin outside the city.

Even in the last years of life.

Alpha still got up very early every day, set off from the wooden house, and took his clansmen down to the fields to cultivate.

"The fertile land of Athens was bestowed upon us by the god of opportunity, who said it was suitable for planting and shipping.

"We have to cultivate it properly so that this land bestowed by the gods can nurture us for generations to come!"

During his lifetime, he warned the later human beings like this.

Now he was peacefully carried out of the cabin.

Buried at the highest point of this land by many human beings.

Forever and ever, behold this fertile field, and the city of Athens beside it.

Many humans came to his funeral.

Almost everyone in Athens came.

Surround yourself with water.

Poros shuttled through the mighty crowd, and no one could find his trace.

He came to Alpha's grave.

Stand still.

At this time, a soul full of exhaustion flew out.

Poros nodded at him.

Cast spirit summoning magic.

The soul slowly regained consciousness, with a respectful expression on the old cheek:

"Your Highness Poros, I didn't expect you to come to see me.

Poros smiled lightly at him and asked:

"How does it feel to end your life?"

Alpha's old soul body contemplated, and then replied with a little melancholy:

"Some relief, some reluctance, but more hope.

I believe that with the joint efforts of me and the subsequent clansmen, the whole clan will live better and better.

He looked at the field below with vicissitudes of life, and said with pride in his voice:

"Although in my life, the ethnic group has experienced too many changes.

But when you and Goddess Athena guided us to this land, we were only a hundred thousand men and women, and there was nothing but barrenness in front of us. "

"And now when I leave, the city-states built by human beings, including Athens, are five in total.

And the number of clansmen is also increasing day by day, life will get better and better, I have not let them down. "

Look at the resolute smile on his old face.

Poros felt the 'hope' throbbing violently in his body.

After a while, he smiled and said, "As the leader of human beings, you are very competent."

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Highness Poros."

Alpha gave him a 'hands-on salute'.

Poros nodded and opened the gates of Hades.

"Go, go to the city of 'Saint Poros' in the Underworld, and find a dead soul named Karna, and she will take care of you."

"Thank you again, Your Highness Poros."

Alpha's old soul took a deep look at the ground under his feet for the last time.

And the mighty crowd next to it, and the Athens city-state that is connected in the distance.

Walk through the gates of Hades with peace.

Watch him disappear into the darkness.

Poros looked around at the last place he looked, and murmured:

"Obviously it is a very hard and difficult life, but because you have a firm goal ahead, you will be peaceful when you come, is it peaceful?"

"Hope, hope..."

In the long voice, he disappeared in place.

Three years after Alpha's death.

Beta, another leader of the first generation of human beings, also left the field he loved in his sleep.

She was finally buried next to Alpha.

Join him in guarding the land and home they have fought for all their lives.

Poros also personally went to fetch her.

With the passage of time, the first generation of humans all withered away.

In fact, as the direct creations of Prometheus, their lifespan should not be only a short hundred years.

But the disasters and unknowns flying out of Pandora's box finally revealed their fangs slowly.

First came 'disease', then 'aging'.

And then the 'war' broke out.

After the death of the two most noble leaders, Alpha and Beta.

The five major city-states of mankind.

lost control over each other.

In order to compete for the position of the leader, they started a tragic war.

Attica, the son of Poros and Pandora, also enlisted in the army.

He was already a robust lad of sixteen.

Take up arms and join the army bravely.

"Father, mother, wait for my triumphant return!"

He waved to Poros and Pandora who looked like a middle-aged couple.

Then without looking back, he stepped into the battlefield with firm steps.

When I came back, it was already five years later.

At the age of 21, he already has a bushy beard growing on the corners of his mouth, and he has made great military exploits on the battlefield.

But also a broken arm.

So I had to leave the army and go home.

Fortunately, there are easy jobs arranged by the city-state.

He was suffering from alcoholism.

Once drunk, he offended his superior and was dismissed from his job and returned home.

Poros and Pandora's identities in Athens are obviously high-ranking temple priests.

These years are accompanied by the rapid development of human beings.

The status of the clergy has risen with the tide.

Attica also felt at ease at home and gnawed at the old man, drinking heavily all day long.

Poros and Pandora watched him secretly.

Don't teach him anything.

A few more years passed.

A sudden rainstorm spread across the land, and all human beings were affected.

Many human beings lost their lives under the overwhelming floods.

The several major city-states that had been in constant war also abandoned their past suspicions and jointly managed the floods.

After several years of continuous governance.

The flood was finally pacified.

In the process, Pandora seemed to have had enough and chose to give up her existing identity.

Let Attica witness the scene of his mother dying in the flood.

This middle-aged one-armed man was crying so hard.

Finally quit drinking after the flood and got a job.

He also met a fair-looking young woman, and they became husband and wife.

Poros presided over their wedding and watched them give birth to three sons and two daughters.

This feeling of watching the offspring reproduce and grow is amazing.

Poros had another realization.

So he also chose to die on the spot.

And Pandora, who has changed a new identity, mixed together again.

Looking at Attica who organized the funeral for him from a distance, he felt very strange in his heart.

Both parents passed away.

Attica herself is getting older and older, and Luo is moving from three thousand to four kings.

In this day and age, it is already considered old age.

He no longer had the vigor to charge into the battlefield with a sword in hand and chop off people's heads viciously when he was a teenager.

Some are just a wrinkled, dark and vicissitudes face after the weather.

He gets up early and returns late every day, doing boring and tiring work, and raising five children with his wife.

Three sons and two daughters are growing up day by day.

His back is getting more and more stooped.

And at this time, a terrible famine came.

First, a large number of locusts appeared and gnawed on the crops.

Then came the terrible drought.

For three full years, the field did not produce a grain of millet.

Walking in the streets and fields, you can see almost everywhere, hungry and skinny human beings.

In a few days, they will become corpses.

Attica's wife died first.

She left food and water for several children.

When Attica went out to find food and came back, what she saw was her decomposed corpse.

Not just his wife.

The famine also took away his eldest son and youngest daughter.

When the famine is over.

He has only three children left.

At this time, he was already forty-three years old.

Without parents, without a wife, there is only a dilapidated thatched hut that can collapse in the wind.

And three children who haven't grown up yet.

Life has to go on.

His previous job was gone, he was old, and he was missing a hand.

There is no place for him.

Fortunately, Poros and Pandora left a few acres of fields.

He worked hard every day and was exposed to the sun and rain, and finally brought up his three children.

But I don't want the second son to be a braver boy than when he was young.

Fighting with people on the street, accidentally killing the other party.

He fled Athens in a hurry, and has never heard from him since.

Attica was looking for him while pulling the other two young children.

But never heard of it.

The youngest son and eldest daughter are well-behaved.

Helped him farm together since he was a child, and shared a lot of pressure for him.

After growing up, the eldest daughter married a family in a foreign city-state, and I heard that the relationship between husband and wife is quite harmonious.

The youngest son stayed by his side, and soon got married and had children, giving birth to grandsons and granddaughters for him.

Great grandchildren.

There was a smile on his wrinkled old face.

Still farming every day, trying to leave some family property for children and grandchildren as much as possible.

Finally, he couldn't hold on anymore.

That night, he lay in bed.

Recalling the loving care of parents who behaved a little weirdly as a child.

He fought fiercely and bloodily on the battlefield when he was young.

A drunken bastard with a broken arm.

After marriage, the wife and children are full of joy.

The heartbreaking grief of a parent's death.

Desperate survival in floods and famines.

When his wife and child died young, he howled in grief.

Elderly children scattered, lonely staring lonely.

There are also the immature faces of the grandchildren who are growing up day by day.

There is no joy or joy on the old face.

Just looking at the night outside from a distance.

Like waiting for the dawn. 063

In the end, what lingered in his mind was the second son who disappeared and the daughter who married out of town.

I don't know if they are okay?

With this in mind, he closed his eyes forever at night.

At the last moment of life.

he suddenly

Surprised to see two mysterious figures appeared in front of him.

The appearance and characteristics are very similar to his parents.

No, it must be an illusion.

Father, mother, I have come to see you!

With the last thought in his life, he died.

"Watching the son who was raised by one hand pass away, how do you feel?"

Pandora asked Poros calmly.

The latter silently glanced at the wrinkled Attica on the bed.

Tranquility responded: "If you hadn't brought him back, he should have died when he was born.

But I don't know how to compare this ups and downs of life.

He is willing to die that day and never come to this world, or he likes this life with almost no peace.

Pandora pointed to his eyes looking out the window at the night, yearning for the dawn.

He smiled lightly and said, "His choice is actually very obvious, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's obvious."

Poros's mind flashed what he had seen among humans over the past few decades.

Plague, old age, war, flood, drought, famine...  

Countless disasters—befall this weak race.

Every time life just gets better, there will be new disasters.

Hunger, disease, strife, famine, parting, old age... Countless pain and fatigue always accompany every human being from birth to death.

But every human being on this land.

They are all struggling to survive, trying to make their own descendants multiply and survive.

When Alpha passed away.

Humanity has five city-states with a population of less than two million.

And now it has experienced several major disasters.

The number of human beings has reached six to seven million.

There are more than 20 large and small city-states established, scattered all over the land.

Although once suffered a lot.

But they have never given up, have been growing, and have been moving forward.

There are many people like Attica who have experienced many pains in their lives, but few people choose to give up their lives and end there.

No matter how difficult it is, they will forge ahead.

Because no matter how much suffering there is, there will always be a moment when the fragrance of flowers and sunshine come.

There is not darkness ahead of them.

Dawn is not far away.

Even if it's hard to touch, beauty is just ahead!

"Hope, hope..."

Poros murmured softly.

Take out the box that contains the root of hope.

Smiling to Pandora:

"I don't need it anymore, return it to you."

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